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/*-- Header --*/


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/*-- Logo --*/


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/*-- //Header --*/

/*-- About --*/


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} /*-- //About --*/

/*-- People --*/


 padding-bottom: 100px;

} /*-- Team --*/


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} /*-- //Team --*/

/*-- Clients --*/

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/*-- Services --*/


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} /*-- //Services --*/

/*-- Gallery --*/


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} .info-content p{

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} /*-- //Gallery --*/

/*-- Contact-Us --*/


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} .contact-us p{

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} .contact-us h4{

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 margin-bottom: 10px;

/*--agileits--*/ color: #000; } .address a{

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} .address a:hover{

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} .more_btn:hover{

 color: #FFF;
 background-color: #000000;
 cursor: pointer;

} /*-- //Contact-Us --*/

/*-- Map --*/

.map iframe{

 width: 100%;
 height: 400px;
 border: 5px solid #FAFAFA;
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 opacity: 0.7;
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} /*-- //Map --*/

/*-- Footer --*/


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