We generate a SNPs gene panel which can determine people's preference of food tastes using Taqman assay on the Fluidigm nano-fluidic gene dynamic array chips (96:96). Endpoint fluorescent image data is acquired on the BioMark™ System for genetic analysis and data is analyzed using the Fluidigm SNP Genotyping Analysis software, to obtain genotype calls. In addition to saliva collection from students volunteering to participate, after completing their phenotypes forms of response to food tastes, we generate a synthetic DNA harboring the wildtype (taste) and mutant alleles (non-taste) (SNP) for the ability to sense taste which will be used as control for the Taqman assays and for preforming CRISPR on the mutant SNP allele, to convert it to the wildtype allele, as a feasibility test to be able to change people's taste sense and help them to consume necessary oral medications even if they taste very bitter to them.
Registry parts (Biobricks)
Fluidigm gene chip array
Key Achievements:
- We created a genetic toolbox consisting of 5 knowing taste with 30 SNPs Including the wild type (taste) and mutant (non-taste). This the first genomes sequenced in the history of iGEM.
- We generate a SNPs gene panel which can determine people's preference of food tastes. This the first panel which includes a broad library that contains all five tastes of human.
SNPs gene panel-which can determine people's preference of food tastes using Taqman assay
NaCl & Sour taste
Fig 1- Results of DNA students samples NaCl & Sour taste, Compared to synthetic SNP DNA in the panel in Taqman reaction conditions on the Fluidigm chip. Wild Type (Taste SNPs) marked with VIC- green color. Mutant (Non-taste SNPs) is marked with FAM- red color. Blue color (show with green and red color) - mean that there are population genetic polymorphisms in the country