

  • Collaboraion

    • Collaboration on human practice with iGEM team from NYMU-Taipei
    • Academic conference, meetings, lab work



    Collaboration on human practice with iGEM team from NYMU-Taipei

    We worked with NYMU-Taipei team on media analysis of synthetic biology in Taiwan. We think the most efficient way to promote the synthetic biology is through media. Thus, we are curious and concerned about what gene technology related information in the media that the Taiwanese are exposed to and whether the Taiwanese can understand the information. Thus, we and the NYMU-Taipei team worked together to conduct a large-scaled media analysis on the gene technology related information.

    Our goal is to investigate the media context on gene technology related information. We analyzed the sufficiency and readibiligy of media context on gene technology related information from magazines, newspapers and iGEM wiki. We analyze the association between the context and different issues related to gene technology related information. The results are shown in the Human Practice section.

    Academic conference, meetings, lab work

    We are fortunate to have opportunities to work with two iGEM teams of NTHU_Taiwan (Figure 1) andNYMU-Taipei. We worked together for discussing problems we faced and together figured out solutions for improving the protein performance in experiements. In addition to attending the 4th iGEM Asia-Pacific Conference 2016 Taiwan, we have many chances to discuss our iGEM project with these two universities. Particularly, NYMU-Taipei team gave us lectures that we need to proceed our project, gave us technical supports when we had problems, provided us lab rooms and supervised our lab work.