Difference between revisions of "Template:Team:UofC Calgary/WebView"

(Created page with "<html> <script> var PDFTron=PDFTron||{};if(typeof console==="undefined")window.console={log:function(){},warn:function(){},error:function(){}};if(window.PDFNet&&!PDFTron.skipP...")
Line 1: Line 1:
var PDFTron=PDFTron||{};if(typeof console==="undefined")window.console={log:function(){},warn:function(){},error:function(){}};if(window.PDFNet&&!PDFTron.skipPDFNetWebViewerWarning)console.warn("PDFNet.js and WebViewer.js have been included in the same context. See pdftron.com/kb_same_context for an explanation of why this could be an error in your application.");
PDFTron.WebViewer=function WebViewer(options,element){this.options=$.extend(true,{},PDFTron.WebViewer.Options,options);if(typeof options.path!=="undefined"){var lastCharIndex=this.options.path.length-1;if(lastCharIndex>0&&this.options.path[lastCharIndex]!=="/")this.options.path+="/";this.options.html5Path=this.options.path+this.options.html5Path;this.options.html5MobilePath=this.options.path+this.options.html5MobilePath}this.element=element;$(this.element).css("overflow","hidden");window.WebViewer=
{l:function(){return options.l},workerTransportPromise:function(){return options.workerTransportPromise}};if(this.options.autoCreate)this.create()};
*The namespace reserved for PDFTron technologies
PDFTron.WebViewer.prototype={version:"2.2.1",create:function(){var me=this;if(typeof this.options.initialDoc!=="undefined"){var docPath=this._correctRelativePath(this.options.initialDoc);docPath=encodeURIComponent(docPath);this.options.initialDoc=docPath;this._create()}else if(typeof this.options.cloudApiId!=="undefined")$.get("https://api.pdftron.com/v2/download/"+this.options.cloudApiId+"?type=xod&redirect=false",function(data){if(typeof data.url==="undefined")me.loadErrorPage();else{me.options.initialDoc=
*@namespace PDFTron PDFTron namespace
encodeURIComponent(data.url);me._create()}},"json").error(function(){me.loadErrorPage()});else this._create()},_create:function(){var me=this;me.rcId=((1+Math.random())*65536|0).toString(16).substring(1);if(typeof this._trigger==="undefined")this._trigger=function(type,event,data1,data2){event=$.Event(event);event.type=type;event.target=$(this.element)[0];var data=[];if(typeof data1!=="undefined")data.push(data1);if(typeof data2!=="undefined")data.push(data2);$(this.element).trigger(event,data)};
var viewers=this.options.type.replace(" ","").split(",");if(viewers.length<1)viewers[0]="html5";me._createViewer(viewers)},_notSupportedMobile:function(){$(this.element).append('<div id="webviewer-browser-unsupported">PDF document viewing is not currently supported by the mobile viewer.</div>')},_createViewer:function(viewers){var me=this;me.selectedType="none";if(this.isMobileDevice()){if(this.options.documentType==="pdf"){this._notSupportedMobile();return}viewers=Array("html5Mobile");me.selectedType=
var PDFTron = PDFTron || {};
"html5Mobile";if(this.options.mobileRedirect){var newLocation=this.options.html5MobilePath+this._getHTML5OptionsURL();window.location=newLocation;return}}var allowHTML5=false;for(var i=0;i<viewers.length;i++){if(viewers[i].toLowerCase()==="html5mobile"){if(this.options.documentType==="pdf")continue;allowHTML5=true;if(me._testHTML5()){if(this.options.mobileRedirect){me.selectedType="html5Mobile";var newLocation=this.options.html5MobilePath+this._getHTML5OptionsURL();window.location=newLocation;return}if(this.options.xdomainProxyUrl||
me.isSameOrigin(decodeURIComponent(me.options.initialDoc))||me._testCORS()){me.selectedType="html5Mobile";break}}}if(viewers[i].toLowerCase()==="html5"){allowHTML5=true;if(me._testHTML5()){var sameOrigin=me.isSameOrigin(decodeURIComponent(me.options.initialDoc));if(this.options.xdomainProxyUrl||sameOrigin||me._testCORS()){me.selectedType="html5";break}}}}if(me.selectedType==="html5")me._createHTML5();else if(me.selectedType==="html5Mobile")me._createHTML5Mobile();else if(allowHTML5){var supportError=
if (typeof console === "undefined") {
"Please use an HTML5 compatible browser";$(me.element).append('<div id="webviewer-browser-unsupported">'+supportError+".</div>")}},_viewerLoaded:function(iframe){var me=this;me._trigger("ready");var viewerWindow=iframe.contentWindow;if(typeof me.options.encryption!=="undefined"){var doc=decodeURIComponent(me.options.initialDoc);var loadOptions={decrypt:viewerWindow.CoreControls.Encryption.decrypt,decryptOptions:me.options.encryption};viewerWindow.ControlUtils.byteRangeCheck(function(status){if(status===
    window.console = {
200)loadOptions.streaming=true;me.loadDocument(doc,loadOptions)},function(){loadOptions.streaming=true;me.loadDocument(doc,loadOptions)})}if(me.instance.docViewer.getDocument()===null)viewerWindow.$(iframe.contentDocument).bind("documentLoaded",function(event){me._trigger(event.type)});else me._trigger("documentLoaded");viewerWindow.$(iframe.contentDocument).bind("displayModeChanged layoutModeChanged zoomChanged pageChanged fitModeChanged toolModeChanged printProgressChanged error",function(event,
        log: function() {
data1,data2){me._trigger(event.type,null,data1,data2)})},_getHTML5OptionsURL:function(){if(this.selectedType==="html5"){if(this.options.html5Options)$.extend(this.options,this.options.html5Options)}else if(this.selectedType==="html5Mobile")if(this.options.html5MobileOptions)$.extend(this.options,this.options.html5MobileOptions);var options=this.options;var url="";var me=this;function acceptPdfUrl(){url+=options.pdfBackend?"&pdf="+options.pdfBackend:"&pdf=auto"}if(typeof options.initialDoc!=="undefined")url+=
"#d="+options.initialDoc;if(options.documentType==="pdf")if(typeof options.backendType==="undefined")acceptPdfUrl();else url+="&pdf=nodejs";else if(typeof options.documentType==="undefined"&&typeof options.initialDoc!=="undefined"&&options.initialDoc.toLowerCase().slice(-4)===".pdf")acceptPdfUrl();if(options.streaming)url+="&streaming=true";if(options.externalPath){var path=this._correctRelativePath(options.externalPath);path=encodeURIComponent(path);url+="&p="+path}if(options.encryption)url+="&auto_load=false";
        warn: function() {
if(options.enableAnnotations)url+="&a=1";if(options.serverUrl){var serverUrl=this._correctRelativePath(options.serverUrl);serverUrl=encodeURIComponent(serverUrl);url+="&server_url="+serverUrl}if(options.documentId)url+="&did="+options.documentId;if(options.config){var config=this._correctRelativePath(options.config);config=encodeURIComponent(config);url+="&config="+config}if(options.enableOfflineMode)url+="&offline=1";if(options.startOffline)url+="&startOffline=1";if(options.enableReadOnlyMode)url+=
"&readonly=1";if(options.hideAnnotationPanel)url+="&hideAnnotationPanel=1";if(typeof options.annotationUser!=="undefined")url+="&user="+options.annotationUser;if(typeof options.annotationAdmin!=="undefined")url+="&admin="+(options.annotationAdmin?1:0);if(typeof options.custom!=="undefined")url+="&custom="+encodeURIComponent(options.custom);if(typeof options.showLocalFilePicker!=="undefined")url+="&filepicker="+(options.showLocalFilePicker?1:0);if(typeof options.preloadPDFWorker!=="undefined")url+=
        error: function() {
"&preloadWorker="+(options.preloadPDFWorker?1:0);if(typeof options.pdfnet!=="undefined")url+="&pdfnet="+(options.pdfnet?1:0);if(typeof options.showToolbarControl!=="undefined")url+="&toolbar="+(options.showToolbarControl?"true":"false");if(typeof options.showPageHistoryButtons!=="undefined")url+="&pageHistory="+(options.showPageHistoryButtons?1:0);if(typeof options.xdomainProxyUrl!=="undefined"){var urls;if(typeof options.xdomainProxyUrl==="string")urls={url:options.xdomainProxyUrl};else urls=options.xdomainProxyUrl;
url+="&xdomain_urls="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(urls))}if(options.azureWorkaround)url+="&azureWorkaround=1";if(!options.useDownloader)url+="&useDownloader=0";if(typeof options.workerTransportPromise!=="undefined")url+="&useSharedWorker="+(options.workerTransportPromise?"true":"false");if(url.length>0&&url[0]==="&")url="#"+url.slice(1);return url},_createHTML5:function(){var me=this;var iframeSource=this.options.html5Path+this._getHTML5OptionsURL();var $rcFrame=$(document.createElement("iframe"));
$rcFrame.attr({id:this.rcId,src:iframeSource,frameborder:0,width:"100%",height:"100%",allowFullScreen:true,webkitallowfullscreen:true,mozallowfullscreen:true});if(this.options.backgroundColor)$rcFrame.attr("data-bgcolor",this.options.backgroundColor);var outerWindow=window;$rcFrame.load(function(){me.instance=this.contentWindow.readerControl;outerWindow.CoreControls=outerWindow.CoreControls||{};outerWindow.CoreControls.DisplayModes=this.contentWindow.CoreControls.DisplayModes;var iframe=this;if(typeof me.instance===
"undefined")this.contentWindow.$(this.contentDocument).bind("viewerLoaded",function(event){me.instance=iframe.contentWindow.readerControl;me._viewerLoaded(iframe)});else me._viewerLoaded(iframe)});$(this.element).append($rcFrame);return $rcFrame},_createHTML5Mobile:function(){var me=this;var iframeSource=this.options.html5MobilePath+this._getHTML5OptionsURL();var $rcFrame=$(document.createElement("iframe"));$rcFrame.attr({id:this.rcId,src:iframeSource,frameborder:0});$rcFrame.css("width","100%").css("height",
"100%");$rcFrame.load(function(){me.instance=this.contentWindow.readerControl;var iframe=this;if(typeof me.instance==="undefined")this.contentWindow.$(this.contentDocument).bind("viewerLoaded",function(event){me.instance=iframe.contentWindow.readerControl;me._viewerLoaded(iframe)});else me._viewerLoaded(iframe)});$(this.element).append($rcFrame);return $rcFrame},_init:function(){},getInstance:function(){return this.instance},loadErrorPage:function(){if(typeof this.options.errorPage==="undefined")$(this.element).append("<h2 style='text-align:center;margin-top:100px'>We're sorry, an error has occurred.</h2>");
if (window.PDFNet && !PDFTron.skipPDFNetWebViewerWarning)
else $(this.element).load(this.options.errorPage)},getSideWindowVisibility:function(){return this.getInstance().getShowSideWindow()},setSideWindowVisibility:function(value){this.getInstance().setShowSideWindow(value)},getShowSideWindow:function(){return this.getSideWindowVisibility()},setShowSideWindow:function(value){this.setSideWindowVisibility(value)},getToolbarVisibility:function(){console.warn("Unsupported method getToolbarVisibility")},setToolbarVisibility:function(isVisible){this.getInstance().setToolbarVisibility(isVisible)},
getCurrentPageNumber:function(){return this.getInstance().getCurrentPageNumber()},setCurrentPageNumber:function(pageNumber){this.getInstance().setCurrentPageNumber(pageNumber)},getPageCount:function(){return this.getInstance().getPageCount()},getZoomLevel:function(){return this.getInstance().getZoomLevel()},setZoomLevel:function(zoomLevel){this.getInstance().setZoomLevel(zoomLevel)},rotateClockwise:function(){this.getInstance().rotateClockwise()},rotateCounterClockwise:function(){this.getInstance().rotateCounterClockwise()},
    console.warn("PDFNet.js and WebViewer.js have been included in the same context. See pdftron.com/kb_same_context for an explanation of why this could be an error in your application.")
getLayoutMode:function(){var layoutMode=this.getInstance().getLayoutMode();var displayModes=CoreControls.DisplayModes;if(layoutMode===displayModes.Single)return PDFTron.WebViewer.LayoutMode.Single;else if(layoutMode===displayModes.Continuous)return PDFTron.WebViewer.LayoutMode.Continuous;else if(layoutMode===displayModes.Facing)return PDFTron.WebViewer.LayoutMode.Facing;else if(layoutMode===displayModes.FacingContinuous)return PDFTron.WebViewer.LayoutMode.FacingContinuous;else if(layoutMode===displayModes.Cover)return PDFTron.WebViewer.LayoutMode.FacingCoverContinuous;
else if(layoutMode===displayModes.CoverFacing)return PDFTron.WebViewer.LayoutMode.FacingCover;else return undefined},setLayoutMode:function(layoutMode){var displayModes=CoreControls.DisplayModes;var displayMode=displayModes.Continuous;if(layoutMode===PDFTron.WebViewer.LayoutMode.Single)displayMode=displayModes.Single;else if(layoutMode===PDFTron.WebViewer.LayoutMode.Continuous)displayMode=displayModes.Continuous;else if(layoutMode===PDFTron.WebViewer.LayoutMode.Facing)displayMode=displayModes.Facing;
else if(layoutMode===PDFTron.WebViewer.LayoutMode.FacingContinuous)displayMode=displayModes.FacingContinuous;else if(layoutMode===PDFTron.WebViewer.LayoutMode.FacingCover)displayMode=displayModes.CoverFacing;else if(layoutMode===PDFTron.WebViewer.LayoutMode.FacingCoverContinuous)displayMode=displayModes.Cover;this.getInstance().setLayoutMode(displayMode)},getToolMode:function(){return this.getInstance().getToolMode()},setToolMode:function(toolMode){this.getInstance().setToolMode(toolMode)},fitWidth:function(){this.getInstance().fitWidth()},
fitHeight:function(){this.getInstance().fitHeight()},fitPage:function(){this.getInstance().fitPage()},getFitMode:function(){var fitMode=this.getInstance().getFitMode();var FitModeEnums=this.getInstance().docViewer.FitMode;switch(fitMode){case FitModeEnums.FitWidth:return PDFTron.WebViewer.FitMode.FitWidth;case FitModeEnums.FitHeight:return PDFTron.WebViewer.FitMode.FitHeight;case FitModeEnums.FitPage:return PDFTron.WebViewer.FitMode.FitPage;case FitModeEnums.Zoom:return PDFTron.WebViewer.FitMode.Zoom;
default:console.warn("Unsupported fit mode")}},setFitMode:function(fitMode){if(fitMode===PDFTron.WebViewer.FitMode.FitWidth)this.fitWidth();else if(fitMode===PDFTron.WebViewer.FitMode.FitHeight)this.fitHeight();else if(fitMode===PDFTron.WebViewer.FitMode.FitPage)this.fitPage();else if(fitMode===PDFTron.WebViewer.FitMode.Zoom)this.zoom();else console.warn("Unsupported fit mode: "+fitMode)},zoom:function(){this.getInstance().fitZoom()},goToFirstPage:function(){this.getInstance().goToFirstPage()},goToLastPage:function(){this.getInstance().goToLastPage()},
* Creates a WebViewer instance and embeds it on the HTML page.
goToNextPage:function(){this.getInstance().goToNextPage()},goToPrevPage:function(){this.getInstance().goToPrevPage()},loadDocument:function(url,options){var existingLoadOptions={streaming:this.options.streaming};var load_options=$.extend(true,{},existingLoadOptions,options);if(typeof load_options.documentId!=="undefined")this.getInstance().docId=load_options.documentId;this.getInstance().loadDocument(this._correctRelativePath(url),load_options)},searchText:function(pattern,searchModes){var mode=0;
var modes=searchModes;if(typeof modes==="string")modes=searchModes.split(",");if(typeof modes!=="undefined")for(var i=0;i<modes.length;i++)if(modes[i]==="CaseSensitive")mode+=1;else if(modes[i]==="WholeWord")mode+=2;else if(modes[i]==="SearchUp")mode+=4;else if(modes[i]==="PageStop")mode+=8;else if(modes[i]==="ProvideQuads")mode+=16;else if(modes[i]==="AmbientString")mode+=32;if(typeof searchModes==="undefined")this.getInstance().searchText(pattern);else this.getInstance().searchText(pattern,mode)},
* @class PDFTron.WebViewer Represents a WebViewer which is a document viewer built using HTML5.
setAnnotationUser:function(username){this.getInstance().setAnnotationUser(username)},setAdminUser:function(isAdminUser){this.getInstance().setAdminUser(isAdminUser)},setReadOnly:function(isReadOnly){this.getInstance().setReadOnly(isReadOnly)},downloadXodDocument:function(){if(this.documentType==="xod"){var url=decodeURIComponent(this.options.initialDoc);window.open(url)}else console.warn("Unsupported method for this document type")},startPrintJob:function(pages){if(this.selectedType==="html5")this.getInstance().startPrintJob(pages);
* @param {PDFTron.WebViewer.Options} options options passed to the specific WebViewer.
else console.warn("Unsupported method startPrintJob")},endPrintJob:function(){if(this.selectedType==="html5")this.getInstance().endPrintJob();else console.warn("Unsupported method endPrintJob")},getViewerType:function(){return this.selectedType},option:function(key,value){if($.isPlainObject(key))this.options=$.extend(true,this.options,key);else if(key&&typeof value==="undefined")return this.options[key];else this.options[key]=value;return this},_correctRelativePath:function(path){var curdir=window.location.pathname.substr(0,
* @example e.g.
window.location.pathname.lastIndexOf("/"));var pattern=/^(https?:\/\/|file:\/\/|\/|blob:|%2F|filesystem:)/i;return pattern.test(path)?path:curdir+"/"+path},_testHTML5:function(){try{var c=document.createElement("canvas");return c&&c.getContext("2d")}catch(e){return false}},_supports:function(type){if(type===this.selectedType)return true;for(var i=1;i<arguments.length;i++)if(arguments[i]===this.selectedType)return true;return false},_testCORS:function(){return"XMLHttpRequest"in window&&"withCredentials"in
*var viewerElement = document.getElementById('viewer');
new XMLHttpRequest},isMobileDevice:function(){return this.scrollbarWidth()===0&&navigator.userAgent.match(/Edge/i)||navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i)||navigator.userAgent.match(/webOS/i)||navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i)||navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i)||navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i)||navigator.userAgent.match(/Touch/i)||navigator.userAgent.match(/IEMobile/i)||navigator.userAgent.match(/Silk/i)},scrollbarWidth:function(){var scrollDiv=document.createElement("div");scrollDiv.style.cssText=
*myWebViewer = new PDFTron.WebViewer({
"width:100px;height:100px;overflow:scroll !important;position:absolute;top:-9999px";document.body.appendChild(scrollDiv);var result=scrollDiv.offsetWidth-scrollDiv.clientWidth;document.body.removeChild(scrollDiv);return result},isChrome:function(){var opera=window.navigator.userAgent.match(/OPR/);var maxthon=window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Maxthon/);var edge=window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Edge/);return window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrome\/(.*?) /)&&!opera&&!maxthon&&!edge},isSameOrigin:function(url){var loc=
* type: "html5,html5Mobile",
window.location;var a=document.createElement("a");a.href=url;if(a.host==="")a.href=a.href;var locPort=window.location.port;var aPort=a.port;if(a.protocol==="http:"){aPort=aPort||"80";locPort=locPort||"80"}else if(a.protocol==="https:"){aPort=aPort||"443";locPort=locPort||"443"}return a.hostname===loc.hostname&&a.protocol===loc.protocol&&aPort===locPort}};if(typeof $.widget==="function")$.widget("PDFTron.webViewer",PDFTron.WebViewer.prototype);
* initialDoc : "/host/GettingStarted.xod",
* enableAnnotations: true,
* streaming : false
* }, viewerElement);
* @param element the html element that will contain the web viewer (e.g. the <div> element that will be parent of the WebViewer). This can be obtained through document.getElementById(), or through JQuery selector.
* @return {PDFTron.WebViewer}  the instance of the WebViewer class
PDFTron.WebViewer.User=function(username,isAdmin,isReadOnly){this.username=username;if(typeof isAdmin!=="undefined")this.isAdmin=isAdmin;else this.isAdmin=false;if(typeof isReadOnly!=="undefined")this.isReadOnly=isReadOnly;else this.isReadOnly=false};
PDFTron.WebViewer = function WebViewer(options, element) {
    this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PDFTron.WebViewer.Options, options);
    //set up alternate viewer paths.
    if (typeof options.path !== 'undefined') {
        //alternate path provided
        var lastCharIndex = this.options.path.length - 1;
        if (lastCharIndex > 0 && this.options.path[lastCharIndex] !== '/') {
            this.options.path += '/';
        this.options.html5Path = this.options.path + this.options.html5Path;
        this.options.html5MobilePath = this.options.path + this.options.html5MobilePath;
    this.element = element;
    $(this.element).css('overflow', 'hidden');
    window.WebViewer = {
        l: function() {
            return options.l;
        workerTransportPromise: function() {
            return options.workerTransportPromise
    if (this.options.autoCreate) {
PDFTron.WebViewer.prototype = {
    version: '2.2.1',
    create: function() {
        var me = this;
        if (typeof this.options.initialDoc !== 'undefined') {
            var docPath = this._correctRelativePath(this.options.initialDoc);
            docPath = encodeURIComponent(docPath); //url-encode the doc path
            this.options.initialDoc = docPath;
        } else if (typeof this.options.cloudApiId !== 'undefined') {
            $.get('https://api.pdftron.com/v2/download/' + this.options.cloudApiId + "?type=xod&redirect=false", function(data) {
                if (typeof data.url === "undefined") {
                } else {
                    me.options.initialDoc = encodeURIComponent(data.url);
            }, 'json')
                    .error(function() {
        } else {
            // just create the viewer if there is no initial doc specified
    _create: function() {
        //called by the constructor only once
        var me = this;
        me.rcId = (((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000) | 0).toString(16).substring(1); //random id
        if ((typeof this._trigger) === 'undefined') {
            this._trigger = function(type, event, data1, data2) {
                //data = data || {};
                event = $.Event(event);
                event.type = type;
                // the original event may come from any element
                // so we need to reset the target on the new event
                event.target = $(this.element)[ 0 ];
                //event.data = data;
                var data = [];
                if (typeof data1 !== 'undefined') {
                if (typeof data2 !== 'undefined') {
                $(this.element).trigger(event, data);
        //get the selected type
        var viewers = this.options.type.replace(' ', '').split(",");
        if (viewers.length < 1)
            viewers[0] = "html5"; //use html5 as default
    _notSupportedMobile: function() {
        $(this.element).append("<div id=\"webviewer-browser-unsupported\">PDF document viewing is not currently supported by the mobile viewer.</div>");
    _createViewer: function(viewers) {
        var me = this;
        me.selectedType = "none";
        if (this.isMobileDevice()) {
            if (this.options.documentType === 'pdf') {
            viewers = Array("html5Mobile");
            me.selectedType = "html5Mobile";
            if (this.options.mobileRedirect) {
                // redirect to new location
                var newLocation = this.options.html5MobilePath + this._getHTML5OptionsURL();
                window.location = newLocation;
        var allowHTML5 = false;
        for (var i = 0; i < viewers.length; i++) {
            if (viewers[i].toLowerCase() === "html5mobile") {
                if (this.options.documentType === 'pdf') {
                allowHTML5 = true;
                if (me._testHTML5()) {
                    if (this.options.mobileRedirect) {
                        // redirect to new location
                        me.selectedType = "html5Mobile";
                        var newLocation = this.options.html5MobilePath + this._getHTML5OptionsURL();
                        window.location = newLocation;
                    if (this.options.xdomainProxyUrl || me.isSameOrigin(decodeURIComponent(me.options.initialDoc)) || me._testCORS()) {
                        me.selectedType = "html5Mobile";
            if (viewers[i].toLowerCase() === "html5") {
                allowHTML5 = true;
                if (me._testHTML5()) {
                    var sameOrigin = me.isSameOrigin(decodeURIComponent(me.options.initialDoc));
                    if (this.options.xdomainProxyUrl || sameOrigin || me._testCORS()) {
                        //if not same origin, need to support xdomain access through CORS
                        me.selectedType = "html5";
        if (me.selectedType === "html5") {
        } else if (me.selectedType === "html5Mobile") {
        } else {
            if (allowHTML5) {
                var supportError = "Please use an HTML5 compatible browser";
                $(me.element).append("<div id=\"webviewer-browser-unsupported\">" + supportError + ".</div>");
    _viewerLoaded: function(iframe) {
        var me = this;
        var viewerWindow = iframe.contentWindow;
        if (typeof me.options.encryption !== "undefined") {
            var doc = decodeURIComponent(me.options.initialDoc);
            var loadOptions = {
                decrypt: viewerWindow.CoreControls.Encryption.decrypt,
                decryptOptions: me.options.encryption
            }; // get the load options set via constructor
            viewerWindow.ControlUtils.byteRangeCheck(function(status) {
                // if the range header is supported then we will receive a status of 206
                if (status === 200) {
                    loadOptions.streaming = true;
                me.loadDocument(doc, loadOptions);
            }, function() {
                // some browsers that don't support the range header will return an error
                loadOptions.streaming = true;
                me.loadDocument(doc, loadOptions);
        if (me.instance.docViewer.getDocument() === null) {
            //note, we need bind using the iframe window's instance of jQuery
            viewerWindow.$(iframe.contentDocument).bind('documentLoaded', function(event) {
        } else {
            //a document is already loaded, trigger the documentLoaded event directly
        //bind the rest of the events/callbacks here
                ('displayModeChanged layoutModeChanged zoomChanged pageChanged fitModeChanged toolModeChanged printProgressChanged error',
                        function(event, data1, data2) {
                            //relay event
                            me._trigger(event.type, null, data1, data2);
    _getHTML5OptionsURL: function() {
        if (this.selectedType === "html5") {
            if (this.options.html5Options) {
                $.extend(this.options, this.options.html5Options);
        } else if (this.selectedType === "html5Mobile") {
            if (this.options.html5MobileOptions) {
                $.extend(this.options, this.options.html5MobileOptions);
        var options = this.options;
        var url = "";
        var me = this;
        function acceptPdfUrl() {
            // optionally force pdf backend, else default to auto
            url += options.pdfBackend ? "&pdf=" + options.pdfBackend : "&pdf=auto";
        if (typeof options.initialDoc !== "undefined") {
            url += "#d=" + options.initialDoc;
        // If document type not specified, use extension to determine viewer to load
        // Default to xod file format if not specified
        if (options.documentType === 'pdf') {
            if (typeof options.backendType === "undefined") {
            } else {
                url += "&pdf=nodejs";
        } else if (typeof options.documentType === "undefined" &&
                typeof options.initialDoc !== "undefined" && options.initialDoc.toLowerCase().slice(-4) === '.pdf') {
        if (options.streaming) {
            url += "&streaming=true";
        if (options.externalPath) {
            var path = this._correctRelativePath(options.externalPath);
            path = encodeURIComponent(path);
            url += "&p=" + path;
        if (options.encryption) {
            // we want to stop the document from automatically loading if it's encrypted as we'll do that later passing the options to it
            url += "&auto_load=false";
        if (options.enableAnnotations) {
            url += "&a=1";
        if (options.serverUrl) {
            var serverUrl = this._correctRelativePath(options.serverUrl);
            serverUrl = encodeURIComponent(serverUrl);
            url += "&server_url=" + serverUrl;
        if (options.documentId) {
            url += "&did=" + options.documentId;
        if (options.config) {
            var config = this._correctRelativePath(options.config);
            config = encodeURIComponent(config);
            url += "&config=" + config;
        if (options.enableOfflineMode) {
            url += "&offline=1";
        if (options.startOffline) {
            url += "&startOffline=1";
        if (options.enableReadOnlyMode) {
            url += "&readonly=1";
        if (options.hideAnnotationPanel) {
            url += "&hideAnnotationPanel=1";
        if (typeof options.annotationUser !== 'undefined') {
            url += "&user=" + options.annotationUser;
        if (typeof options.annotationAdmin !== 'undefined') {
            url += "&admin=" + (options.annotationAdmin ? 1 : 0);
        if (typeof options.custom !== "undefined") {
            url += "&custom=" + encodeURIComponent(options.custom);
        if (typeof options.showLocalFilePicker !== "undefined") {
            url += "&filepicker=" + (options.showLocalFilePicker ? 1 : 0);
        if (typeof options.preloadPDFWorker !== "undefined") {
            url += "&preloadWorker=" + (options.preloadPDFWorker ? 1 : 0);
        if (typeof options.pdfnet !== "undefined") {
            url += "&pdfnet=" + (options.pdfnet ? 1 : 0);
        if (typeof options.showToolbarControl !== "undefined") {
            url += "&toolbar=" + (options.showToolbarControl ? "true" : "false");
        if (typeof options.showPageHistoryButtons !== "undefined") {
            url += "&pageHistory=" + (options.showPageHistoryButtons ? 1 : 0);
        if (typeof options.xdomainProxyUrl !== "undefined") {
            var urls;
            if (typeof options.xdomainProxyUrl === "string") {
                // if the option is a string then a single url is being used and is handled differently
                // the single url will be on the url property
                urls = {
                    url: options.xdomainProxyUrl
            } else {
                // urls passed in through object form can be kept as is
                urls = options.xdomainProxyUrl;
            url += "&xdomain_urls=" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(urls));
        if (options.azureWorkaround) {
            url += "&azureWorkaround=1";
        if (!options.useDownloader){
            url += '&useDownloader=0';
        if (typeof options.workerTransportPromise !== "undefined"){
            url += '&useSharedWorker=' + (options.workerTransportPromise ? "true" : "false");
        // if there is no initial doc specified then the first character might not be a '#' so fix this
        if (url.length > 0 && url[0] === '&') {
            url = '#' + url.slice(1);
        return url;
    _createHTML5: function() {
        var me = this;
        var iframeSource = this.options.html5Path + this._getHTML5OptionsURL();
        var $rcFrame = $(document.createElement('iframe'));
            id: this.rcId,
            src: iframeSource,
            frameborder: 0,
            width: "100%",
            height: "100%",
            allowFullScreen: true,
            webkitallowfullscreen: true,
            mozallowfullscreen: true
        if (this.options.backgroundColor) {
            $rcFrame.attr('data-bgcolor', this.options.backgroundColor);
        var outerWindow = window;
        $rcFrame.load(function() {
            me.instance = this.contentWindow.readerControl;
            //same the namespaces to the outer window
            outerWindow.CoreControls = outerWindow.CoreControls || {};
            outerWindow.CoreControls.DisplayModes = this.contentWindow.CoreControls.DisplayModes;
            var iframe = this;
            if (typeof me.instance === "undefined") {
                this.contentWindow.$(this.contentDocument).bind('viewerLoaded', function(event) {
                    me.instance = iframe.contentWindow.readerControl;
            } else {
        return $rcFrame;
    _createHTML5Mobile: function() {
        // use the correct type if mobile
        var me = this;
        var iframeSource = this.options.html5MobilePath + this._getHTML5OptionsURL();
        var $rcFrame = $(document.createElement('iframe'));
            id: this.rcId,
            src: iframeSource,
            frameborder: 0
        $rcFrame.css('width', '100%').css("height", "100%");
        $rcFrame.load(function() {
            me.instance = this.contentWindow.readerControl;
            var iframe = this;
            if (typeof me.instance === "undefined") {
                this.contentWindow.$(this.contentDocument).bind('viewerLoaded', function(event) {
                    me.instance = iframe.contentWindow.readerControl;
            } else {
        return $rcFrame;
    _init: function() {
    * Gets the instance of the ReaderControl object loaded by WebViewer.
    * @return a ReaderControl instance
    getInstance: function() {
        return this.instance;
    loadErrorPage: function() {
        if (typeof this.options.errorPage === 'undefined') {
            $(this.element).append("<h2 style='text-align:center;margin-top:100px'>We're sorry, an error has occurred.</h2>");
        } else {
    * Gets the visibility of the default side window.
    * Not supported for mobile viewer.
    * @returns {boolean} true if the side window is visible.
    getSideWindowVisibility: function() {
        return this.getInstance().getShowSideWindow();
    * Gets the visibility of the default side window.
    * Not supported for mobile viewer.
    * @param {boolean} value true to show the side window
    setSideWindowVisibility: function(value) {
    * Gets the value whether the side window is visible or not.
    * Not supported for mobile viewer.
    * @return true if the side window is shown
    * @deprecated since version 1.7. Replaced by {@link PDFTron.WebViewer#getSideWindowVisibility}.
    getShowSideWindow: function() {
        return this.getSideWindowVisibility();
    * Sets the value whether the side window is visible or not.
    * Not supported for mobile viewer.
    * @param value true to show the side window
    * @deprecated since 1.7. Replaced by {@link PDFTron.WebViewer#setShowSideWindow}.
    setShowSideWindow: function(value) {
    * Gets the visibilty of the default toolbar control.
    * @returns {boolean} true if the toolbar is visible.
    getToolbarVisibility: function() {
        console.warn("Unsupported method getToolbarVisibility");
    * Sets the visibilty of the default toolbar control.
    * @param {boolean} isVisible true if the toolbar is visible.
    setToolbarVisibility: function(isVisible) {
    * Gets the current page number of the document loaded in the WebViewer.
    * @return the current page number of the document
    getCurrentPageNumber: function() {
        return this.getInstance().getCurrentPageNumber();
    * Sets the current page number of the document loaded in the WebViewer.
    * @param pageNumber the page number of the document to set
    setCurrentPageNumber: function(pageNumber) {
    * Gets the total number of pages of the loaded document.
    * @return the total number of pages of the loaded document
    getPageCount: function() {
        return this.getInstance().getPageCount();
    * Gets the zoom level of the document.
    * @return {number} the zoom level of the document
    getZoomLevel: function() {
        return this.getInstance().getZoomLevel();
    * Sets the zoom level of the document.
    * @param zoomLevel the new zoom level to set
    setZoomLevel: function(zoomLevel) {
    * Rotates the document in the WebViewer clockwise.
    * Not supported for mobile viewer.
    rotateClockwise: function() {
    * Rotates the document in the WebViewer counter-clockwise.
    * Not supported for mobile viewer.
    rotateCounterClockwise: function() {
    * Gets the layout mode of the document in the WebViewer.
    * Not supported for mobile viewer.
    * @return {PDFTron.WebViewer.LayoutMode} the layout mode of the document
    getLayoutMode: function() {
        var layoutMode = this.getInstance().getLayoutMode();
        var displayModes = CoreControls.DisplayModes;
        // the HTML5 viewer has different naming schemes for this
        if (layoutMode === displayModes.Single) {
            return PDFTron.WebViewer.LayoutMode.Single;
        } else if (layoutMode === displayModes.Continuous) {
            return PDFTron.WebViewer.LayoutMode.Continuous;
        } else if (layoutMode === displayModes.Facing) {
            return PDFTron.WebViewer.LayoutMode.Facing;
        } else if (layoutMode === displayModes.FacingContinuous) {
            return PDFTron.WebViewer.LayoutMode.FacingContinuous;
        } else if (layoutMode === displayModes.Cover) {
            return PDFTron.WebViewer.LayoutMode.FacingCoverContinuous;
        } else if (layoutMode === displayModes.CoverFacing) {
            return PDFTron.WebViewer.LayoutMode.FacingCover;
        } else {
            return undefined;
    * Sets the layout mode of the document in the WebViewer.
    * Not supported for mobile viewer.
    * @param {PDFTron.WebViewer.LayoutMode} layoutMode the layout mode to set.
    setLayoutMode: function(layoutMode) {
        var displayModes = CoreControls.DisplayModes;
        var displayMode = displayModes.Continuous;
        // the HTML5 viewer have different naming schemes for this
        if (layoutMode === PDFTron.WebViewer.LayoutMode.Single) {
            displayMode = displayModes.Single;
        } else if (layoutMode === PDFTron.WebViewer.LayoutMode.Continuous) {
            displayMode = displayModes.Continuous;
        } else if (layoutMode === PDFTron.WebViewer.LayoutMode.Facing) {
            displayMode = displayModes.Facing;
        } else if (layoutMode === PDFTron.WebViewer.LayoutMode.FacingContinuous) {
            displayMode = displayModes.FacingContinuous;
        } else if (layoutMode === PDFTron.WebViewer.LayoutMode.FacingCover) {
            displayMode = displayModes.CoverFacing;
            //displayMode = displayModes.Cover;
        } else if (layoutMode === PDFTron.WebViewer.LayoutMode.FacingCoverContinuous) {
            displayMode = displayModes.Cover;
            //displayMode = displayModes.CoverContinuous;
    * Gets the current tool mode of the WebViewer.
    * Not supported for mobile viewer.
    * @return {PDFTron.WebViewer.ToolMode} the current tool mode of the WebViewer
    getToolMode: function() {
        return this.getInstance().getToolMode();
    * Sets the tool mode of the WebViewer.
    * Not supported for mobile viewer.
    * @param {PDFTron.WebViewer.ToolMode} toolMode  must be one of the PDFTron.WebViewer.ToolMode
    setToolMode: function(toolMode) {
    * Controls if the document's Zoom property will be adjusted so that the width of the current page or panel
    * will exactly fit into the available space.
    * Not supported for mobile viewer.
    * @deprecated since 1.7. Use {@link PDFTron.WebViewer#setFitMode} instead.
    fitWidth: function() {
    * Controls if the document's Zoom property will be adjusted so that the height of the current page or panel
    * will exactly fit into the available space.
    * Not supported for mobile viewer.
    * @deprecated since 1.7. Use {@link PDFTron.WebViewer#setFitMode} instead.
    fitHeight: function() {
    * Controls if the document's Zoom property will be adjusted so that the width and height of the current page or panel
    * will fit into the available space.
    * Not supported for mobile viewer.
    * @deprecated since 1.7. Use {@link PDFTron.WebViewer#setFitMode} instead.
    fitPage: function() {
    * Gets the current fit mode of the viewer
    * @since version 1.7
    * @return {PDFTron.WebViewer.FitMode}
    getFitMode: function() {
        var fitMode = this.getInstance().getFitMode();
        var FitModeEnums = this.getInstance().docViewer.FitMode;
        switch (fitMode) {
            case FitModeEnums.FitWidth:
                return PDFTron.WebViewer.FitMode.FitWidth;
            case FitModeEnums.FitHeight:
                return PDFTron.WebViewer.FitMode.FitHeight;
            case FitModeEnums.FitPage:
                return PDFTron.WebViewer.FitMode.FitPage;
            case FitModeEnums.Zoom:
                return PDFTron.WebViewer.FitMode.Zoom;
                console.warn("Unsupported fit mode");
    * Sets the fit mode of the viewer.
    * This is equivalent to calling the methods: fitWidth, fitHeight, fitPage, zoom
    * @param {PDFTron.WebViewer.FitMode} fitMode
    * @since version 1.7
    setFitMode: function(fitMode) {
        if (fitMode === PDFTron.WebViewer.FitMode.FitWidth) {
        } else if (fitMode === PDFTron.WebViewer.FitMode.FitHeight) {
        } else if (fitMode === PDFTron.WebViewer.FitMode.FitPage) {
        } else if (fitMode === PDFTron.WebViewer.FitMode.Zoom) {
        } else {
            console.warn("Unsupported fit mode: " + fitMode);
    * Controls if the document's Zoom property will be freely adjusted and not constrained with the width and height of the
    * current page or panel.
    * Not supported for mobile viewer.
    * @deprecated since 1.7. Use {@link PDFTron.WebViewer#setFitMode} instead.
    zoom: function() {
    * Goes to the first page of the document. Makes the document viewer display the first page of the document.
    goToFirstPage: function() {
    * Goes to the last page of the document. Makes the document viewer display the last page of the document.
    goToLastPage: function() {
    * Goes to the next page of the document. Makes the document viewer display the next page of the document.
    goToNextPage: function() {
    * Goes to the previous page of the document. Makes the document viewer display the previous page of the document.
    goToPrevPage: function() {
    * Loads a document to the WebViewer.
    * @param {String} url the URL of the document to be loaded
    * @param loadOptions options for loading a new document
    * @param loadOptions.documentId a unique identifer for the document. When an annotation server is specified, this ID will be sent to the server
    * @param loadOptions.filename the filename of the document.
    * @param loadOptions.customHeaders an object custom HTTP headers to use when retrieving the document from the specified url. For example: {'Authorization':'Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ='}
    loadDocument: function(url, options) {
        var existingLoadOptions = {
            streaming: this.options.streaming
        var load_options = $.extend(true, {}, existingLoadOptions, options);
        if (typeof load_options.documentId !== "undefined") {
            //allow "null" values
            this.getInstance().docId = load_options.documentId;
        this.getInstance().loadDocument(this._correctRelativePath(url), load_options);
    * Searches the loaded document finding for the matching pattern.
    * Search mode includes:
    * <ul>
    * <li>None</li>
    * <li>CaseSensitive</li>
    * <li>WholeWord</li>
    * <li>SearchUp</li>
    * <li>PageStop</li>
    * <li>ProvideQuads</li>
    * <li>AmbientString</li>
    * </ul>
    * @param pattern      the pattern to look for
    * @param searchMode    must one or a combination of the above search modes. To
    *                      combine search modes, simply pass them as comma separated
    *                      values in one string. i.e. "CaseSensitive,WholeWord"
    searchText: function(pattern, searchModes) {
        var mode = 0;
        var modes = searchModes;
        if (typeof modes === 'string') {
            modes = searchModes.split(',');
        if (typeof modes !== "undefined") {
            for (var i = 0; i < modes.length; i++) {
                if (modes[i] === "CaseSensitive") {
                    mode += 0x1;
                else if (modes[i] === "WholeWord") {
                    mode += 0x2;
                else if (modes[i] === "SearchUp") {
                    mode += 0x4;
                else if (modes[i] === "PageStop") {
                    mode += 0x8;
                else if (modes[i] === "ProvideQuads") {
                    mode += 0x10;
                else if (modes[i] === "AmbientString") {
                    mode += 0x20;
        if (typeof searchModes === 'undefined') {
        } else {
            this.getInstance().searchText(pattern, mode);
    * Sets the annotation author.
    * @param {string} username
    setAnnotationUser: function(username) {
    * Sets the administrative permissions for the current annotation user.
    * @param {boolean} isAdminUser
    setAdminUser: function(isAdminUser) {
    * Sets the viewer's annotation read-only state. When read-only, users will be allowed to view annotations
    and its popup text contents, but will not be able to edit or create new annotations.
    * @param {boolean} isReadOnly
    setReadOnly: function(isReadOnly) {
    * Opens the XOD document through the browser to be downloaded.
    * @since version 1.7
    downloadXodDocument: function() {
        if (this.documentType === 'xod') {
            var url = decodeURIComponent(this.options.initialDoc);
        } else {
            console.warn("Unsupported method for this document type");
    * Starts a printing job for the passed in pages. (Desktop only)
    * @param {string} pages The pages that should be printed. Multiple pages can be separated by commas
        and ranges can be specified by a dash (e.g. 1,3-5)
    startPrintJob: function(pages) {
        if (this.selectedType === "html5") {
        } else {
            console.warn("Unsupported method startPrintJob");
    * Cleans up the resources that were used for printing. (Desktop only)
    endPrintJob: function() {
        if (this.selectedType === "html5") {
        } else {
            console.warn("Unsupported method endPrintJob");
    * Gets the currently loaded viewer type. This is only valid after the documentLoaded event.
* @return {string} the viewer type: "html5" or "html5Mobile"
    getViewerType: function() {
        return this.selectedType;
    //JQuery UI Widget option method
    option: function(key, value) {
        // optional: get/change options post initialization
        // ignore if you don't require them.
        // signature: $('#viewer').webViewer({ type: 'html5' });
        if ($.isPlainObject(key)) {
            this.options = $.extend(true, this.options, key);
            // signature: $('#viewer').option('type'); - getter
        } else if (key && typeof value === "undefined") {
            return this.options[key];
            // signature: $('#viewer').webViewer('option', 'type', 'html5');
        } else {
            this.options[key] = value;
        // required: option must return the current instance.
        // When re-initializing an instance on elements, option
        // is called first and is then chained to the _init method.
        return this;
    //make relative paths absolute
    _correctRelativePath: function(path) {
        //get current url
        var curdir = window.location.pathname.substr(0, window.location.pathname.lastIndexOf('/'));
        //pattern begins with --> https:// or http:// or file:// or / or blob: or %2F (%2F is '/' url encoded. Necessary to work with S3 signatures)
        var pattern = /^(https?:\/\/|file:\/\/|\/|blob:|%2F|filesystem:)/i;
        //correct relative paths by prepending "../"
        return pattern.test(path) ? path : curdir + '/' + path;
    _testHTML5: function() {
        try {
            var c = document.createElement('canvas');
            return (c && c.getContext('2d'));
        } catch (e) {
            return false;
    _supports: function(type) {
        if (type === this.selectedType) {
            return true;
        for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
            if (arguments[i] === this.selectedType) {
                return true;
        return false;
    _testCORS: function() {
        return 'XMLHttpRequest' in window && 'withCredentials' in new XMLHttpRequest();
    * Detects if the current browser is on a mobile device.
    * @return {boolean} true if this page is loaded on a mobile device.
    isMobileDevice: function() {
        return ((this.scrollbarWidth() === 0 && navigator.userAgent.match(/Edge/i))
                || navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/webOS/i)
                || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i)
                || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/Touch/i)
                || navigator.userAgent.match(/IEMobile/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/Silk/i));
    // In windows 10 tablets, the tablet mode and desktop mode use the same user agent.  HOWEVER
    // the scrollbar width in tablet mode is 0.  This means that we can find the scrollbar width
    // and use it to determine if they are in tablet mode (mobile viewer) or desktop mode
    scrollbarWidth: function() {
        var scrollDiv = document.createElement("div");
        scrollDiv.style.cssText = 'width:100px;height:100px;overflow:scroll !important;position:absolute;top:-9999px';
        var result = scrollDiv.offsetWidth - scrollDiv.clientWidth;
        return result;
    isChrome: function() {
        // opera and maxthon have chrome in their useragent string so we need to be careful!
        // and so does edge...stupid sneaky edge
        var opera = window.navigator.userAgent.match(/OPR/);
        var maxthon = window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Maxthon/);
        var edge = window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Edge/);
        return (window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrome\/(.*?) /) && !opera && !maxthon && !edge);
    * Detects if the give url string is in the same origin as the current page
    * @param {type} url the URL to test against
    * @returns {boolean} true if the provided URL is in the same origin as the current page
    isSameOrigin: function(url) {
        var loc = window.location;
        var a = document.createElement('a');
        a.href = url;
        if (a.host === "") {
            // IE won't set the properties we want if we set href to a relative path, but it will
            // automatically change href to an absolute path, so if we set it again as absolute then
            // hostname, port and protocol will be set as expected
            a.href = a.href;
        var locPort = window.location.port;
        var aPort = a.port;
        if (a.protocol === "http:") {
            aPort = aPort || "80";
            locPort = locPort || "80";
        } else if (a.protocol === "https:") {
            aPort = aPort || "443";
            locPort = locPort || "443";
        return (a.hostname === loc.hostname && a.protocol === loc.protocol && aPort === locPort);
*A jQuery event bound on the element, triggered when the viewer is ready, before a document is loaded.
*@name PDFTron.WebViewer#ready
*@example e.g. $('#viewer').bind('ready', function(event, data){//event triggered});
*A jQuery event bound on the element, triggered when a document has been loaded in the viewer.
*@name PDFTron.WebViewer#documentLoaded
*@example e.g. $('#viewer').bind('documentLoaded', function(event, data){//event triggered});
*A jQuery event bound on the element, triggered when the page number has changed.
*@name PDFTron.WebViewer#pageChanged
*@example e.g. $('#viewer').bind('pageChanged', function(event, data){//event triggered});
*A jQuery event bound on the element, triggered when the zoom level has changed.
*@name PDFTron.WebViewer#zoomChanged
*@example e.g. $('#viewer').bind('zoomChanged', function(event, data){//event triggered});
*A jQuery event bound on the element, triggered when the display mode has changed.
*@name PDFTron.WebViewer#displayModeChanged
*@deprecated since version 1.7. Use layoutModeChanged instead
*@example e.g. $('#viewer').bind('displayModeChanged', function(event, data){//event triggered});
*A jQuery event bound on the element, triggered when the layout mode has changed.
*@name PDFTron.WebViewer#layoutModeChanged
*@since version 1.7
*@example e.g. $('#viewer').bind('layoutModeChanged', function(event, data){//event triggered});
*A jQuery event bound on the element, triggered when the tool mode has changed.
*@name PDFTron.WebViewer#toolModeChanged
*@example e.g. $('#viewer').bind('toolModeChanged', function(event, data){//event triggered});
//if JQuery UI framework is present, create widget for WebViewer
if (typeof $.widget === 'function') {
    $.widget("PDFTron.webViewer", PDFTron.WebViewer.prototype);
* Contains string enums for all layouts for WebViewer.
* @name PDFTron.WebViewer.LayoutMode
* @namespace LayoutModes are used to dictate how pages are placed within the viewer. Used by {@link PDFTron.WebViewer#setLayoutMode} and {@link PDFTron.WebViewer#getLayoutMode}.
PDFTron.WebViewer.LayoutMode = {
    * Only the current page will be visible.
    * @name PDFTron.WebViewer.LayoutMode.Single
    Single: "SinglePage",
    * All pages are visible in one column.
    * @name PDFTron.WebViewer.LayoutMode.Continuous
    Continuous: "Continuous",
    * Up to two pages will be visible.
    * @name PDFTron.WebViewer.LayoutMode.Facing
    Facing: "Facing",
    * All pages visible in two columns.
    * @name PDFTron.WebViewer.LayoutMode.FacingContinuous
    FacingContinuous: "FacingContinuous",
    * All pages visible in two columns, with an even numbered page rendered first.
    * i.e. The first page of the document is rendered by itself on the right side of the viewer to simulate a book cover.
    * @name PDFTron.WebViewer.LayoutMode.FacingCover
    FacingCover: "FacingCover",
    * All pages visible, with an even numbered page rendered first.
    * i.e. The first page of the document is rendered by itself on the right side of the viewer to simulate a book cover.
    * @name PDFTron.WebViewer.LayoutMode.FacingCoverContinuous
    FacingCoverContinuous: "CoverContinuous"
* Contains string enums for all default tools for WebViewer.
* @name PDFTron.WebViewer.ToolMode
* @namespace ToolModes are string enum representations of tools used by WebViewer. They range from panning, text selection to annotation creation. This is used by {@link PDFTron.WebViewer#setToolMode} and {@link PDFTron.WebViewer#getToolMode}.
PDFTron.WebViewer.ToolMode = {
    * @name PDFTron.WebViewer.ToolMode.Pan
    Pan: "Pan",
    * @name PDFTron.WebViewer.ToolMode.TextSelect
    TextSelect: "TextSelect",
    * @name PDFTron.WebViewer.ToolMode.PanAndAnnotationEdit
    PanAndAnnotationEdit: "PanAndAnnotationEdit",
    * @name PDFTron.WebViewer.ToolMode.AnnotationEdit
    AnnotationEdit: "AnnotationEdit",
    * @name PDFTron.WebViewer.ToolMode.AnnotationCreateCustom
    AnnotationCreateCustom: "AnnotationCreateCustom",
    * @name PDFTron.WebViewer.ToolMode.AnnotationCreateEllipse
    AnnotationCreateEllipse: "AnnotationCreateEllipse",
    * @name PDFTron.WebViewer.ToolMode.AnnotationCreateFreeHand
    AnnotationCreateFreeHand: "AnnotationCreateFreeHand",
    * @name PDFTron.WebViewer.ToolMode.AnnotationCreateLine
    AnnotationCreateLine: "AnnotationCreateLine",
    * @name PDFTron.WebViewer.ToolMode.AnnotationCreateRectangle
    AnnotationCreateRectangle: "AnnotationCreateRectangle",
    * @name PDFTron.WebViewer.ToolMode.AnnotationCreateSticky
    AnnotationCreateSticky: "AnnotationCreateSticky",
    * @name PDFTron.WebViewer.ToolMode.AnnotationCreateTextHighlight
    AnnotationCreateTextHighlight: "AnnotationCreateTextHighlight",
    * @name PDFTron.WebViewer.ToolMode.AnnotationCreateTextStrikeout
    AnnotationCreateTextStrikeout: "AnnotationCreateTextStrikeout",
    * @name PDFTron.WebViewer.ToolMode.AnnotationCreateTextUnderline
    AnnotationCreateTextUnderline: "AnnotationCreateTextUnderline",
    * @name PDFTron.WebViewer.ToolMode.AnnotationCreatePolyline
    AnnotationCreatePolyline: "AnnotationCreatePolyline",
    * @name PDFTron.WebViewer.ToolMode.AnnotationCreatePolygon
    AnnotationCreatePolygon: "AnnotationCreatePolygon",
    * @name PDFTron.WebViewer.ToolMode.AnnotationCreateCallout
    AnnotationCreateCallout: "AnnotationCreateCallout",
    * @name PDFTron.WebViewer.ToolMode.AnnotationCreateFreeText
    AnnotationCreateFreeText: "AnnotationCreateFreeText"
* @class Options for WebViewer on creation. Used when constructing a new {@link PDFTron.WebViewer} instance.
* @property {string} [type="html5,html5Mobile"] the type of WebViewer to load. Values must be comma-separated in order of preferred WebViewer. (Possibe values: html5, html5Mobile)
* @property {string} initialDoc the URL path to a xod document to load on startup
* @property {string} [externalPath] the path to a xod document folder generated using the external parts option
* @property {boolean} [streaming=false] a boolean indicating whether to use http or streaming PartRetriever, it is recommended to keep streaming false for better performance.
* @property {boolean} [hideAnnotationPanel=false] whether to hide the annotation panel or not.
* @property {boolean} [enableAnnotations=false] a boolean to enable annotations.
* @property {boolean} [enableOfflineMode] a boolean to enable offline mode.(default false)
* @property {boolean} [startOffline] whether to start loading the document in offline mode or not.(default false)
* @property {boolean} [enableReadOnlyMode] a boolean to enable annotations read-only mode.(default false)
* @property {string} [config] a URL path to a JavaScript configuration file that holds UI customizations.
* @property {string} [l] the license key for viewing PDF files (PDF only)
* @property {string} [serverUrl] a URL to the server-side script that handles annotations. (required for full annotation support)
* @property {string} [annotationUser] a user identifier for annotations. All annotations created will have this as the author. It is used for permission checking: user only permitted to modify annotations where annotationUser and author matches.
* @property {boolean} [annotationAdmin] a boolean indicating this user has permission to modify all annotations, even if the annotationUser and author does not match.
* @property {string} [documentId] an identifier for the document to be used with annotations. (required for full annotation support)
* @property {string} [documentType] the type of document the viewer will be used with. Valid values are "xod" and "pdf". (default "xod")
* @property {string} [cloudApiId] the share ID or session ID created from <a href="http://www.pdftron.com/pws/cloud" target="_blank">PWS Cloud</a>. Note: the browser must have CORS support. (optional, ignored when initialDoc is also set)
* @property {string} [custom] a string of custom data that can be retrieved by the ReaderControl
* @property {boolean} [mobileRedirect=true] a boolean indicating whether the mobile viewer should redirect to a new window or not (mobile only, default true)
* @property {object} [encryption] an object containing encryption properties (XOD only)
* @property {string} [xdomainProxyUrl] a URL to the proxy HTML file on the remote server when using the xdomain CORS workaround. Can also be an object to specify multiple URLs.
* @property {boolean} [azureWorkaround] whether or not to workaround the issue of Azure not accepting range requests of a certain type. Enabling the workaround will add an extra HTTP request of overhead but will still allow documents to be loaded from other locations.
* @property {boolean} [showLocalFilePicker] a boolean to show/hide the local file picker (PDF only, default false)
* @property {boolean} [preloadPDFWorker] a boolean to enable the preloading of the PDF worker files (PDF only, default true)
* @property {boolean} [workerTransportPromise] a promise that will resolve to a PDF worker, used if you already create a worker on the outer page and want to share it with the viewer (PDF only)
* @property {boolean} [pdfnet] a boolean to enable the use of PDFNet.js library functions (PDF only, default false)
* @property {boolean} [useDownloader] enable or disable using Downloader on urls (PDF only, default true)
* @property {boolean} [showToolbarControl] a boolean to show/hide the default toolbar control.
* @property {boolean} [showPageHistoryButtons] a boolean to show/hide the page history buttons (default true)
* @property {PDFTron.WebViewer.Options} [html5Options] a PDFTron.WebViewer.Options object that overrides the existing options when the viewer is loaded.
* @property {PDFTron.WebViewer.Options} [html5MobileOptions] a PDFTron.WebViewer.Options object that overrides the existing options when the Mobile viewer is loaded.
* @property {string} [errorPage] a path to an HTML page to display errors.
* @property {string} [backgroundColor] a string to set the background color of the inner page to (desktop only)
* @property {string} [path] an alternative path to the WebViewer root folder.
* @property {string} [html5Path="html5/ReaderControl.html"] an alternative path to the WebViewer, relative to the "path" option.
* @property {string} [html5MobilePath="html5/MobileReaderControl.html"] an alternative path to the Mobile WebViewer, relative to the "path" option.
* @property {boolean} [autoCreate=true] a boolean to control creating the viewer in the constructor. When set to false, invoke the create() method explicity. (default true)
* @property {string} [pdfBackend="auto"] a string to control PDF engine ["auto", "ems", "pnacl"](PDF only, default "auto" chooses the best option availible)
PDFTron.WebViewer.Options = {
    type: "html5,html5Mobile",
    path: '',
    html5Path: "html5/ReaderControl.html",
    html5MobilePath: "html5/MobileReaderControl.html",
    autoCreate: true,
    initialDoc: undefined,
    externalPath: undefined,
    cloudApiId: undefined,
    hideAnnotationPanel: false,
    enableAnnotations: false,
    enableOfflineMode: false,
    startOffline: false,
    enableReadOnlyMode: false,
    errorPage: undefined,
    backgroundColor: undefined,
    serverUrl: undefined,
    documentId: undefined,
    documentType: undefined,
    streaming: false,
    config: undefined,
    l: undefined,
    mobileRedirect: true,
    encryption: undefined,
    xdomainProxyUrl: undefined,
    azureWorkaround: false,
    preloadPDFWorker: true,
    workerTransportPromise: undefined,
    showLocalFilePicker: false,
    pdfnet: false,
    useDownloader: true,
    showToolbarControl: undefined,
    showPageHistoryButtons: true,
    html5Options: {},
    html5MobileOptions: {}
* Contains all posible modes for fitting/zooming pages to the viewer.
* The behavior may vary depending on the {@link PDFTron.WebViewer.LayoutMode}.
* @readonly
* @namespace FitModes are specialized modes for specifying the zoom level of the document.
* @enum {string}
PDFTron.WebViewer.FitMode = {
    * A fit mode where the zoom level is fixed to the width of the page.
    FitWidth: 'FitWidth',
    * A fit mode where the zoom level is fixed to the height of the page.
    FitHeight: 'FitHeight',
    * A fit mode where the zoom level is fixed to the width or height of the page, whichever is smaller.
    FitPage: 'FitPage',
    * A fit mode where the zoom level is not fixed.
    Zoom: 'Zoom'
PDFTron.WebViewer.SearchMode = {
    CaseSensitive: 1,
    WholeWord: 2,
    SearchUp: 4,
    PageStop: 8,
    ProvideQuads: 16,
    AmbientString: 32
* Creates a new PDFTron.WebViewer.User
* @class A utility class to help manage user permissions for annotations.
* @param {string} username the unique name used to identify the user.
* @param {Boolean} isAdmin indicates if the user has administrative permissions.
* @param {Boolean} isReadOnly indicates if the user only has read-only permissions.
PDFTron.WebViewer.User = function(username, isAdmin, isReadOnly) {
    this.username = username;
    if (typeof isAdmin !== 'undefined') {
        this.isAdmin = isAdmin;
    } else {
        this.isAdmin = false;
    if (typeof isReadOnly !== 'undefined') {
        this.isReadOnly = isReadOnly;
    } else {
        this.isReadOnly = false;

Latest revision as of 23:11, 19 October 2016