Team:Danci-K8/Integrated Practices

In this section we decided to expand our operations in order to establish the data from the clarification of professional ideas of individuals with a connection to the topic researched by us.

  1. An interview with a nutritionist about the need for the "FLAVOFF" product - to determine the necessity of the patent in diabetics.
  2. Public opinion polls on the need of the population in a product that changes the sense of taste.

Interview with Dietician – Mrs. Meirav Ben Zaken

The purpose of the interview with the dietician, Mrs. Ben Zaken was required to show the need for our product. Mrs. Ben Zaken described the great difficulty in changing eating habits, this change takes a long time and sometimes the patient breaks down and does not succeed in losing weight.

According to her, by providing "FLAVOFF" it may possible to provide preventative treatment for patients with proven genetics of obesity.

How common is overweight?

Overweight is considered to be an epidemic. People invest a lot of money, time and energy to reduce weight gain. Overweight is common amongst children (and in on a steady rise), youth and mainly adults. I imagine it could be avoided if there was an option to receive guidance at a young age.