

In the lab today: Itay, May, Tomer
Planning synthetic DNA
Planning 8 synthetic SNPs and placing an order.


In the lab today: Itay, May, Tomer
Planning synthetic DNA
Planning 7 synthetic SNPs and placing an order.

The final SNPs (Single nucleotide polymorphism)
Final Order Table

Number Taste RS
1 Sweet rs35874116
2 Sweet rs307355
3 PTC rs713598
4 PTC rs1726866
5 PTC rs1024639
6 Consuming Alcohol rs846672
7 Coffee Bitterness RS765007
8 Coffee Bitterness RS2234001
9 Coffee Bitterness RS2234012
10 Coffee Bitterness RS2227264
11 Grapefruit juice bitterness rs10772420
12 Cilantro Preference rs72921001
13 Taste of NaC1 & Sour rs17492553
14 Taste of NaC1 & Sour rs34160967
16 Umami& Monosodium gluten rs76755863
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