

We believe that by means of the genetic testing we offer: Every person will be able to be aware of the potential medical risks according to his genetic background and to that of his family members, and thus will be able to reduce the risk for other family members.


SNPs gene panel which can determine people's preference of food tastes and as a result of that change people's taste sense and help them consume necessary oral medications even if they taste very bitter to them.


SNPs gene panel which can determine people's preference of food tastes using Taqman assay on the Fluidigm nano-fluidic gene dynamic array chips (96:96). Endpoint fluorescent image data is acquired on the BioMark™ System for genetic analysis and data is analyzed using the Fluidigm SNP Genotyping Analysis software, to obtain genotype cells.

Performing CRISPR on the non-taste SNP allele, to convert it to the taste allele, as a feasibility test to be able to change people's taste sense.

Fluidigm nano-fluidic gene dynamic array chips (96:96)

Fluidigm nano-fluidic gene dynamic array chips (96:96)