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Revision as of 18:23, 19 October 2016


Together we stand




Ligation of YeWGAP and BD **Recorder: Chenyang Li **

Procedure: 9 μL YeWGAPD8201002 3.3 μL BDD8201002 0.2 μL T4 DNA ligase 2 μL 10×T4 DNA Ligase Buffer 5.5 μL ddH2O 20 μL in total.

Mix gently and incubate at 22 degree Celsius for an hour.

The number of the product: YBL8201002 and YBL8201003

Then we do transformation.

**Recorder: Chenyang Li ** PCR of Sup35

Procedure: 9 μL YeWGAPD8201002 3.3 μL BDD8201002 0.2 μL T4 DNA ligase 2 μL 10×T4 DNA Ligase Buffer 5.5 μL ddH2O 20 μL in total.


1.Prepare 4 PCR tubes and sequentially add:

sample sup35
nuclease-free water(μL) 30.5
5×PrimeStar Buffer(μL) 10
dNTP(μL) 4
template(μL) 4
PrimeStar 0.5
Primer1 0.5
Primer2 0.5

50 μL in total.

2.PCR reaction Parameters setting:

stage temperature time
Pre-Duration 95 7 min
Duration 95 10s
Anneal 57 15s
Extend 72 50s
Post-Extend 72 10 min
Final 4 --

35 cycles(Duration ~ Extend)

Purification for the product of the PCR of Sup35 Recorder: Chenyang Li


Number Sup35P8201001 Sup35P8201002 Sup35P8201003 Sup35P8201004
A260/A280 1.87 1.88 1.86 1.87
A260/A230 2.29 2.29 1.91 2.13
concentration(ng/μL) 170.2 302.3 334.6 301.0

**Recorder:Chenyang Li ** Double Digestion of YeWGAP,BD


number 1 2 3 4
sample Sup35P8201002 Sup35P8201002 Sup35P8201004 Sup35P8201004
nuclease-free water(μL) 4 7.8 4 7.8
10* Fast Digest Buffer(μL) 2 2 2 2
plasmid(μL) 10 7 10 7
EcoRI(μL) 3 2.4 3 2.4
Bcul(μL) 2.4 0.8 2.4 0.8

20 μL in total. Mix 1,2,3,4gently and incubate at 37 degree Celsius for 15 min.

result: a (from left to right: Trans 2K plus 2(contain Gelred),1,2,3,4,PSB1C3+AD1,PSB1C3+AD2,PSB1C3+AD3,PSB1C3+AD4,)


Ligation of YeWGAP and BD **Recorder: Chenyang Li **

Procedure: 9 μL YeWGAPD8201002 3.3 μL BDD8201002 0.2 μL T4 DNA ligase 2 μL 10×T4 DNA Ligase Buffer 5.5 μL ddH2O 20 μL in total.

Mix gently and incubate at 22 degree Celsius for an hour.

The number of the product: YBL8201004. Then we do transformation.

PCR of sup35 **Recorder: Yinchenguang Lyu **

21μL ddH2O 25μL 2×HiFi PCR Master 2μL template 1μL primer1 1μL primer2

stage temperature time
step 1 95 5 min
step 2 95 50 s
step 3 56 1 min
step 4 72 1 min 50 s
step 5 72 10 min
step 6 4 --

35 cycles(step 2 ~ step 4)

DATE 8.23

Plasmid Extraction for ligased PSB1C3 and AD Recorder: Yinchenguang Lyu


sample 1 2 3 4
A260/A280 1.81 1.77 1.70 1.57
A260/A230 1.64 1.43 0.79 0.78
concentration(ng/μL) 175.9 204.4 216.3 346.1

Recorder:Yu Xie Colony picking of plasmid pUC57 containing sfGFP11

We did colony picking of plasmid pUC57 containing sfGFP11. After colony picking, we cultivate the bacteria at 37°C and shock at 250 rpm/min overnight.

Recorder: Junjie Zeng & Yu Xie PCR of sup35


1.Prepare 8 PCR tubes and sequentially add:

sample 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
Sterilized ddH2O 9 μL
2×HiFi-PCR Master 12.5 μL
Template 1.5 μL
Primer 1 1 μL
Primer 2 1 μL
total 25 μL

2.PCR reaction Parameters setting:

stage temperature time
Pre-Duration 95℃ 10 min
Duration 95℃ 1 min
Anneal 58℃ 1 min
Extend 72℃ 1 min 50 s
Post-Extend 72℃ 10 min
Final 4℃ --

30 cycles(Duration ~ Extend)

Recorder: Yu Xie Double digestion of sfGFP11

Recorder: Yu Xie Double digestion of sup35


Designed by 2016 iGEM Team:USTC
Under CC License
Based on Semantic-UI