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<img align="center" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/2/22/T--WPI_Worcester--InterLab.jpeg" style="width:100%;height:450px"/>
<img align="center" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/2/22/T--WPI_Worcester--InterLab.jpeg" style="width:100%;height:450px"/>
<p>This year's interlab study focused on the measuring fluorescence of specific Igem devices. The first step was calibrating the measurements by creating a reference point of optical density. Four samples of LUDOX-S30 and four samples of deionized water. The protocol called for the optical density of the samples to be measured at 600 nm, but due to the type of plate reader used, the optical density was measured at 590 nm. The plate reader was unable to measure samples accurately at 600nm.</p>  
<h4  align="center">This year's interlab study focused on the measuring fluorescence of specific Igem devices. The first step was calibrating the measurements by creating a reference point of optical density. Four samples of LUDOX-S30 and four samples of deionized water. The protocol called for the optical density of the samples to be measured at 600 nm, but due to the type of plate reader used, the optical density was measured at 590 nm. The plate reader was unable to measure samples accurately at 600nm.</h4>  
<h4>Table 1:Optical Density 590nm Reference Point</h4>
<h3>Table 1:Optical Density 590nm Reference Point</h3>
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/e/e2/T--WPI_Worcester--Abs590_Reference.jpg" alt="Table of OD at 590 of provided samples" style="width:237px;height:186px;">
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/e/e2/T--WPI_Worcester--Abs590_Reference.jpg" alt="Table of OD at 590 of provided samples" style="width:237px;height:186px;">
<p>The optical density reference point was measured and shown to be around 0.0395 at 590nm for the Ludox and 0.0375 for the water. The correction factor of 7.375 created from the measurements was used in later calculations.</p>
<h5 align="center">The optical density reference point was measured and shown to be around 0.0395 at 590nm for the Ludox and 0.0375 for the water. The correction factor of 7.375 created from the measurements was used in later calculations.</h5>
<p>Next a standard curve was created for the fluorescence of samples using a serial dilution of FITC in 1x PBS. This was done four times and the average values for each concentration were used to create the graph shown beneath the table.</p>
<h5 align="center">Next a standard curve was created for the fluorescence of samples using a serial dilution of FITC in 1x PBS. This was done four times and the average values for each concentration were used to create the graph shown beneath the table.</h5>
<h4>Table 2:FITC Standard Curve Measurements <br> Figure 1:Standard Curve of Average FITC Serial Dilutions</h4>
<h3>Table 2:FITC Standard Curve Measurements <br> Figure 1:Standard Curve of Average FITC Serial Dilutions</h3>
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/thumb/3/31/T--WPI_Worcester--FITC_Standard_Curve.jpg/800px-T--WPI_Worcester--FITC_Standard_Curve.jpg" alt="Table and Graph of FITC Standard Curve" style="width:820px;height:450px;">
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/thumb/3/31/T--WPI_Worcester--FITC_Standard_Curve.jpg/800px-T--WPI_Worcester--FITC_Standard_Curve.jpg" alt="Table and Graph of FITC Standard Curve" style="width:820px;height:450px;">
<p>The standard curve of the FITC serial dilutions was created and created a trend line that was close to being linear, having fluorescence increase proportionally to the increase in concentration. This standard curve was used to analyze the measurements of fluorescence of the Interlab test devices. </p>
<h5 align="center">The standard curve of the FITC serial dilutions was created and created a trend line that was close to being linear, having fluorescence increase proportionally to the increase in concentration. This standard curve was used to analyze the measurements of fluorescence of the Interlab test devices. </h5>
<p>After the liquid cultures of the test devices was grown, a sample from each was taken and the optical density was measured in a spectrophotometer at 600nm. This measurment was then used to back dilute the samples into a 10 mL volume of LB media and chloramphenicol</p>
<h5 align="center">After the liquid cultures of the test devices was grown, a sample from each was taken and the optical density was measured in a spectrophotometer at 600nm. This measurment was then used to back dilute the samples into a 10 mL volume of LB media and chloramphenicol</h5>
<h4>Table 3:Normalization of Device Optical Density</h4>
<h3>Table 3:Normalization of Device Optical Density</h3>
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/c/c6/T--WPI_Worcester--Normalization_Interlab.jpg" alt="Normalization Data" style="width:371px;height:219px;">
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/c/c6/T--WPI_Worcester--Normalization_Interlab.jpg" alt="Normalization Data" style="width:371px;height:219px;">
<p> The volumes shown in the table were used to create the 10mL stocks that were then left to incubate at 37 Celcius. Every hour, one mL of stock was taken and chilled on ice that were measured in the plate reader at the end </p>
<hr align="center"> The volumes shown in the table were used to create the 10mL stocks that were then left to incubate at 37 Celcius. Every hour, one mL of stock was taken and chilled on ice that were measured in the plate reader at the end </h5>
<p>The absorbency of the samples collected of the positive control, negative control, and test devices 1 through 3 from each hour collected over a six hour period were measured at 590nm </p>
<h5 align="center">The absorbency of the samples collected of the positive control, negative control, and test devices 1 through 3 from each hour collected over a six hour period were measured at 590nm </h5>
<h4>Table 4:Absorbency and Correction of InterLab Plate <br> Table 5:Corrected Absorbency of Interlab Devices</h4>
<h3>Table 4:Absorbency and Correction of InterLab Plate <br> Table 5:Corrected Absorbency of Interlab Devices</h3>
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/8/89/T--WPI_Worcester--Absorbancies_of_Plate.jpg" alt="Absorbency at 590nm of InterLab Plate" style="width:690px;height:390px;">
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/8/89/T--WPI_Worcester--Absorbancies_of_Plate.jpg" alt="Absorbency at 590nm of InterLab Plate" style="width:690px;height:390px;">
<p>Shown in Table 4 and Table 5, the devices showed a trend of gradual increase in absorbency overtime, with the highest absorbencies measured at the six hour time period. The corrected values were then plotted to better portray the trend of the data collected, in <i>Figure 2</i>. </p>
<h5 align="center">Shown in Table 4 and Table 5, the devices showed a trend of gradual increase in absorbency overtime, with the highest absorbencies measured at the six hour time period. The corrected values were then plotted to better portray the trend of the data collected, in <i>Figure 2</i>. </h5>
<h4>Figure 2:InterLab Absorbency Graph</h4>
<h3>Figure 2:InterLab Absorbency Graph</h3>
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/e/e1/T--WPI_Worcester--Interlab_Absorbency_Graph.jpg" alt="Absorbency Graph" style="width:539px;height:381px;">
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/e/e1/T--WPI_Worcester--Interlab_Absorbency_Graph.jpg" alt="Absorbency Graph" style="width:539px;height:381px;">
<p>The graph showed that the negative control had the highest absorbency at the six hour mark. Test device 1 for both of its replicates had the lowest absorbency for all the time periods.</p>
<h5 align="center">The graph showed that the negative control had the highest absorbency at the six hour mark. Test device 1 for both of its replicates had the lowest absorbency for all the time periods.</h5>
<p>The fluorescence of each of the devices was also measured with the normalized plate reader, measuring emission at 485nm and absorption at 535nm. The results from the plate reader were first recorded in the top table below. The data were then adjusted to subtract out the pre-recorded absorbency of the blank (the media the cells were grown in).</p>
<h5 aling="center">The fluorescence of each of the devices was also measured with the normalized plate reader, measuring emission at 485nm and absorption at 535nm. The results from the plate reader were first recorded in the top table below. The data were then adjusted to subtract out the pre-recorded absorbency of the blank (the media the cells were grown in).</h5>
<h4>InterLab Fluorescence Table</h4>
<h3>InterLab Fluorescence Table</h3>
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/b/b3/T--WPI_Worcester--InterLab_Fluorescence_Table.jpg" alt="InterLab Fluorescence Table" style="width:796px;height:391px;">
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/b/b3/T--WPI_Worcester--InterLab_Fluorescence_Table.jpg" alt="InterLab Fluorescence Table" style="width:796px;height:391px;">
<p> It was observed in the tables that device two had the highest levels of fluorescence, followed by the positive control, then the first device. The negative control samples showed the lowest levels of fluorescence out of all of the samples collected. The data collected was then organized in a graph to better depict the possible differences in absorbancies between the samples. The graph displayed the data as fluorescence in absorbency units over time the sample was incubated for in hours </p>
<h5 align="center"> It was observed in the tables that device two had the highest levels of fluorescence, followed by the positive control, then the first device. The negative control samples showed the lowest levels of fluorescence out of all of the samples collected. The data collected was then organized in a graph to better depict the possible differences in absorbancies between the samples. The graph displayed the data as fluorescence in absorbency units over time the sample was incubated for in hours </h5>
<h4>InterLab Fluorescence Graph</h4>
<h3>InterLab Fluorescence Graph</h3>
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/8/8c/T--WPI_Worcester--InterLab_Fluorescence_Graph.jpg" alt="InterLab Fluorescence Graph" style="width:638px;height:452px;">
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/8/8c/T--WPI_Worcester--InterLab_Fluorescence_Graph.jpg" alt="InterLab Fluorescence Graph" style="width:638px;height:452px;">
<p>The graph created in the figure above matched the observations made from its related graph. It also showed that each sample had defined trends of fluorescence and all but the negative control increased in fluorescence as incubation time increased.</p>
<h5 align="center">The graph created in the figure above matched the observations made from its related graph. It also showed that each sample had defined trends of fluorescence and all but the negative control increased in fluorescence as incubation time increased.</h5=>
<p>Finally, the relation between the fluorescence and optical density at 590nm was calculated and recorded in the tables below. The first table showed the calculated relations and the second table showed the averages for each sample and their corresponding standard deviations </p>
<h5 align="center:>Finally, the relation between the fluorescence and optical density at 590nm was calculated and recorded in the tables below. The first table showed the calculated relations and the second table showed the averages for each sample and their corresponding standard deviations </h5>
<h4>InterLab Fluorescence/Abs590 Tables</h4>
<h3>InterLab Fluorescence/Abs590 Tables</h3>
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/7/76/T--WPI_Worcester--FlandAbs590_Tables.jpg" alt="InterLab Fluorescence and Absorption Relation Data" style="width:723p×;height:433px;">
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/7/76/T--WPI_Worcester--FlandAbs590_Tables.jpg" alt="InterLab Fluorescence and Absorption Relation Data" style="width:723p×;height:433px;">
<p> The results of the calculations made above were then used to plot the relation between fluorescence verse optical density and show just how much the data varied for each sample and for each incubation time </p>
<h5 align="center"> The results of the calculations made above were then used to plot the relation between fluorescence verse optical density and show just how much the data varied for each sample and for each incubation time </h5>
<h4>InterLab Fluorescence/Abs590 Graph</h4>
<h3>InterLab Fluorescence/Abs590 Graph</h3>
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/d/d7/T--WPI_Worcester--FlandAbs590_Graph.jpg" alt="InterLab Fluorescence and Absorption Relation Graph" style="width:762p×;height:419px;">
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/d/d7/T--WPI_Worcester--FlandAbs590_Graph.jpg" alt="InterLab Fluorescence and Absorption Relation Graph" style="width:762p×;height:419px;">
<p> The figure above showed that device 1 had the highest values for the relation between fluorescence and optical density. In addition, time zero for the first device had the highest variation. Times 4 hours and 6 hours had the lowest levels of variation for most sample devices used in the interlab. </p>
<h5 align="center"> The figure above showed that device 1 had the highest values for the relation between fluorescence and optical density. In addition, time zero for the first device had the highest variation. Times 4 hours and 6 hours had the lowest levels of variation for most sample devices used in the interlab. </h5>

Revision as of 21:53, 19 October 2016

This year's interlab study focused on the measuring fluorescence of specific Igem devices. The first step was calibrating the measurements by creating a reference point of optical density. Four samples of LUDOX-S30 and four samples of deionized water. The protocol called for the optical density of the samples to be measured at 600 nm, but due to the type of plate reader used, the optical density was measured at 590 nm. The plate reader was unable to measure samples accurately at 600nm.

Table 1:Optical Density 590nm Reference Point

Table of OD at 590 of provided samples
The optical density reference point was measured and shown to be around 0.0395 at 590nm for the Ludox and 0.0375 for the water. The correction factor of 7.375 created from the measurements was used in later calculations.

Next a standard curve was created for the fluorescence of samples using a serial dilution of FITC in 1x PBS. This was done four times and the average values for each concentration were used to create the graph shown beneath the table.

Table 2:FITC Standard Curve Measurements
Figure 1:Standard Curve of Average FITC Serial Dilutions

Table and Graph of FITC Standard Curve
The standard curve of the FITC serial dilutions was created and created a trend line that was close to being linear, having fluorescence increase proportionally to the increase in concentration. This standard curve was used to analyze the measurements of fluorescence of the Interlab test devices.

After the liquid cultures of the test devices was grown, a sample from each was taken and the optical density was measured in a spectrophotometer at 600nm. This measurment was then used to back dilute the samples into a 10 mL volume of LB media and chloramphenicol

Table 3:Normalization of Device Optical Density

Normalization Data
The volumes shown in the table were used to create the 10mL stocks that were then left to incubate at 37 Celcius. Every hour, one mL of stock was taken and chilled on ice that were measured in the plate reader at the end
The absorbency of the samples collected of the positive control, negative control, and test devices 1 through 3 from each hour collected over a six hour period were measured at 590nm

Table 4:Absorbency and Correction of InterLab Plate
Table 5:Corrected Absorbency of Interlab Devices

Absorbency at 590nm of InterLab Plate
Shown in Table 4 and Table 5, the devices showed a trend of gradual increase in absorbency overtime, with the highest absorbencies measured at the six hour time period. The corrected values were then plotted to better portray the trend of the data collected, in Figure 2.

Figure 2:InterLab Absorbency Graph

Absorbency Graph
The graph showed that the negative control had the highest absorbency at the six hour mark. Test device 1 for both of its replicates had the lowest absorbency for all the time periods.

The fluorescence of each of the devices was also measured with the normalized plate reader, measuring emission at 485nm and absorption at 535nm. The results from the plate reader were first recorded in the top table below. The data were then adjusted to subtract out the pre-recorded absorbency of the blank (the media the cells were grown in).

InterLab Fluorescence Table

InterLab Fluorescence Table
It was observed in the tables that device two had the highest levels of fluorescence, followed by the positive control, then the first device. The negative control samples showed the lowest levels of fluorescence out of all of the samples collected. The data collected was then organized in a graph to better depict the possible differences in absorbancies between the samples. The graph displayed the data as fluorescence in absorbency units over time the sample was incubated for in hours

InterLab Fluorescence Graph

InterLab Fluorescence Graph
The graph created in the figure above matched the observations made from its related graph. It also showed that each sample had defined trends of fluorescence and all but the negative control increased in fluorescence as incubation time increased.
The results of the calculations made above were then used to plot the relation between fluorescence verse optical density and show just how much the data varied for each sample and for each incubation time

InterLab Fluorescence/Abs590 Graph

InterLab Fluorescence and Absorption Relation Graph
The figure above showed that device 1 had the highest values for the relation between fluorescence and optical density. In addition, time zero for the first device had the highest variation. Times 4 hours and 6 hours had the lowest levels of variation for most sample devices used in the interlab.