
Welcome to iGEM Aachen 2016

Sharing the Fascination of Synthetic Biology with the Public

Presenting iGEM and Our Project at Schools

figure 1 „Freies christliches Gymnasium und Gesamtschulen“ in Düsseldorf

>Our team visited many different schools in and close to Aachen. To give the students a better insight in the field of synthetic biology we prepared project days in cooperation with the teachers. Our overall goal was to give them an understanding of synthetic biology and microbiology, especially in the context of iGEM.
Therefore, we started out with a small presentation about synthetic biology, our project and the iGEM competition in general. However, we alsowanted to make the topic less abstract to them and put the focus on conducting little experiments with them. After the presentation and a safety instruction, we could start do some practical work and carried out several experiments with them. During the visits, we were happy to answer all of their upcoming questions as they got more and more in touch with synthetic biology, our project and iGEM.