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Dundee Schools: Attributions


Through our project we have received support and help from a whole variety of people, we would like to extend our gratitude to everyone involved in our project. We would like to thank Professor Frank Sargent, Professor Tracy Palmer, and Professor Fordyce Davidson who made this amazing opportunity became a reality by organizing the team and allowing us to take part, as well us guiding us through the project, in various aspects ranging from the biology behind the project to maths modelling.

A big thank you to our amazing advisors; Fatima Ulhuq, Alex Finney, and John Allan, who all helped us tremendously with teaching us how to work in a lab, as well as guiding us through our project. Thank you to Lucas J. Morales Moya, an amazing advisor who taught us a lot about maths modelling and provided help when needed.

We would also like to give a big thank you to;

Erin Stanbridge - Division Secretary - for always helping to organize everything and anything, including train journeys and flights.

Dr Jackie Heilbronn - Lab Manager - for teaching us all of the lab safety protocols and made sure we stay safe.

The 2016 Dundee University Undergraduate iGem Team, who were always able to help us out, and when not working to chill with and have fun.

Dr Grant Buchanan for teaching us a lot about microbiology, providing help - as well as giving us his sample of serratia marcescens and E. coli gDna - and making us laugh with his jokes.

IT Department of Dundee University for providing us with access to the system which allowed us to do a lot of work.

Central Technical Services of Dundee University for providing us with clean, and sterilized equipment as well various media used in our project.

MRC PPU DNA Sequencing and Services for giving us free sequence runs.

University of Dundee, Life Sciences, Cafeteria for making dem gewd bacon rolls.

Olawale Raimi for providing us with Rhamnose in a crucial moment when we ran out.

Brian Walshe from Mercy Ships Charity for referring us Rob Porter.

Rob Porter - Consultant of Microbiology and Infection - for giving us a lot of detailed feedback about our project as well us raising good questions which helped shape our project.

Lastly we, the 2016 Dundee High School iGEM Team, would like to give a big thank you to everyone in the Molecular Microbiology Department who were always very kind and helpful in all situations.