
Fig.1 Not I digestion of constructs cotaining different numbers of genes. Not I is the acceptor vector (pYLTAC380GW plasmid) and lanes 3-6 are intermediate products created during the construction of our delivering vecter,pYLTAC380MF-BBPC. Bands with arrows are the trangenes release from vector backbone and length of corresponding genes are indicated at the paretheses.
Fig.n HPLC analysis diagram of standard samples of astaxanthin(a); HPLC analysis diagram of samples extract from trangenes rice HG-380MF-BBPC (b);HPLC analysis diagram of samples extract from HG-WT rice (c);

Compared with the standard samples with HPLC analysis diagram, you can see the sample extract from rice and standard samples have the same peak at the same time, show that the transgenic rice seed which carry the four genes expressed astaxanthin. Results indicate that we are successful synthesize astaxanthin by rice endosperm synthetic .
Fig.Relative transcript levels of isoprenoid and carotenoid biosynthetic genes in rice at filling stage.qPCR analysis of the expression of CrtI,BKT,BHY,PSY, PDS, ZDS, ISO,BLCY,ELCY,HYD and rPSY in the rice of HG-WT, its transformants HG-BBPC-8-6-1,HG-BBPC-8-6-2,HG-BBPC-13-5-2,HG-BBPC-13-5-3,HG-BBPC-13-9-1and HG-BBPC-13-9-6 .