
Example Month

Here is a paragraph of supplementary text about the event on the right! Boy, is it a cool event. It's going to be so great.

Big Deadline!

Look Ahead: Something to Do Ahead of Time

Here's a notice that teams should plan ahead to do something that isn't due until much later.

Minor deadline


Make sure to finalize your track preferences, and save your project title and abstract in your Team Information Page.

Track Selection — Title and Abstract

Giant Jamboree: Sheraton Hotel Booking Deadline


Blah blah final safety forms.

Final Safety Form Due

Blah blah blah blah, interlab measurement study.

Interlab Measurement Study Data Due


Here is a paragraph about the wiki freeze! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, blah blah blah, paragraph of text, lorem ipsum blah blah iGEM is so wonderful.

Wiki Freeze!

Look Ahead: Presentation & Poster

Start preparing your presentation and poster now! the Giant Jamboree is coming up!

Minor deadline