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<div id="main_contents">
<div id="page_header" class="container container_top">
<h1 align="center">Detail Description</h1>
</div><!-- page_header -->
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<div id="modeling_development_header" class="container_header">
<h2><span>Modeling Development</span></h2>
</div><!-- /modeling_development_header -->
<div id="modeling_development_contents" class="container_contents">
<p class="normal_text">To simulate the cell-cell communication system, we developed an ordinary differential equation model.
The following sentences describe how the equations were developed.
And in this page we expound not only on the model with the Maz system, which we selected as the best TA system for our project, but also on the one with the Yaf system, which we chose as an alternative.</p>
</div><!-- modeling_development_contents -->
<div id="modeling_maz_contents" class="container_contents">
<a href="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/5/52/T--Tokyo_Tech--Model_Details_1.png"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/5/52/T--Tokyo_Tech--Model_Details_1.png" /></a>
<p class="caption"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Fig. 4-2-1. </span> Maz System Gene Circuit</p>
<div id="modeling_detail" class="off">
<div id="modeling_detail_wrapper">
<div id="modeling_detail_expressions">
<h2>Differencial Equations</h2>
<h3>Snow White</h3>
\frac{d[mRNA_{RFP}]}{dt} = k - d[mRNA_{RFP}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{RFP}}})[mRNA_{RFP}][DiMazF]
\frac{d[mRNA_{RhlI}]}{dt} =  leak_{Plux} + \frac{\kappa_{Lux}[C12]^{n_{Lux}}}{K_{mLux}^{n_{Lux}} + [C12]^{n_{Lux}}} - d[mRNA_{RhlI}] - F_{DiMazF}f[mRNA_{RhlI}][DiMazF]
\frac{d[RFP]}{dt} = \alpha [mRNA_{RFP}] - d_{RFP}[RFP]
\frac{d[RhlI]}{dt} = \alpha [mRNA_{RhlI}] - d_{RhlI}[RhlI]
\frac{d[C4]}{dt} = p_{C4}[RhlI]P_{Snow White} - d_{C4}[C4]
\frac{d[mRNA_{MazF}]}{dt} =  leak_{Plux} + \frac{\kappa_{Lux}[C12]^{n_{Lux}}}{K_{mLux}^{n_{Lux}}+ [C12]^{n_{Lux}}} \\
       - d[mRNA_{MazF}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{MazF}}})[mRNA_{MazF}][DiMazF]
\frac{d[mRNA_{MazE}]}{dt} = k - d[mRNA_{MazE}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{MazE}}})[mRNA_{MazE}][DiMazF]
\frac{d[MazF]}{dt} = \alpha [mRNA_{MazF}] - 2k_{DiMazF}[MazF] + 2k_{-DiMazF}[DiMazF] - d_{MazF}[MazF]
\frac{d[DiMazF]}{dt} = k_{DiMazF}[MazF] - k_{-DiMazF}[DiMazF] - 2k_{Hexa}[DiMazE][DiMazF]^2 \\
       + 2k_{-Hexa}[MazHexamer] - d_{DiMazF}[DiMazF]
\frac{d[MazE]}{dt} = \alpha [mRNA_{MazE}] - 2k_{DiMazE}[MazE] + 2k_{-DiMazE}[DiMazE] - d_{MazE}[MazE]
\frac{d[DiMazE]}{dt} = k_{DiMazE}[MazE] - k_{-DiMazE}[DiMazE] - k_{Hexa}[DiMazE][DiMazF]^2 \\
       + k_{-Hexa}[MazHexamer] - d_{DiMazE}[DiMazE]
\frac{d[MazHexa]}{dt} = k_{Hexa}[DiMazE][DiMazF]^2 - k_{-Hexa}[MazHexa] - d_{Hexa}[MazHexa]
\frac{dP_{Snow White}}{dt} = g \frac{E_{DiMazF}}{E_{DiMazF}+[DiMazF]}\left(1- \frac{P_{Snow White}+P_{Queen}+P_{Prince}}{P_{max}} \right) P_{Snow White}
\frac{d[mRNA_{GFP}]}{dt} = k - d[mRNA_{GFP}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{GFP}}})[mRNA_{GFP}][DiMazF]
\frac{d[mRNA_{LasI}]}{dt} =  leak_{Prhl} + \frac{\kappa_{Rhl}[C4]^{n_{Rhl}}}{K_{mRhl}^{n_{Rhl}} + [C4]^{n_{Rhl}}} \\
       - d[mRNA_{LasI}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{LasI}}})[mRNA_{LasI}][DiMazF]
\frac{d[GFP]}{dt} = \alpha [mRNA_{GFP}] - d_{GFP}[GFP]
\frac{d[LasI]}{dt} = \alpha [mRNA_{LasI}] - d_{LasI}[LasI]
\frac{d[C12]}{dt} = p_{C12}[LasI]P_{Queen} - d_{C12}[C12] - D[C12][AmiE]
\frac{d[mRNA_{MazF}]}{dt} =  leak_{Plux} + \frac{\kappa_{Rhl}[C4]^{n_{Rhl}}}{K_{mRhl}^{n_{Rhl}} + [C4]^{n_{Rhl}}} \\
       - d[mRNA_{MazF}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{MazF}}})[mRNA_{MazF}][DiMazF]
\frac{d[mRNA_{MazE}]}{dt} = k - d[mRNA_{MazE}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{MazE}}})[mRNA_{MazE}][DiMazF]
\frac{d[MazF]}{dt} = \alpha [mRNA_{MazF}] - 2k_{DiMazF}[MazF] + 2k_{-DiMazF}[DiMazF] - d_{MazF}[MazF]
\frac{d[DiMazF]}{dt} = k_{DiMazF}[MazF] - k_{-DiMazF}[DiMazF] - 2k_{Hexa}[DiMazE][DiMazF]^2 \\
       + 2k_{-Hexa}[MazHexamer] - d_{DiMazF}[DiMazF]
\frac{d[MazE]}{dt} = \alpha [mRNA_{MazE}] - 2k_{DiMazE}[MazE] + 2k_{-DiMazE}[DiMazE] - d_{MazE}[MazE]
\frac{d[DiMazE]}{dt} = k_{DiMazE}[MazE] - k_{-DiMazE}[DiMazE] - k_{Hexa}[DiMazE][DiMazF]^2 \\
       + k_{-Hexa}[MazHexamer] - d_{DiMazE}[DiMazE]
\frac{d[MazHexa]}{dt} = k_{Hexa}[DiMazE][DiMazF]^2 - k_{-Hexa}[MazHexa] - d_{Hexa}[MazHexa]
\frac{dP_{Queen}}{dt} = g \frac{E_{DiMazF}}{E_{DiMazF}+[DiMazF]}\left(1- \frac{P_{Snow White}+P_{Queen}+P_{Prince}}{P_{max}}\right) P_{Queen}\\
\frac{d[mRNA_{AmiE}]}{dt} = leak_{Plux} + \frac{\kappa_{Lux}[C12]^n}{K_{mLux}^n + [C12]^n} - d[mRNA_{AmiE}]
\frac{d[AmiE]}{dt} = \alpha [mRNA_{AmiE}]P_{Prince} - d_{AmiE}[AmiE]
\frac{dP_{Prince}}{dt} = g\left(1- \frac{P_{Snow White}+P_{Queen}+P_{Prince}}{P_{max}}\right) P_{Prince}
</div><!-- /modeling_detail_expressions -->
<div id="modeling_detail_parameter">
<h2>Explanation about Parameters</h2>
<table border="1" style="margin: auto;">
<tr><td>Parameter </td><td> Description </td></tr>
<tr><td>$$g$$ </td><td> Growth rate of each cells</td></tr>
<tr><td>$$P_{max}$$ </td><td> Carrying capacity </td></tr>
<tr><td>$$E_{DiMazF}$$ </td><td> Effect of MazF dimer on growth rate</td></tr>
<tr><td>$$k$$ </td><td> Transcription rate of downstream of Pcon </td></tr>
<tr><td>$$leak_{Plux}$$ </td><td> Leakage of Plux </td></tr>
<tr><td>$$leak_{Prhl}$$ </td><td> Leakage of Prhl </td></tr>
<tr><td>$$\kappa_{Lux}$$ </td><td> Maximum transcription rate of mRNA under Plux</td></tr>
<tr><td>$$\kappa_{Rhl}$$ </td><td> Maximum transcription rate of downstream of Prhl </td></tr>
<tr><td>$$n_{Lux}$$ </td><td> Hill coefficient for Plux</td></tr>
<tr><td>$$n_{Rhl}$$ </td><td> Hill coefficient for Prhl</td></tr>
<tr><td>$$K_{mLux}$$ </td><td> Lumped paremeter for the Lux System</td></tr>
<tr><td>$$K_{mRhl}$$ </td><td> Lumped paremeter for the Rhl System</td></tr>
<tr><td>$$F_{DiMazF}$$ </td><td> Cutting rate at ACA sequences on mRNA by MazF dimer</td></tr>
<tr><td>$$f$$ </td><td> The probability of distinction of ACA sequencess in each mRNA</td></tr>
<tr><td>$$f_{mRNA_{RFP}}$$ </td><td> The number of ACA sequences in \(mRNA_{RFP}\)</td></tr>
<tr><td>$$f_{mRNA_{GFP}}$$ </td><td> The number of ACA sequences in \(mRNA_{GFP}\)</td></tr>
<tr><td>$$f_{mRNA_{RhlI}}$$ </td><td> The number of ACA sequences in \(mRNA_{RhlI}\) </td></tr>
<tr><td>$$f_{mRNA_{LasI}}$$ </td><td> The number of ACA sequences in \(mRNA_{LasI}\)</td></tr>
<tr><td>$$f_{mRNA_{MazF}}$$ </td><td> The number of ACA sequences in \(mRNA_{MazF}\) </td></tr>
<tr><td>$$f_{mRNA_{MazE}}$$ </td><td> The number of ACA sequences in \(mRNA_{MazE}\) </td></tr>
<tr><td>$$\alpha$$ </td><td> Translation rate of Protein </td></tr>
<tr><td>$$k_{DiMazF}$$ </td><td> Formation rate of MazF dimer </td></tr>
<tr><td>$$k_{-DiMazF}$$ </td><td> Dissociation rate of MazF dimer </td></tr>
<tr><td>$$k_{DiMazE}$$ </td><td> Formation rate of MazE dimer </td></tr>
<tr><td>$$k_{-DiMazE}$$ </td><td> Dissociation rate of MazE dimer </td></tr>
<tr><td>$$k_{Hexa}$$ </td><td> Formation rate of Maz hexamer </td></tr>
<tr><td>$$k_{-Hexa}$$ </td><td> Dissociation rate of Maz hexamer</td></tr>
<tr><td>$$p_{C4}$$ </td><td> Production rate of C4HSL by RhlI</td></tr>
<tr><td>$$p_{C12}$$ </td><td> Production rate of 3OC12HSL by LuxI </td></tr>
<tr><td>$$D$$ </td><td> Decomposition rate of 3OC12HSL by AmiE </td></tr>
<tr><td>$$d$$ </td><td> Degradation rate of mRNA </td></tr>
<tr><td>$$d_{RFP}$$ </td><td> Degradation rate of RFP</td></tr>
<tr><td>$$d_{GFP}$$ </td><td> Degradation rate of GFP </td></tr>
<tr><td>$$d_{RhlI}$$ </td><td> Degradation rate of RhlI</td></tr>
<tr><td>$$d_{LasI}$$ </td><td> Degradation rate of LasI</td></tr>
<tr><td>$$d_{MazF}$$ </td><td> Degradation rate of MazF</td></tr>
<tr><td>$$d_{DiMazF}$$ </td><td> Degradation rate of MazF dimer</td></tr>
<tr><td>$$d_{MazE}$$ </td><td> Degradation rate of MazE </td></tr>
<tr><td>$$d_{DiMazE}$$ </td><td> Degradation rate of MazE dimer </td></tr>
<tr><td>$$d_{Hexa}$$ </td><td> Degradation rate of Maz Hexamer </td></tr>
<tr><td>$$d_{C4}$$ </td><td> Degradation rate of C4HSL </td></tr>
<tr><td>$$d_{C12}$$ </td><td> Degradation rate of 3OC12HSL </td></tr>
<tr><td>$$d_{AmiE}$$ </td><td> Degradation rate of AmiE </td></tr>
<div class="menu_wrapper" >
</div><!-- /modeling_detail_parameter -->
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</div><!-- /modeling_detail -->
<p class="normal_text" style="text-align:center;"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="show('modeling_detail');" class="showHidden">Expressions</a></p>
<ul id="modeling_maz_list" class="non_dotted_list">
<li><h2>1. Cell Population</h2>
<p>$$ \frac{dP_{Snow White}}{dt} = g \frac{E_{DiMazF}}{E_{DiMazF}+[DiMazF]}\left(1- \frac{P_{Snow White}+P_{Queen}+P_{Prince}}{P_{max}} \right) P_{Snow White} $$ <br /> $$  \tag{1-1} $$</p>
\frac{dP_{Queen}}{dt} = g \frac{E_{DiMazF}}{E_{DiMazF}+[DiMazF]}\left(1- \frac{P_{Snow White}+P_{Queen}+P_{Prince}}{P_{max}}\right) P_{Queen}$$ <br /> $$ \tag{1-2} $$</p>
\frac{dP_{Prince}}{dt} = g\left(1- \frac{P_{Snow White}+P_{Queen}+P_{Prince}}{P_{max}}\right) P_{Prince} \tag{1-3} $$ </p>
<p class="caption"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Eq.1. </span> Differential Equation of Cell Population</p>
<p class="normal_text">The equations above describe how cells grow in the culture.
Equations (1-1), (1-2) and (1-3) describe the populations of Snow White, the Queen and the Prince. (1-3) is described by the logistic growth equation, but (1-1) and (1-2) are represented by the growth inhibition by MazF dimers.
This factor is designed so that its value is small when the concentration of MazF dimers is low, and its value converges to 1 when the concentration of MazF dimers is high.</p>
</li><!-- /1.1. Cell Population -->
<li><h2>2. Maz System</h2>
<ul id="modeling_maz_system" class="non_dotted_list">
<li><h3>2.1. Expression of Maz System</h3>
<p class="normal_text">After translation, MazE and MazF each form  an stable dimer which can be activated to exert its function.</p>
<a href="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/8/88/T--Tokyo_Tech--Model_Details_2.png"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/8/88/T--Tokyo_Tech--Model_Details_2.png" /></a><br />
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<p class="normal_text">Two MazE dimers sandwich the MazF dimer, forming MazF2-MazE2-MazF2 heterohexamers and suppressing the toxicity of the MazF dimers.</p>
<a href="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/e/ea/T--Tokyo_Tech--Model_Details_4.png"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/e/ea/T--Tokyo_Tech--Model_Details_4.png" /></a>
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<p class="caption"><span style="font-weight: bold">Fig. 4-2-2. </span> Reaction of Maz System</p>
<p class="normal_text">The mRNAs of Snow White and the Queen decrease by their original degradation and by the cleavage at ACA sequences by MazF dimers.</p>
<p class="normal_text">Applying mass action kinetic laws, we obtain the following set of differential equations.</p>
<h3>Snow White</h3>
\frac{d[mRNA_{MazF}]}{dt} =  leak_{Plux} + \frac{\kappa_{Lux}[C12]^{n_{Lux}}}{K_{mLux}^{n_{Lux}}+ [C12]^{n_{Lux}}} \\
       - d[mRNA_{MazF}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{MazF}}})[mRNA_{MazF}][DiMazF] $$<br />$$ \tag{2-1} $$</p>
<p>$$ \frac{d[MazF]}{dt} = \alpha [mRNA_{MazF}] - 2k_{DiMazF}[MazF] + 2k_{-DiMazF}[DiMazF] - d_{MazF}[MazF] $$ <br />
<p>$$ \frac{d[DiMazF]}{dt} = k_{DiMazF}[MazF] - k_{-DiMazF}[DiMazF] - 2k_{Hexa}[DiMazE][DiMazF]^2 \\
       + 2k_{-Hexa}[MazHexamer] - d_{DiMazF}[DiMazF] $$<br />$$ \tag{2-3} $$</p>
<p>$$ \frac{d[mRNA_{MazE}]}{dt} = k - d[mRNA_{MazE}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{MazE}}})[mRNA_{MazE}][DiMazF] $$ <br />$$ \tag{2-4} $$</p>
<p>$$\frac{d[MazE]}{dt} = \alpha [mRNA_{MazE}] - 2k_{DiMazE}[MazE] + 2k_{-DiMazE}[DiMazE] - d_{MazE}[MazE]$$
<br />$$\tag{2-5}$$</p>
\frac{d[DiMazE]}{dt} = k_{DiMazE}}[MazE] - k_{-DiMazE}[DiMazE] - k_{Hexa}[DiMazE][DiMazF]^2 \\
       + k_{-Hexa}[MazHexamer] - d_{DiMazE}[DiMazE]$$ <br />$$\tag{2-6} $$</p>
<p>$$\frac{d[MazHexa]}{dt} = k_{Hexa}[DiMazE][DiMazF]^2 - k_{-Hexa}[MazHexa] - d_{Hexa}[MazHexa]$$ <br />$$ \tag{2-7}$$</p>
\frac{d[mRNA_{MazF}]}{dt} =  leak_{Plux} + \frac{\kappa_{Lux}[C12]^{n_{Lux}}}{K_{mLux}^{n_{Lux}}+ [C12]^{n_{Lux}}} \\
       - d[mRNA_{MazF}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{MazF}}})[mRNA_{MazF}][DiMazF] $$<br />$$ \tag{2-8} $$</p>
<p>$$ \frac{d[MazF]}{dt} = \alpha [mRNA_{MazF}] - 2k_{DiMazF}[MazF] + 2k_{-DiMazF}[DiMazF] - d_{MazF}[MazF] $$ <br />
<p>$$ \frac{d[DiMazF]}{dt} = k_{DiMazF}[MazF] - k_{-DiMazF}[DiMazF] - 2k_{Hexa}[DiMazE][DiMazF]^2 \\
       + 2k_{-Hexa}[MazHexamer] - d_{DiMazF}[DiMazF] $$<br />$$ \tag{2-10} $$</p>
<p>$$ \frac{d[mRNA_{MazE}]}{dt} = k - d[mRNA_{MazE}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{MazE}}})[mRNA_{MazE}][DiMazF] $$ <br />$$ \tag{2-11} $$</p>
<p>$$\frac{d[MazE]}{dt} = \alpha [mRNA_{MazE}] - 2k_{DiMazE}[MazE] + 2k_{-DiMazE}[DiMazE] - d_{MazE}[MazE]$$
<br />$$\tag{2-12}$$</p>
\frac{d[DiMazE]}{dt} = k_{DiMazE}[MazE] - k_{-DiMazE}[DiMazE] - k_{Hexa}[DiMazE][DiMazF]^2 \\
       + k_{-Hexa}[MazHexamer] - d_{DiMazE}[DiMazE]$$ <br />$$\tag{2-13} $$</p>
<p>$$\frac{d[MazHexa]}{dt} = k_{Hexa}[DiMazE][DiMazF]^2 - k_{-Hexa}[MazHexa] - d_{Hexa}[MazHexa]$$ <br />$$ \tag{2-14}$$</p>
<p class="caption"><span style="font-weight: bold">Eq. 2. </span>Differential Equations of Maz System</p>
<p class="normal_text">Equations (2-1) and (2-8) describe the concentration of mRNAs under the AHL inducing promoters.
Thus, they comprise terms of production by leaky expressions of promoters, terms of production by Hill function dependent on the concentration of C12/C4, terms of original degradation and terms of degradation from cleavage at ACA sequences by MazF dimers.
Since Equations (2-2), (2-3), (2-5), (2-6), (2-7), (2-9), (2-10), (2-12), (2-13) and (2-14) describe the concentrations of complexes, mainly they comprise terms of production and terms of binding and dissociation.</p>
</li><!-- /1.2.1. Expression of Maz System -->
<li><h3>2.2. Cleavage by MazF dimers</h3>
<p class="normal_text">MazF dimers recognize and cleave ACAs in mRNAs, thus acting as Toxin.</p>
<p class="normal_text">We estimated the rate of recognitions of ACA sequences by MazF dimers at \(1-(1-f)^n\), where the number of ACA sequences in mRNA.</p>
<p class="normal_text">Then, we expressed the rate of degradation by MazF dimers in \(F(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA}})\) and obtain the following set of differential equations.</p>
<h3>Snow White</h3>
<p>$$\frac{d[mRNA_{RFP}]}{dt} = k - d[mRNA_{RFP}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{RFP}}})[mRNA_{RFP}][DiMazF]
$$ <br />$$ \tag{3-1} $$</p>
\frac{d[mRNA_{RhlI}]}{dt} =  leak_{Plux} + \frac{\kappa_{Lux}[C12]^{n_{Lux}}}{K_{mLux}^{n_{Lux}} + [C12]^{n_{Lux}}} - d[mRNA_{RhlI}] - F_{DiMazF}$$
<br />$$ \tag{3-2} $$</p>
<p>$$\frac{d[mRNA_{MazF}]}{dt} =  leak_{Plux} + \frac{\kappa_{Lux}[C12]^{n_{Lux}}}{K_{mLux}^{n_{Lux}}+ [C12]^{n_{Lux}}} \\
       - d[mRNA_{MazF}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{MazF}}})[mRNA_{MazF}][DiMazF]
$$ <br /> $$\tag{3-3}$$</p>
<p>$$\frac{d[mRNA_{MazE}]}{dt} = k - d[mRNA_{MazE}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{MazE}}})[mRNA_{MazE}][DiMazF]$$
<br />$$ \tag{3-4} $$</p>
<p>$$\frac{d[mRNA_{GFP}]}{dt} = k - d[mRNA_{GFP}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{GFP}}})[mRNA_{GFP}][DiMazF]
$$<br />$$ \tag{3-5} %%</p>
\frac{d[mRNA_{LasI}]}{dt} =  leak_{Prhl} + \frac{\kappa_{Rhl}[C4]^{n_{Rhl}}}{K_{mRhl}^{n_{Rhl}} + [C4]^{n_{Rhl}}} \\
       - d[mRNA_{LasI}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{LasI}}})[mRNA_{LasI}][DiMazF] $$ <br />$$ \tag{3-6} $$</p>
<p>$$\frac{d[mRNA_{MazF}]}{dt} =  leak_{Plux} + \frac{\kappa_{Lux}[C12]^{n_{Lux}}}{K_{mLux}^{n_{Lux}}+ [C12]^{n_{Lux}}} \\
       - d[mRNA_{MazF}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{MazF}}})[mRNA_{MazF}][DiMazF]
$$ <br /> $$\tag{3-7}$$</p>
<p>$$\frac{d[mRNA_{MazE}]}{dt} = k - d[mRNA_{MazE}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{MazE}}})[mRNA_{MazE}][DiMazF]$$
<br />$$ \tag{3-8} $$</p>
<p class="caption"><span style="font-weight: bold">Eq. 3. </span>Differential Equations of mRNAs</p>
<p class="normal_text">The equations above comprise terms of production, terms of original degradation and terms of degradation from cleavage at ACA sequences by MazF dimers.
</li><!-- /1.2.2. Cleavage by MazF dimers -->
</ul><!-- /modeling_maz_system -->
</li><!-- /1.2. Maz System -->
<li><h2>3. Signal Molecules</h2>
<a href="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/c/c4/T--Tokyo_Tech--Model_Details_6.png"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/c/c4/T--Tokyo_Tech--Model_Details_6.png" style="width: 300px;" /></a>
<p class="caption"><span style="font-weight:bold;">Fig. 4-2-3. </span> Reaction of Signal Molecules</p>
<p class="normal_text">Snow White expresses RhlI under Plux induced by C12, the Queen expresses LasI under Prhl induced by C4 and the Prince expresses AmiE under Plux induced by C12.</p>
<p class="normal_text">The mRNAs of Snow White and the Queen decrease from original degradation and the cleavage at ACA sequences by MazF dimers.
On the other hand, those of the Prince don’t have any MazF gene so they decrease from only original degradation.</p>
<p class="normal_text">After translation, C12AHL and C4 are enzymatically synthesized by LasI and RhlI from some substrates respectively.
For simplicity, we assumed that the amount of substrates is sufficient so that the C12AHL / C4 synthesis rate per cell is estimated to be proportional to the LasI and RhlI concentrations.</p>
<p class="normal_text">C4 decreases from original degradation meanwhile C12AHL decreases from both original degradation and degradation by AmiE, which Prince products.</p>
<p class="normal_text">Applying mass action kinetic laws, we obtain the following set of differential equations.</p>
<p>$$ \frac{d[mRNA_{RhlI}]}{dt} =  leak_{Plux} + \frac{\kappa_{Lux}[C12]^{n_{Lux}}}{K_{mLux}^{n_{Lux}} + [C12]^{n_{Lux}}} - d[mRNA_{RhlI}] - F_{DiMazF}f[mRNA_{RhlI}][DiMazF] $$<br />$$\tag{4-1}$$</p>
<p>$$\frac{d[RhlI]}{dt} = \alpha [mRNA_{RhlI}] - d_{RhlI}[RhlI] \tag{4-2}$$</p>
<p>$$ \frac{d[Rhl AHL]}{dt} = p_{Rhl}[RhlI]P_{Snowwhite} - d_{RhlAHL}[RhlAHL] \tag{4-3} $$</p>
<p>$$ \frac{d[mRNA_{LasI}]}{dt} =  leak_{Prhl} + \frac{\kappa_{Rhl}[C4]^{n_{Rhl}}}{K_{mRhl}^{n_{Rhl}} + [C4]^{n_{Rhl}}} - d[mRNA_{LasI}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{LasI}}})[mRNA_{LasI}][DiMazF] $$<br />$$\tag{4-4}$$</p>
<p>$$\frac{d[LasI]}{dt} = \alpha [mRNA_{LasI}] - d_{LasI}[LasI] \tag{4-5}$$</p>
<p>$$\frac{d[LasAHL]}{dt} = p_{Las}[LasI]P_{Stepmother} - d_{LasAHL}[LasAHL] - D[LasAHL][AmiE]$$ <br /> $$\tag{4-6}$$</p>
<p>$$\frac{d[mRNA_{AmiE}]}{dt} = leak_{Plux} + \frac{\kappa_{Lux}[C12]^n}{K_{mLux}^n + [C12]^n} - d[mRNA_{AmiE}]$$ <br />$$\tag{4-7}$$</p>
<p>$$\frac{d[AmiE]}{dt} = \alpha [mRNA_{AmiE}]P_{Prince} - d_{AmiE}[AmiE] \tag{4-8} $$</p>
<p class="caption"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Eq. 4. </span> Differential Equations of Signaling Molecules</p>
<p class="normal_text">Equations (4-1), (4-4) and (4-7) describe the concentrations of mRNAs under the AHL inducing promoters.
Thus, they comprise terms of production by leaky expressions of promoters, terms of production by Hill function dependent on the concentration of C12/C4, terms of original degradation and terms of degradation from cleavage at ACA sequences by MazF dimers.</p>
<p class="normal_text">The other ODEs describe how the concentrations of materials change in individuals, on the other hand (4-3), (4-6) describe the concentrations of C4 C12AHL in the whole culture medium.</p>
</ul><!-- /modeling_maz_list -->
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<!-- この辺から表 -->
<div id="parameter_discription_contents" class="container_contents">
<table border="1" width="800px">
<td>$$ g $$</td>
<td>Growth rate of each cells</td>
<td>Fitted to experimental data</td>
<td>$$ P_{max} $$</td>
<td>Carrying capacity</td>
<td>Fitted to experimental data</td>
<td>$$ E_{DiMazF} $$</td>
<td>$$ 0.462234 nM^{-1} min^{-1} $$ </td>
<td>Effect of MazF dimer on growth rate of each cells</td>
<td>Fitted to experimental data</td>
<td>$$ k $$</td>
<td>$$5 min^{-1}$$</td>
<td>Transcription rate of downstream of Ptet</td>
<td>$$ leak_{Plux} $$</td>
<td>$$ 2.26 min^{-1} $$</td>
<td>Leakage of Plux</td>
<td> Fitted to experimental data </td>
<td>$$ leak_{Prhl} $$</td>
<td>$$ 4.654 min^{-1} $$</td>
<td>Leakage of Prhl</td>
<td> Fitted to experimental data </td>
<td>$$ κ_{Lux} $$</td>
<td>$$ 6.984 nM^{-1} min^{-1} $$ </td>
<td>Maximum transcription rate of under streams of Plux</td>
<td> Fitted to experimental data </td>
<td>$$ κ_{Rhl} $$</td>
<td>$$ 14.95 nM^{-1} min^{-1} $$ </td>
<td>Maximum transcription rate of understreams of Prhl</td>
<td> Fitted to experimental data </td>
<td>$$ n_{Lux} $$</td>
<td> 0.76 </td>
<td>Hill coefficient for Plux</td>
<td> Fitted to experimental data </td>
<td>$$ n_{Rhl} $$</td>
<td> 5 </td>
<td>Hill cofficient for Prhl</td>
<td> Fitted to experimental data </td>
<td>$$ K_{mLux} $$</td>
<td>$$ 116.24nM $$</td>
<td>Lumped parameter for the Lux system</td>
<td> Fitted to experimental data </td>
<td>$$ K_{mRhl} $$</td>
<td>$$ 1000 nM $$</td>
<td>Lumped parameter for the Rhl system</td>
<td> Fitted to experimental data </td>
<td>$$ F_{DiMazF} $$</td>
<td> $$ 5 nM^{-1} min^{-1} $$</td>
<td>Cutting rate at ACA sequences on mRNA by MazF dimers </td>
<td> Estimated </td>
<td>$$ f $$</td>
<td> 0.299 </td>
<td>The probability of distinction of ACA sequences on each mRNA</td>
<td> Fitted to experimental data </td>
<td>$$ f_{mRNA_{RFP}} $$</td>
<td> 10 </td>
<td>$$ The number of ACA sequences on mRNA_{RFP} $$</td>
<td> Extraction of data </td>
<td>$$ f_{mRNA_{GFP}} $$</td>
<td> 23 </td>
<td>$$ The number of ACA sequences on mRNA_{GFP} $$</td>
<td> Extraction of data </td>
<td>$$ f_{mRNA_{RhlI}} $$</td>
<td> 1 </td>
<td>$$ The number of ACA sequences on mRNA_{RhlI} $$</td>
<td> Extraction of data </td>
<td>$$ f_{mRNA_{LasI}} $$</td>
<td> 10 </td>
<td>$$ The number of ACA sequences on mRNA_{LasI} $$</td>
<td> Extraction of data </td>
<td>$$ f_{mRNA_{MazF}} $$</td>
<td> 2 </td>
<td>$$ The number of ACA sequences on mRNA_{MazF} $$</td>
<td> Extraction of data </td>
<td>$$ f_{mRNA_{MazE}} $$</td>
<td> 2 </td>
<td>$$ The number of ACA sequences on mRNA_{MazE} $$</td>
<td> Extraction of data </td>
<td>$$ α $$</td>
<td> $$ 0.04 min_{-1} $$ </td>
<td>Translation rate of </td>
<td> Estimated </td>
<td>$$ k_{DiMazF}$$</td>
<td> $$ 6.82 nM_{-1} min_{-1} $$ </td>
<td>Formation rate of MazF dimer </td>
<td> Fitted to experimental data </td>
<td>$$ k_{-Di_{MazF}}$$</td>
<td> $$ 6.24 nM^{-1} min^{-1} $$ </td>
<td>Formation rate of MazF dimer </td>
<td> Fitted to experimental data </td>
<td>$$ k_{Di_{MazE}}$$</td>
<td> $$ 3.46 nM^{-1} min^{-1} $$ </td>
<td>Formation rate of MazF dimer </td>
<td> Fitted to experimental data  </td>
<td>$$ k_{-Di_{MazE}}$$</td>
<td> $$ 7.25 min^{-1} $$ </td>
<td>Dissociation rate of MazF dimer </td>
<td> Fitted to experimental data </td>
<td>$$ k_{Hexa}$$</td>
<td> $$ 4.51 nM^{-1} min^{-1} $$ </td>
<td>Formation rate of Maz hexamer </td>
<td> Fitted to experimental data </td>
<td>$$ k_{-Hexa}$$</td>
<td> $$ 4.05 min^{-1} $$ </td>
<td>Dissociation rate of Maz hexamer </td>
<td> Fitted to experimental data </td>
<td>$$ p_{C4}$$</td>
<td> $$ 0.07 min^{-1} $$ </td>
<td> Production rate of C4HSL by RhlI </td>
<td> Estimated </td>
<td>$$ p_{C12}$$</td>
<td> $$ 0.07 min^{-1} $$ </td>
<td> Production rate of 3OC12HSL by LasI </td>
<td> Estimated </td>
<td>$$ D $$</td>
<td> $$ 5 nM^{-1} min^{-1} $$ </td>
<td> Decomposition rate of 3OC12HSL by AmiE </td>
<td> Estimated </td>
    <td>$$ d $$</td>
    <td>$$ 0.2773 min^{-1} $$ </td>
    <td> Degradation rate of mRNA </td>
    <td> Leference </td>
    <td>$$ d_{RFP} $$</td>
    <td>$$ 0.018 min^{-1} $$ </td>
    <td> Degradation rate of RFP </td>
    <td> Leference </td>
    <td>$$ d_{GFP} $$</td>
    <td>$$ 0.04 min^{-1} $$ </td>
    <td> Degradation rate of GFP </td>
    <td> Leference </td>
    <td>$$ d_{RhlI} $$</td>
    <td>$$ 0.0167 min^{-1} $$ </td>
    <td> Degradation rate of RhlI </td>
    <td> Leference </td>
    <td>$$ d_{LasI} $$</td>
    <td>$$ 0.0167 min^{-1} $$ </td>
    <td> Degradation rate of LasI </td>
    <td> Leference </td>
    <td>$$ d_{MazF} $$</td>
    <td>$$ 0.7 min^{-1} $$ </td>
    <td> Degradation rate of MazF </td>
    <td> Fitted to experimental data </td>
    <td>$$ d_{DiMazF} $$</td>
    <td>$$ 0.17 min^{-1} $$ </td>
    <td> Degradation rate of MazF dimer </td>
    <td> Fitted to experimental data </td>
    <td>$$ d_{MazE} $$</td>
    <td>$$ 0.55 min^{-1} $$ </td>
    <td> Degradation rate of MazE </td>
    <td> Fitted to experimental data </td>
    <td>$$ d_{DiMazE} $$</td>
    <td>$$ 0.416 min^{-1} $$ </td>
    <td> Degradation rate of MazE dimer </td>
    <td> Fitted to experimental data </td>
    <td>$$ d_{Hexa} $$</td>
    <td>$$ 0.511 min^{-1} $$ </td>
    <td> Degradation rate of Maz hexameter </td>
    <td> Fitted to experimental data </td>
    <td>$$ d_{C4} $$</td>
    <td>$$ 0.000222 min^{-1} $$ </td>
    <td> Degradation rate of C4HSL </td>
    <td> Literature </td>
    <td>$$ d_{C12} $$</td>
    <td>$$ 0.004 min^{-1} $$ </td>
    <td> Degradation rate of 3OC12HSL </td>
    <td> Literature </td>
    <td>$$ d_{AmiE} $$</td>
    <td>$$ 0.001 min^{-1} $$ </td>
    <td> Degradation rate of AmiE </td>
    <td> Assumption </td>
</div><!-- /parameter_discription_contents -->
<!-- この辺まで表 -->
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<p class="normal_text">[1] <a href="ここにリンク"></a></p>
<p class="normal_text"> [2]  <a href="ここにリンク"></a>.</p>
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<h2> Project Description</h2>
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<p>Our Team Tokyo_Tech is currently working on the following four projects:</p>
<p>Ⅰ. Representing fashion show and Othello with the interaction among <span style="font-style: italic;">E. coli</span>.
<p>Ⅱ. Engineering the <span style="font-style: italic;">E. coli</span> which can secrete and absorb protein.
<p>Ⅲ. Engineering the <span style="font-style: italic;">E. coli</span> which can increase the efficiency to allocate phosphorus fertilizer and synthesize a variety of plant hormones.
<p>Ⅳ. Representing the famous fairy tale, Snow White with the interaction among <span style="font-style: italic;">E. coli</span>.
<p>Ⅰ. We have developed the mechanism about coating the surface of <span style="font-style: italic;">E. coli</span> , and run the fashion show of <span style="font-style: italic;">E. coli</span> with various kinds of fluorescence. It is expected that the development of proteins which bind with specific antibody or cell targeted would be applied to determining the location of the target, establishing the system to control the motion of the target and also microbe sensor for the specific substance. This system will be applied in various fields such as Biology and Medicine. In our opinion, the control of multiple motions among <span style="font-style: italic;">E. coli</span> will be used as a device of microbe sensor by combinating <span style="font-style: italic;">E. coli</span> and hardware.
<p>Ⅱ. We aim to develop the system of <span style="font-style: italic;">E. coli</span> which can secrete a large amount of target protein.  because in order to synthesize and collect target protein, we have to break down the whole <span style="font-style: italic;">E. coli</span>, It‘s a time-consuming process to get the purified target protein. However, if the system secreting the target protein efficiently can be established, we’ll be able to produce the target protein without killing <span style="font-style: italic;">E. coli</span> and reduce the cost of production.
<p>Ⅲ. We are trying to produce phosphoric acid from phosphate in <span style="font-style: italic;">E. coli</span> which is hardly soluble and not absorbed by plants. Through this process,it will be able to increase the efficiency of phosphorus fertilizer’s allocation and to alleviate the depletion of phosphate rock. In addition, we aim to grow vegetables in a short term by synthesizing plant hormone by <span style="font-style: italic;">E. coli</span>.
<p>Ⅳ.  We plan to apply AHL-degrading enzyme and toxin used for representing Snow White by <span style="font-style: italic;">E. coli</span> in the practice. AHL-degrading enzyme can be applied to preventing the generation of biofilm. In our opinion, the death of malignant cells can be induced by inducing the expression of toxin gene. According to the mathematical modeling about competition and balance of bacteria, we are still studying about the analysis of the competition among bacteria populations <span style="font-style: italic;">in vivo</span>, river and soil.
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Modeling Development

To simulate the cell-cell communication system, we developed an ordinary differential equation model. The following sentences describe how the equations were developed. And in this page we expound not only on the model with the Maz system, which we selected as the best TA system for our project, but also on the one with the Yaf system, which we chose as an alternative.

Fig. 4-2-1. Maz System Gene Circuit

Differencial Equations

Snow White

\begin{equation} \frac{d[mRNA_{RFP}]}{dt} = k - d[mRNA_{RFP}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{RFP}}})[mRNA_{RFP}][DiMazF] \end{equation} \begin{equation} \frac{d[mRNA_{RhlI}]}{dt} = leak_{Plux} + \frac{\kappa_{Lux}[C12]^{n_{Lux}}}{K_{mLux}^{n_{Lux}} + [C12]^{n_{Lux}}} - d[mRNA_{RhlI}] - F_{DiMazF}f[mRNA_{RhlI}][DiMazF] \end{equation} \begin{equation} \frac{d[RFP]}{dt} = \alpha [mRNA_{RFP}] - d_{RFP}[RFP] \end{equation} \begin{equation} \frac{d[RhlI]}{dt} = \alpha [mRNA_{RhlI}] - d_{RhlI}[RhlI] \end{equation} \begin{equation} \frac{d[C4]}{dt} = p_{C4}[RhlI]P_{Snow White} - d_{C4}[C4] \end{equation} \begin{equation} \frac{d[mRNA_{MazF}]}{dt} = leak_{Plux} + \frac{\kappa_{Lux}[C12]^{n_{Lux}}}{K_{mLux}^{n_{Lux}}+ [C12]^{n_{Lux}}} \\        - d[mRNA_{MazF}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{MazF}}})[mRNA_{MazF}][DiMazF] \end{equation} \begin{equation} \frac{d[mRNA_{MazE}]}{dt} = k - d[mRNA_{MazE}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{MazE}}})[mRNA_{MazE}][DiMazF] \end{equation} \begin{equation} \frac{d[MazF]}{dt} = \alpha [mRNA_{MazF}] - 2k_{DiMazF}[MazF] + 2k_{-DiMazF}[DiMazF] - d_{MazF}[MazF] \end{equation} \begin{equation} \frac{d[DiMazF]}{dt} = k_{DiMazF}[MazF] - k_{-DiMazF}[DiMazF] - 2k_{Hexa}[DiMazE][DiMazF]^2 \\        + 2k_{-Hexa}[MazHexamer] - d_{DiMazF}[DiMazF] \end{equation} \begin{equation} \frac{d[MazE]}{dt} = \alpha [mRNA_{MazE}] - 2k_{DiMazE}[MazE] + 2k_{-DiMazE}[DiMazE] - d_{MazE}[MazE] \end{equation} \begin{equation} \frac{d[DiMazE]}{dt} = k_{DiMazE}[MazE] - k_{-DiMazE}[DiMazE] - k_{Hexa}[DiMazE][DiMazF]^2 \\        + k_{-Hexa}[MazHexamer] - d_{DiMazE}[DiMazE] \end{equation} \begin{equation} \frac{d[MazHexa]}{dt} = k_{Hexa}[DiMazE][DiMazF]^2 - k_{-Hexa}[MazHexa] - d_{Hexa}[MazHexa] \end{equation} \begin{equation} \frac{dP_{Snow White}}{dt} = g \frac{E_{DiMazF}}{E_{DiMazF}+[DiMazF]}\left(1- \frac{P_{Snow White}+P_{Queen}+P_{Prince}}{P_{max}} \right) P_{Snow White} \end{equation}


\begin{equation} \frac{d[mRNA_{GFP}]}{dt} = k - d[mRNA_{GFP}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{GFP}}})[mRNA_{GFP}][DiMazF] \end{equation} \begin{equation} \frac{d[mRNA_{LasI}]}{dt} = leak_{Prhl} + \frac{\kappa_{Rhl}[C4]^{n_{Rhl}}}{K_{mRhl}^{n_{Rhl}} + [C4]^{n_{Rhl}}} \\        - d[mRNA_{LasI}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{LasI}}})[mRNA_{LasI}][DiMazF] \end{equation} \begin{equation} \frac{d[GFP]}{dt} = \alpha [mRNA_{GFP}] - d_{GFP}[GFP] \end{equation} \begin{equation} \frac{d[LasI]}{dt} = \alpha [mRNA_{LasI}] - d_{LasI}[LasI] \end{equation} \begin{equation} \frac{d[C12]}{dt} = p_{C12}[LasI]P_{Queen} - d_{C12}[C12] - D[C12][AmiE] \end{equation} \begin{equation} \frac{d[mRNA_{MazF}]}{dt} = leak_{Plux} + \frac{\kappa_{Rhl}[C4]^{n_{Rhl}}}{K_{mRhl}^{n_{Rhl}} + [C4]^{n_{Rhl}}} \\        - d[mRNA_{MazF}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{MazF}}})[mRNA_{MazF}][DiMazF] \end{equation} \begin{equation} \frac{d[mRNA_{MazE}]}{dt} = k - d[mRNA_{MazE}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{MazE}}})[mRNA_{MazE}][DiMazF] \end{equation} \begin{equation} \frac{d[MazF]}{dt} = \alpha [mRNA_{MazF}] - 2k_{DiMazF}[MazF] + 2k_{-DiMazF}[DiMazF] - d_{MazF}[MazF] \end{equation} \begin{equation} \frac{d[DiMazF]}{dt} = k_{DiMazF}[MazF] - k_{-DiMazF}[DiMazF] - 2k_{Hexa}[DiMazE][DiMazF]^2 \\        + 2k_{-Hexa}[MazHexamer] - d_{DiMazF}[DiMazF] \end{equation} \begin{equation} \frac{d[MazE]}{dt} = \alpha [mRNA_{MazE}] - 2k_{DiMazE}[MazE] + 2k_{-DiMazE}[DiMazE] - d_{MazE}[MazE] \end{equation} \begin{equation} \frac{d[DiMazE]}{dt} = k_{DiMazE}[MazE] - k_{-DiMazE}[DiMazE] - k_{Hexa}[DiMazE][DiMazF]^2 \\        + k_{-Hexa}[MazHexamer] - d_{DiMazE}[DiMazE] \end{equation} \begin{equation} \frac{d[MazHexa]}{dt} = k_{Hexa}[DiMazE][DiMazF]^2 - k_{-Hexa}[MazHexa] - d_{Hexa}[MazHexa] \end{equation} \begin{equation} \frac{dP_{Queen}}{dt} = g \frac{E_{DiMazF}}{E_{DiMazF}+[DiMazF]}\left(1- \frac{P_{Snow White}+P_{Queen}+P_{Prince}}{P_{max}}\right) P_{Queen}\\ \end{equation}


\begin{equation} \frac{d[mRNA_{AmiE}]}{dt} = leak_{Plux} + \frac{\kappa_{Lux}[C12]^n}{K_{mLux}^n + [C12]^n} - d[mRNA_{AmiE}] \end{equation} \begin{equation} \frac{d[AmiE]}{dt} = \alpha [mRNA_{AmiE}]P_{Prince} - d_{AmiE}[AmiE] \end{equation} \begin{equation} \frac{dP_{Prince}}{dt} = g\left(1- \frac{P_{Snow White}+P_{Queen}+P_{Prince}}{P_{max}}\right) P_{Prince} \end{equation}

Explanation about Parameters

Parameter Description
$$g$$ Growth rate of each cells
$$P_{max}$$ Carrying capacity
$$E_{DiMazF}$$ Effect of MazF dimer on growth rate
$$k$$ Transcription rate of downstream of Pcon
$$leak_{Plux}$$ Leakage of Plux
$$leak_{Prhl}$$ Leakage of Prhl
$$\kappa_{Lux}$$ Maximum transcription rate of mRNA under Plux
$$\kappa_{Rhl}$$ Maximum transcription rate of downstream of Prhl
$$n_{Lux}$$ Hill coefficient for Plux
$$n_{Rhl}$$ Hill coefficient for Prhl
$$K_{mLux}$$ Lumped paremeter for the Lux System
$$K_{mRhl}$$ Lumped paremeter for the Rhl System
$$F_{DiMazF}$$ Cutting rate at ACA sequences on mRNA by MazF dimer
$$f$$ The probability of distinction of ACA sequencess in each mRNA
$$f_{mRNA_{RFP}}$$ The number of ACA sequences in \(mRNA_{RFP}\)
$$f_{mRNA_{GFP}}$$ The number of ACA sequences in \(mRNA_{GFP}\)
$$f_{mRNA_{RhlI}}$$ The number of ACA sequences in \(mRNA_{RhlI}\) 
$$f_{mRNA_{LasI}}$$ The number of ACA sequences in \(mRNA_{LasI}\)
$$f_{mRNA_{MazF}}$$ The number of ACA sequences in \(mRNA_{MazF}\) 
$$f_{mRNA_{MazE}}$$ The number of ACA sequences in \(mRNA_{MazE}\) 
$$\alpha$$ Translation rate of Protein
$$k_{DiMazF}$$ Formation rate of MazF dimer
$$k_{-DiMazF}$$ Dissociation rate of MazF dimer
$$k_{DiMazE}$$ Formation rate of MazE dimer
$$k_{-DiMazE}$$ Dissociation rate of MazE dimer
$$k_{Hexa}$$ Formation rate of Maz hexamer
$$k_{-Hexa}$$ Dissociation rate of Maz hexamer
$$p_{C4}$$ Production rate of C4HSL by RhlI
$$p_{C12}$$ Production rate of 3OC12HSL by LuxI
$$D$$ Decomposition rate of 3OC12HSL by AmiE
$$d$$ Degradation rate of mRNA
$$d_{RFP}$$ Degradation rate of RFP
$$d_{GFP}$$ Degradation rate of GFP
$$d_{RhlI}$$ Degradation rate of RhlI
$$d_{LasI}$$ Degradation rate of LasI
$$d_{MazF}$$ Degradation rate of MazF
$$d_{DiMazF}$$ Degradation rate of MazF dimer
$$d_{MazE}$$ Degradation rate of MazE
$$d_{DiMazE}$$ Degradation rate of MazE dimer
$$d_{Hexa}$$ Degradation rate of Maz Hexamer
$$d_{C4}$$ Degradation rate of C4HSL
$$d_{C12}$$ Degradation rate of 3OC12HSL
$$d_{AmiE}$$ Degradation rate of AmiE


  • 1. Cell Population

    $$ \frac{dP_{Snow White}}{dt} = g \frac{E_{DiMazF}}{E_{DiMazF}+[DiMazF]}\left(1- \frac{P_{Snow White}+P_{Queen}+P_{Prince}}{P_{max}} \right) P_{Snow White} $$
    $$ \tag{1-1} $$

    $$ \frac{dP_{Queen}}{dt} = g \frac{E_{DiMazF}}{E_{DiMazF}+[DiMazF]}\left(1- \frac{P_{Snow White}+P_{Queen}+P_{Prince}}{P_{max}}\right) P_{Queen}$$
    $$ \tag{1-2} $$

    $$ \frac{dP_{Prince}}{dt} = g\left(1- \frac{P_{Snow White}+P_{Queen}+P_{Prince}}{P_{max}}\right) P_{Prince} \tag{1-3} $$

    Eq.1. Differential Equation of Cell Population

    The equations above describe how cells grow in the culture. Equations (1-1), (1-2) and (1-3) describe the populations of Snow White, the Queen and the Prince. (1-3) is described by the logistic growth equation, but (1-1) and (1-2) are represented by the growth inhibition by MazF dimers. This factor is designed so that its value is small when the concentration of MazF dimers is low, and its value converges to 1 when the concentration of MazF dimers is high.

  • 2. Maz System

    • 2.1. Expression of Maz System

      After translation, MazE and MazF each form an stable dimer which can be activated to exert its function.

      Two MazE dimers sandwich the MazF dimer, forming MazF2-MazE2-MazF2 heterohexamers and suppressing the toxicity of the MazF dimers.

      Fig. 4-2-2. Reaction of Maz System

      The mRNAs of Snow White and the Queen decrease by their original degradation and by the cleavage at ACA sequences by MazF dimers.

      Applying mass action kinetic laws, we obtain the following set of differential equations.

      Snow White

      $$ \frac{d[mRNA_{MazF}]}{dt} = leak_{Plux} + \frac{\kappa_{Lux}[C12]^{n_{Lux}}}{K_{mLux}^{n_{Lux}}+ [C12]^{n_{Lux}}} \\        - d[mRNA_{MazF}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{MazF}}})[mRNA_{MazF}][DiMazF] $$
      $$ \tag{2-1} $$

      $$ \frac{d[MazF]}{dt} = \alpha [mRNA_{MazF}] - 2k_{DiMazF}[MazF] + 2k_{-DiMazF}[DiMazF] - d_{MazF}[MazF] $$

      $$ \frac{d[DiMazF]}{dt} = k_{DiMazF}[MazF] - k_{-DiMazF}[DiMazF] - 2k_{Hexa}[DiMazE][DiMazF]^2 \\        + 2k_{-Hexa}[MazHexamer] - d_{DiMazF}[DiMazF] $$
      $$ \tag{2-3} $$

      $$ \frac{d[mRNA_{MazE}]}{dt} = k - d[mRNA_{MazE}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{MazE}}})[mRNA_{MazE}][DiMazF] $$
      $$ \tag{2-4} $$

      $$\frac{d[MazE]}{dt} = \alpha [mRNA_{MazE}] - 2k_{DiMazE}[MazE] + 2k_{-DiMazE}[DiMazE] - d_{MazE}[MazE]$$

      $$ \frac{d[DiMazE]}{dt} = k_{DiMazE}}[MazE] - k_{-DiMazE}[DiMazE] - k_{Hexa}[DiMazE][DiMazF]^2 \\        + k_{-Hexa}[MazHexamer] - d_{DiMazE}[DiMazE]$$
      $$\tag{2-6} $$

      $$\frac{d[MazHexa]}{dt} = k_{Hexa}[DiMazE][DiMazF]^2 - k_{-Hexa}[MazHexa] - d_{Hexa}[MazHexa]$$
      $$ \tag{2-7}$$


      $$ \frac{d[mRNA_{MazF}]}{dt} = leak_{Plux} + \frac{\kappa_{Lux}[C12]^{n_{Lux}}}{K_{mLux}^{n_{Lux}}+ [C12]^{n_{Lux}}} \\        - d[mRNA_{MazF}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{MazF}}})[mRNA_{MazF}][DiMazF] $$
      $$ \tag{2-8} $$

      $$ \frac{d[MazF]}{dt} = \alpha [mRNA_{MazF}] - 2k_{DiMazF}[MazF] + 2k_{-DiMazF}[DiMazF] - d_{MazF}[MazF] $$

      $$ \frac{d[DiMazF]}{dt} = k_{DiMazF}[MazF] - k_{-DiMazF}[DiMazF] - 2k_{Hexa}[DiMazE][DiMazF]^2 \\        + 2k_{-Hexa}[MazHexamer] - d_{DiMazF}[DiMazF] $$
      $$ \tag{2-10} $$

      $$ \frac{d[mRNA_{MazE}]}{dt} = k - d[mRNA_{MazE}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{MazE}}})[mRNA_{MazE}][DiMazF] $$
      $$ \tag{2-11} $$

      $$\frac{d[MazE]}{dt} = \alpha [mRNA_{MazE}] - 2k_{DiMazE}[MazE] + 2k_{-DiMazE}[DiMazE] - d_{MazE}[MazE]$$

      $$ \frac{d[DiMazE]}{dt} = k_{DiMazE}[MazE] - k_{-DiMazE}[DiMazE] - k_{Hexa}[DiMazE][DiMazF]^2 \\        + k_{-Hexa}[MazHexamer] - d_{DiMazE}[DiMazE]$$
      $$\tag{2-13} $$

      $$\frac{d[MazHexa]}{dt} = k_{Hexa}[DiMazE][DiMazF]^2 - k_{-Hexa}[MazHexa] - d_{Hexa}[MazHexa]$$
      $$ \tag{2-14}$$

      Eq. 2. Differential Equations of Maz System

      Equations (2-1) and (2-8) describe the concentration of mRNAs under the AHL inducing promoters. Thus, they comprise terms of production by leaky expressions of promoters, terms of production by Hill function dependent on the concentration of C12/C4, terms of original degradation and terms of degradation from cleavage at ACA sequences by MazF dimers. Since Equations (2-2), (2-3), (2-5), (2-6), (2-7), (2-9), (2-10), (2-12), (2-13) and (2-14) describe the concentrations of complexes, mainly they comprise terms of production and terms of binding and dissociation.

    • 2.2. Cleavage by MazF dimers

      MazF dimers recognize and cleave ACAs in mRNAs, thus acting as Toxin.

      We estimated the rate of recognitions of ACA sequences by MazF dimers at \(1-(1-f)^n\), where the number of ACA sequences in mRNA.

      Then, we expressed the rate of degradation by MazF dimers in \(F(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA}})\) and obtain the following set of differential equations.

      Snow White

      $$\frac{d[mRNA_{RFP}]}{dt} = k - d[mRNA_{RFP}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{RFP}}})[mRNA_{RFP}][DiMazF] $$
      $$ \tag{3-1} $$

      $$ \frac{d[mRNA_{RhlI}]}{dt} = leak_{Plux} + \frac{\kappa_{Lux}[C12]^{n_{Lux}}}{K_{mLux}^{n_{Lux}} + [C12]^{n_{Lux}}} - d[mRNA_{RhlI}] - F_{DiMazF}$$
      $$ \tag{3-2} $$

      $$\frac{d[mRNA_{MazF}]}{dt} = leak_{Plux} + \frac{\kappa_{Lux}[C12]^{n_{Lux}}}{K_{mLux}^{n_{Lux}}+ [C12]^{n_{Lux}}} \\        - d[mRNA_{MazF}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{MazF}}})[mRNA_{MazF}][DiMazF] $$

      $$\frac{d[mRNA_{MazE}]}{dt} = k - d[mRNA_{MazE}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{MazE}}})[mRNA_{MazE}][DiMazF]$$
      $$ \tag{3-4} $$


      $$\frac{d[mRNA_{GFP}]}{dt} = k - d[mRNA_{GFP}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{GFP}}})[mRNA_{GFP}][DiMazF] $$
      $$ \tag{3-5} %%

      $$ \frac{d[mRNA_{LasI}]}{dt} = leak_{Prhl} + \frac{\kappa_{Rhl}[C4]^{n_{Rhl}}}{K_{mRhl}^{n_{Rhl}} + [C4]^{n_{Rhl}}} \\        - d[mRNA_{LasI}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{LasI}}})[mRNA_{LasI}][DiMazF] $$
      $$ \tag{3-6} $$

      $$\frac{d[mRNA_{MazF}]}{dt} = leak_{Plux} + \frac{\kappa_{Lux}[C12]^{n_{Lux}}}{K_{mLux}^{n_{Lux}}+ [C12]^{n_{Lux}}} \\        - d[mRNA_{MazF}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{MazF}}})[mRNA_{MazF}][DiMazF] $$

      $$\frac{d[mRNA_{MazE}]}{dt} = k - d[mRNA_{MazE}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{MazE}}})[mRNA_{MazE}][DiMazF]$$
      $$ \tag{3-8} $$

      Eq. 3. Differential Equations of mRNAs

      The equations above comprise terms of production, terms of original degradation and terms of degradation from cleavage at ACA sequences by MazF dimers.

  • 3. Signal Molecules

    Fig. 4-2-3. Reaction of Signal Molecules

    Snow White expresses RhlI under Plux induced by C12, the Queen expresses LasI under Prhl induced by C4 and the Prince expresses AmiE under Plux induced by C12.

    The mRNAs of Snow White and the Queen decrease from original degradation and the cleavage at ACA sequences by MazF dimers. On the other hand, those of the Prince don’t have any MazF gene so they decrease from only original degradation.

    After translation, C12AHL and C4 are enzymatically synthesized by LasI and RhlI from some substrates respectively. For simplicity, we assumed that the amount of substrates is sufficient so that the C12AHL / C4 synthesis rate per cell is estimated to be proportional to the LasI and RhlI concentrations.

    C4 decreases from original degradation meanwhile C12AHL decreases from both original degradation and degradation by AmiE, which Prince products.

    Applying mass action kinetic laws, we obtain the following set of differential equations.

    $$ \frac{d[mRNA_{RhlI}]}{dt} = leak_{Plux} + \frac{\kappa_{Lux}[C12]^{n_{Lux}}}{K_{mLux}^{n_{Lux}} + [C12]^{n_{Lux}}} - d[mRNA_{RhlI}] - F_{DiMazF}f[mRNA_{RhlI}][DiMazF] $$

    $$\frac{d[RhlI]}{dt} = \alpha [mRNA_{RhlI}] - d_{RhlI}[RhlI] \tag{4-2}$$

    $$ \frac{d[Rhl AHL]}{dt} = p_{Rhl}[RhlI]P_{Snowwhite} - d_{RhlAHL}[RhlAHL] \tag{4-3} $$

    $$ \frac{d[mRNA_{LasI}]}{dt} = leak_{Prhl} + \frac{\kappa_{Rhl}[C4]^{n_{Rhl}}}{K_{mRhl}^{n_{Rhl}} + [C4]^{n_{Rhl}}} - d[mRNA_{LasI}] - F_{DiMazF}(1-(1-f)^{f_{mRNA_{LasI}}})[mRNA_{LasI}][DiMazF] $$

    $$\frac{d[LasI]}{dt} = \alpha [mRNA_{LasI}] - d_{LasI}[LasI] \tag{4-5}$$

    $$\frac{d[LasAHL]}{dt} = p_{Las}[LasI]P_{Stepmother} - d_{LasAHL}[LasAHL] - D[LasAHL][AmiE]$$

    $$\frac{d[mRNA_{AmiE}]}{dt} = leak_{Plux} + \frac{\kappa_{Lux}[C12]^n}{K_{mLux}^n + [C12]^n} - d[mRNA_{AmiE}]$$

    $$\frac{d[AmiE]}{dt} = \alpha [mRNA_{AmiE}]P_{Prince} - d_{AmiE}[AmiE] \tag{4-8} $$

    Eq. 4. Differential Equations of Signaling Molecules

    Equations (4-1), (4-4) and (4-7) describe the concentrations of mRNAs under the AHL inducing promoters. Thus, they comprise terms of production by leaky expressions of promoters, terms of production by Hill function dependent on the concentration of C12/C4, terms of original degradation and terms of degradation from cleavage at ACA sequences by MazF dimers.

    The other ODEs describe how the concentrations of materials change in individuals, on the other hand (4-3), (4-6) describe the concentrations of C4 C12AHL in the whole culture medium.


Parameter Value Description Reference
$$ g $$ 0.0123 Growth rate of each cells Fitted to experimental data
$$ P_{max} $$ 3.6 Carrying capacity Fitted to experimental data
$$ E_{DiMazF} $$ $$ 0.462234 nM^{-1} min^{-1} $$ Effect of MazF dimer on growth rate of each cells Fitted to experimental data
$$ k $$ $$5 min^{-1}$$ Transcription rate of downstream of Ptet Reference
$$ leak_{Plux} $$ $$ 2.26 min^{-1} $$ Leakage of Plux Fitted to experimental data
$$ leak_{Prhl} $$ $$ 4.654 min^{-1} $$ Leakage of Prhl Fitted to experimental data
$$ κ_{Lux} $$ $$ 6.984 nM^{-1} min^{-1} $$ Maximum transcription rate of under streams of Plux Fitted to experimental data
$$ κ_{Rhl} $$ $$ 14.95 nM^{-1} min^{-1} $$ Maximum transcription rate of understreams of Prhl Fitted to experimental data
$$ n_{Lux} $$ 0.76 Hill coefficient for Plux Fitted to experimental data
$$ n_{Rhl} $$ 5 Hill cofficient for Prhl Fitted to experimental data
$$ K_{mLux} $$ $$ 116.24nM $$ Lumped parameter for the Lux system Fitted to experimental data
$$ K_{mRhl} $$ $$ 1000 nM $$ Lumped parameter for the Rhl system Fitted to experimental data
$$ F_{DiMazF} $$ $$ 5 nM^{-1} min^{-1} $$ Cutting rate at ACA sequences on mRNA by MazF dimers Estimated
$$ f $$ 0.299 The probability of distinction of ACA sequences on each mRNA Fitted to experimental data
$$ f_{mRNA_{RFP}} $$ 10 $$ The number of ACA sequences on mRNA_{RFP} $$ Extraction of data
$$ f_{mRNA_{GFP}} $$ 23 $$ The number of ACA sequences on mRNA_{GFP} $$ Extraction of data
$$ f_{mRNA_{RhlI}} $$ 1 $$ The number of ACA sequences on mRNA_{RhlI} $$ Extraction of data
$$ f_{mRNA_{LasI}} $$ 10 $$ The number of ACA sequences on mRNA_{LasI} $$ Extraction of data
$$ f_{mRNA_{MazF}} $$ 2 $$ The number of ACA sequences on mRNA_{MazF} $$ Extraction of data
$$ f_{mRNA_{MazE}} $$ 2 $$ The number of ACA sequences on mRNA_{MazE} $$ Extraction of data
$$ α $$ $$ 0.04 min_{-1} $$ Translation rate of Estimated
$$ k_{DiMazF}$$ $$ 6.82 nM_{-1} min_{-1} $$ Formation rate of MazF dimer Fitted to experimental data
$$ k_{-Di_{MazF}}$$ $$ 6.24 nM^{-1} min^{-1} $$ Formation rate of MazF dimer Fitted to experimental data
$$ k_{Di_{MazE}}$$ $$ 3.46 nM^{-1} min^{-1} $$ Formation rate of MazF dimer Fitted to experimental data
$$ k_{-Di_{MazE}}$$ $$ 7.25 min^{-1} $$ Dissociation rate of MazF dimer Fitted to experimental data
$$ k_{Hexa}$$ $$ 4.51 nM^{-1} min^{-1} $$ Formation rate of Maz hexamer Fitted to experimental data
$$ k_{-Hexa}$$ $$ 4.05 min^{-1} $$ Dissociation rate of Maz hexamer Fitted to experimental data
$$ p_{C4}$$ $$ 0.07 min^{-1} $$ Production rate of C4HSL by RhlI Estimated
$$ p_{C12}$$ $$ 0.07 min^{-1} $$ Production rate of 3OC12HSL by LasI Estimated
$$ D $$ $$ 5 nM^{-1} min^{-1} $$ Decomposition rate of 3OC12HSL by AmiE Estimated
$$ d $$ $$ 0.2773 min^{-1} $$ Degradation rate of mRNA Leference
$$ d_{RFP} $$ $$ 0.018 min^{-1} $$ Degradation rate of RFP Leference
$$ d_{GFP} $$ $$ 0.04 min^{-1} $$ Degradation rate of GFP Leference
$$ d_{RhlI} $$ $$ 0.0167 min^{-1} $$ Degradation rate of RhlI Leference
$$ d_{LasI} $$ $$ 0.0167 min^{-1} $$ Degradation rate of LasI Leference
$$ d_{MazF} $$ $$ 0.7 min^{-1} $$ Degradation rate of MazF Fitted to experimental data
$$ d_{DiMazF} $$ $$ 0.17 min^{-1} $$ Degradation rate of MazF dimer Fitted to experimental data
$$ d_{MazE} $$ $$ 0.55 min^{-1} $$ Degradation rate of MazE Fitted to experimental data
$$ d_{DiMazE} $$ $$ 0.416 min^{-1} $$ Degradation rate of MazE dimer Fitted to experimental data
$$ d_{Hexa} $$ $$ 0.511 min^{-1} $$ Degradation rate of Maz hexameter Fitted to experimental data
$$ d_{C4} $$ $$ 0.000222 min^{-1} $$ Degradation rate of C4HSL Literature
$$ d_{C12} $$ $$ 0.004 min^{-1} $$ Degradation rate of 3OC12HSL Literature
$$ d_{AmiE} $$ $$ 0.001 min^{-1} $$ Degradation rate of AmiE Assumption



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