Difference between revisions of "Team:OLS Canmore/Team"

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Hi, my name is Nick and I am a grade 12 student at Our Lady of the Snows. This is my first year in iGEM. When I am not doing iGEM, I am either eating my feelings or depriving myself of much needed sleep.
Hi, my name is Nick and I am a grade 12 student at Our Lady of the Snows. This is my first year in iGEM. When I am not doing iGEM, I am either eating my feelings or depriving myself of much needed sleep.

Revision as of 04:56, 19 October 2016

This year our team consists of enough characters to fill a Doctor Seuss book and then some. We are a dynamic group of dedicated, intelligent, fun, loving kids dedicated to making a change. Like any great team we have really learnt and grown from one another this year. Meaning we have all gotten a little smarter, a little more creative, and defiantly a little crazier. All of this has contributed to one fantastic year. This year we really wanted to show case our team. So we gave our team members 150 words with absolutely no restrictions, here is what they wrote.

My name is Blaise. I enjoy long walks on the beach, sports, technology, and chilling in my DXRacer in my basement playing games. This is my first year in iGEM, it's a bit overwhelming, but I plan to get through it and look forward to going to Boston. My parents tell me I'm cool, so I am.

"Hi my name is Aerodactyl. I have a combat power of 1867 and 681 hit points. I also have a very strong attack. When I go into battle the first thing I usually do is use my Aurora Beam, this weakens the enemy so initiate my special attack. I do wiki btw..." -Alex

Special Agent 009
Name: Alina
Known Aliases: Aluna, Gregory, Momma Susan.
Last know location: the office, working.
Current mission: expressing bacterial keratinases to break down hair and feathers.
Trained in: shaky lab work, staring at a computer screen for hours, and never ending research. Also skilled in areas of rock climbing and running (be aware of if attempting a chase of special agent 009).

My name is Talia Dixon (also known as Queen B). I am a grade 12 student who has been participating in iGEM since the 9th grade. I help with every aspect of the project. My other interests include debate, speech, social justice, volunteering, student council, handball, hockey, and doing Buzzfeed quizzes. Quick facts about me: I am constantly tired; I am a coffee, gum, and Coca Cola addict; I am always hungry; I am perpetually freezing cold; and my favourite colour is black, because it resembles my soul. In the future I plan to attend university to pursue a double major in journalism and political science, as one day I would like to be a foreign correspondent.

Hi, I’m Jadon. Why am I in iGEM? Idk… science is pretty cool. I play sports sometimes too. This is my first year in iGem and I am really enjoying the field of with of work. I am the only grade 11 student not doing wiki so I have plenty of older knowledge helping me out.

Hi, I'm Maria! I am a grade 12 student and a second year participant in the iGEM program. I like science and sports. My hobbies include travelling and watching terrible reality TV. I also enjoy spending time with my family and friends, a nice candlelit dinner, short walks on the beach (I get tired easily), and injuring my knee too often. Does this stop me from having a good time? No! I put all my effort into all my activities, such as iGEM, and loving those around me. I, as a well-travelled microbiologist, like to say I’m pretty cultured. With these many qualities I hope you consider me as a participant on the Bachelor (of Science).

Bonjour! My name is Chasey and I’m a graduating student at OLS. When I’m not at school or in the lab, I like purchasing more books than I know what to do with and reading almost all of them. I also surf the Internet (because living in the mountains actually makes the other surfing pretty difficult). I started ballet dancing as a toddler and though I like to tell myself I was a super talented 2-9 year old, I actually ended up switching styles, resulting in my current status as a certified Highland dance teacher. Kilts over tutus, am I right Freya? This is my first year in iGEM, but my 16th year as a papercut survivor. Oh, and I also like to believe I know a lot of French, which I think was demonstrated amazingly in my opener.

Hi! My name is Freya and I’m a grade 12 student at OLS. This is my third year in iGEM. I enjoy working hands on in iGEM because it is such an amazing opportunity to expand my understanding of science as a whole. I am definitely 100% related to Josh. I like to think that I am funny. Right now I’m struggling with what to wear to iGEM. Maybe designer genes? When I’m not in the lab, I pretty much live at the dance studio, with multiple tap, ballet, and modern classes almost every day. I also teach tap classes (tap shoes over bagpipes Chasey) and work as a lifeguard at our local pool. Some of my talents include: being British, procrastinating, and getting sunburns way too easily.

Hello, I'm Naoto and this is my first year in iGEM. It's definitely awesome learning about synthetic biology and to work on our project. So far, I’ve done lab work for our team, some writing, as well as helping to present our project. When I'm not in iGEM, I'm either playing guitar, longboarding, or hugging trees. Other hobbies of mine include procrastination, running from my responsibilities, and binge watching Game of Thrones.

Hi, my name is Nick and I am a grade 12 student at Our Lady of the Snows. This is my first year in iGEM. When I am not doing iGEM, I am either eating my feelings or depriving myself of much needed sleep.

Hi! My name is Olivia and I'm a grade 12 student at Our Lady of the Snows. This is my first year in iGEM. My life isn't very exciting so

Hello my name is Josh! I am a third year Synthetic Biology student in Grade 12. This year I had the pleasure of creating our very first bioreactor! Me and my totally legitimate twin sister Freya love to be in the lab working on our construct and the bioreactor. In particular I love learning about science and contributing what I can to innovate and evolve the scientific community! When I’m not slaving over the bioreactor I like to spend my time biking, running and swimming so that I won’t drown in my responsibilities. I adore long calming walks on the beach with lots of dogs and hope one day I will live out my dreams of doing exactly that.

"First year iGEM member, 18th year capitalist survivor" -Acacia


Congratulations for reading this far down the page. It takes a special kind of person to read the Bio down near the end of the document. Enough about you, I am a high school math/science teacher in my last trimester of a teaching career. In this third year of iGem I almost know what is going on in Synthetic Biology and the tremendous strides that have been made in having synthesized parts delivered to our high school door for a modest cost - or - even free. I continue to be thankful for the opportunity to ride this breaking wave of change along with a supportive OLS team and comprehensive Alberta mentorship to our small school.

After considering life, I decided I have too much free time. So when I’m not being a mom to my five-year-old, teaching biology, Special Education leading, Master’s degree finishing, mountain bike racing, camping/travelling or volunteering, I am Synthetic Biology-ing! I finally feel like I’ve satisfied the E. coli needs in my life. Working with this team is a highlight to my role as an educator - there is no other experience like it. Special thanks to the students who work extremely hard at this project every day, to Luc for starting the program up in the first place, and to our Alberta partners who make this endeavor possible. #SynBio4Life!

David Loyd

Lisa Oberding

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