Team:Danci-K8/Human Practices

We exposed the idea in every way possible: social networks, in the center of the business district, at the “Science Night” event, targeted interviews, by using the local and national media. We built a marketing layout and explanation in school and therefore we also held the convention with the classes of excellence. During the conference a philosophical discussion was held and dealt with genetic modification.

We conducted an opinion poll for the locals and for the other teams competing in IGEM.

Who is afraid of Synthetic Biology?

The mission – Conveying the message to the whole community

“Synthetic Biology” sounds like a very distant and complex field as well as being a fascinating field. This is the reason we decided to spread the team’s topic to as many people as possible who come from different backgrounds and ages. Kiryat Shemona is a small town bordering Lebanon and Syria. Surrounding the town are various types of settlements – Jewish settlements, Arab settlements, Kibbutzes ( a type of communal village) and more...

We decided to approach everyone; we went to Arab villages, kindergartens, old age homes, center for the blind and the cream of the crop – a respectable conference held at our high school. The topic of the conference: Synthetic Biology.