The major challenges concerning us over global energy supply originates from the rapid depletion of fossil fuels which we are facing; as such there is an urgent demand for innovative solutions to produce regenerative energy. Thus our project aims to apply a genetic engineering approach towards developing a manner of generating electricity with the use of bacteria within a microbial fuel cell. We take traditional microbial fuel cell (MFC) designs and modify them to create a biological photovoltaic cell (BPV). By using cyanobacteria in our BPV, we can extract the energy that has been harvested from light. This has the potential to be a future sustainable and eco-friendly practice for the production of renewable energy. However, a major pitfall of the use of the BPV as a form of bioelectricity generation is the fact that it has low efficiency and thus this was an obstacle which we aimed to overcome in our design.
Biological Photovoltaic Cell
The Fuel CellEdit text: BPV Cell Summary
Modifying Synechocystis
SynechocystisEdit text: Synechocystis Summary
Carbonate Ions
CmpAEdit text: CmpA Summary
PorinsEdit text: Porins Summary
RiboflavinEdit text: Riboflavin Summary