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Assuming that an average diabetic needs 15 units of insulin daily to live symptomfree, the global insulin demand would yearly be approximately 79 thousand tons of pure crystaline insulin and rise to more than 120 thousand tons by 2040.   
Assuming that an average diabetic needs 15 units of insulin daily to live symptomfree, the global insulin demand would yearly be approximately 79 thousand tons of pure crystaline insulin and rise to more than 120 thousand tons by 2040.   
\\(\frac{Number of diabetics \cdot 15 units day^{-1} \cdot 365 days}{288118443.804 units ton^{-1}} = Insulin demand (tons)\\)
$$\frac{Number of diabetics \cdot 15 units day^{-1} \cdot 365 days}{288118443.804 units ton^{-1}} = Insulin demand (tons)$$

Revision as of 20:34, 18 October 2016

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Waste Management

In 2012 the global population passed 7 billion. It is estimated that it will reach 8 billion in 2026. The increasing population of the world brings with it a number of challenges, not the least of which is management of the increasing waste generation.

Europe, and Denmark in particular, have worked on this for many years. One of the major goals of the European Union is to work towards a circular economy. A circular economy, as the EU defines it, is an economy with zero waste. This, of course, doesn't mean that waste is eliminated, merely that the entirety of our waste is recovered and recycled.

Denmark has been recycling and recovering waste for a long time. For more than a century, Denmark has incinerated waste and for many of those years, it has been one of the major heat and electricity sources. In recent years, great strides have been made towards recycling still greater amounts of waste. In 2015, 35% of our waste was recycled. Exact numbers for recovery are unfortunately unavailable, as the Danish system of incinerating both for energy recovery and to get rid of waste muddies the picture significantly, but the number likely exceeds 50%.

A caption for the above image.

The EU(28) recovers approximately half of their waste, excluding energy recovery. The greater part of the remaining waste is incinerated.


Rapeseed Oil production

Denmark produced 167800 tonnes of rapeseed oil every year. The substrate used in our experiments is a biproduct from the production, amounting to approximately 3% pr weight of the rapeseed production. Assuming the production is stable from year to year, which our data suggests, the substrate amounts to more than 5000 tons each year.



With the rising population, the number of diabetics worldwide is increasing as well. The International Diabetes Federation estimates that in 2015, there were 415 million adults with diabetes. This is estimated to rise to 642 by 2040.


Insulin demand

Assuming that an average diabetic needs 15 units of insulin daily to live symptomfree, the global insulin demand would yearly be approximately 79 thousand tons of pure crystaline insulin and rise to more than 120 thousand tons by 2040. $$\frac{Number of diabetics \cdot 15 units day^{-1} \cdot 365 days}{288118443.804 units ton^{-1}} = Insulin demand (tons)$$


Insulin production

In their annual report, Novo Nordisk estimates that of the 415 million adults with diabetes, only 6% receives full care.


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Has ut facer debitis, quo eu agam purto. In eum justo aeterno. Sea ut atqui efficiantur, mandamus deseruisse at est, erat natum cum eu. Quot numquam in vel. Salutatus euripidis moderatius qui ex, eu tempor volumus vituperatoribus has, ius ea ullum facer corrumpit.

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Section 2.2



Section 2.3



Section 3

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Section 5

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Section 7

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