

  • File: jquery.flexisel.js
  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Description: Responsive carousel jQuery plugin
  • Author: 9bit Studios
  • Copyright 2012, 9bit Studios
  • Free to use and abuse under the MIT license.
  • /

(function ($) {

   $.fn.flexisel = function (options) {
       var defaults = $.extend({
   		visibleItems: 4,
   		animationSpeed: 200,
   		autoPlay: false,
   		autoPlaySpeed: 3000,    		
   		pauseOnHover: true,

setMaxWidthAndHeight: false,

   		enableResponsiveBreakpoints: false,
   		responsiveBreakpoints: { 

portrait: { changePoint:480, visibleItems: 1 }, landscape: { changePoint:640, visibleItems: 2 }, tablet: { changePoint:768, visibleItems: 3 }

       }, options);

/****************************** Private Variables *******************************/

       var object = $(this);

var settings = $.extend(defaults, options); var itemsWidth; // Declare the global width of each item in carousel var canNavigate = true;

       var itemsVisible = settings.visibleItems; 

/****************************** Public Methods *******************************/

       var methods = {

init: function() {

       		return this.each(function () {

}); },

/****************************** Initialize Items *******************************/

initializeItems: function() {

var listParent = object.parent(); var innerHeight = listParent.height(); var childSet = object.children();

   			var innerWidth = listParent.width(); // Set widths
   			itemsWidth = (innerWidth)/itemsVisible;
   			object.css({'left' : -itemsWidth}); 

$(window).trigger("resize"); // needed to position arrows correctly


/****************************** Append HTML *******************************/

appendHTML: function() {


  			 	if(settings.setMaxWidthAndHeight) {

var baseWidth = $(".nbs-flexisel-item > img").width(); var baseHeight = $(".nbs-flexisel-item > img").height(); $(".nbs-flexisel-item > img").css("max-width", baseWidth); $(".nbs-flexisel-item > img").css("max-height", baseHeight);


  			 	var cloneContent = object.children().clone();


/****************************** Set Event Handlers *******************************/ setEventHandlers: function() {

var listParent = object.parent(); var childSet = object.children(); var leftArrow = listParent.find($(".nbs-flexisel-nav-left")); var rightArrow = listParent.find($(".nbs-flexisel-nav-right"));

$(window).on("resize", function(event){


var innerWidth = $(listParent).width(); var innerHeight = $(listParent).height();

itemsWidth = (innerWidth)/itemsVisible;

childSet.width(itemsWidth); object.css({'left' : -itemsWidth});

var halfArrowHeight = (leftArrow.height())/2; var arrowMargin = (innerHeight/2) - halfArrowHeight; leftArrow.css("top", arrowMargin + "px"); rightArrow.css("top", arrowMargin + "px");


$(leftArrow).on("click", function (event) { methods.scrollLeft(); });

$(rightArrow).on("click", function (event) { methods.scrollRight(); });

if(settings.pauseOnHover == true) { $(".nbs-flexisel-item").on({ mouseenter: function () { canNavigate = false; }, mouseleave: function () { canNavigate = true; } }); }

if(settings.autoPlay == true) {

setInterval(function () { if(canNavigate == true) methods.scrollRight(); }, settings.autoPlaySpeed); }


/****************************** Set Responsive Events *******************************/

setResponsiveEvents: function() { var contentWidth = $('html').width();

if(settings.enableResponsiveBreakpoints == true) { if(contentWidth < settings.responsiveBreakpoints.portrait.changePoint) { itemsVisible = settings.responsiveBreakpoints.portrait.visibleItems; } else if(contentWidth > settings.responsiveBreakpoints.portrait.changePoint && contentWidth < settings.responsiveBreakpoints.landscape.changePoint) { itemsVisible = settings.responsiveBreakpoints.landscape.visibleItems; } else if(contentWidth > settings.responsiveBreakpoints.landscape.changePoint && contentWidth < settings.responsiveBreakpoints.tablet.changePoint) { itemsVisible = settings.responsiveBreakpoints.tablet.visibleItems; } else { itemsVisible = settings.visibleItems; } } },

/****************************** Scroll Left *******************************/

scrollLeft:function() {

if(canNavigate == true) { canNavigate = false;

var listParent = object.parent(); var innerWidth = listParent.width();

itemsWidth = (innerWidth)/itemsVisible;

var childSet = object.children();

object.animate({ 'left' : "+=" + itemsWidth }, { queue:false, duration:settings.animationSpeed, easing: "linear", complete: function() { childSet.last().insertBefore(childSet.first()); // Get the first list item and put it after the last list item (that's how the infinite effects is made) methods.adjustScroll(); canNavigate = true; } } ); } },

/****************************** Scroll Right *******************************/

scrollRight:function() {

if(canNavigate == true) { canNavigate = false;

var listParent = object.parent(); var innerWidth = listParent.width();

itemsWidth = (innerWidth)/itemsVisible;

var childSet = object.children();

object.animate({ 'left' : "-=" + itemsWidth }, { queue:false, duration:settings.animationSpeed, easing: "linear", complete: function() { childSet.first().insertAfter(childSet.last()); // Get the first list item and put it after the last list item (that's how the infinite effects is made) methods.adjustScroll(); canNavigate = true; } } ); } },

/****************************** Adjust Scroll *******************************/

adjustScroll: function() {

var listParent = object.parent(); var childSet = object.children();

var innerWidth = listParent.width(); itemsWidth = (innerWidth)/itemsVisible; childSet.width(itemsWidth); object.css({'left' : -itemsWidth}); }

       if (methods[options]) { 	// $("#element").pluginName('methodName', 'arg1', 'arg2');
           return methods[options].apply(this,, 1));
       } else if (typeof options === 'object' || !options) { 	// $("#element").pluginName({ option: 1, option:2 });
           return methods.init.apply(this);  
       } else {
           $.error( 'Method "' +  method + '" does not exist in flexisel plugin!');

