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Our team of ten students consists of molecular biologists, (bio)chemists, geneticists, biomedical scientists, bioengineers, robotics engineers and economists. All from different walks of life, the cumulative pool of skills and experience is not only diverse, but also very exciting!





Brandon Ford

Molecular Biologist of House Glow-in-the-Dank

Brandon is a Molecular Biologist and our team’s very own Pun Generator. He is sometimes known as the Brandopedia for his approximate knowledge of many things. When asked about his “inner funk”, his answer was “I would say that my skin is very good at keeping my inner funk inside where it belongs, but when that fails, I use a plaster or bandage.” Brandon is a dispenser of accurate and valuable information and in general, a complete know-it-all cool dude. Hey can we have this list in surname alphabetical order? I don't want to be first -BF

Wesley Ho

Economist and P+P Co-ordinator of House Dorito-Dog

Wesley is an Economist and describes himself as a noisy character that likes to make sure that we’re all awake at every point of team time. He is passionate about Economics and enjoys teaching everyone and anyone who shows interest (this includes times when we’re all tired at the end of the meetings). He is often overwhelmed by the level of science but always does his best to understand and has become our ‘simplicity seal of approval’ for the scientists. He forms one half of Hansley #WeShipHansley

Hannah Macfarlane

Biomedical Scientist and P+P Co-ordinator of House Hannzilla

Hannah is a part-time Biomedical Scientist, part-time Policy and Practices enthusiast. She is always full of ideas for how we can interview and talk to more patients or people and is also the other half of Hansley (see Wesley above for first half). #WeShipHansley

Wai Ching Lin

Bioengineer and Modelling Expert of House Wai-Ching-For-Love

Wai Ching is a Bioengineering student that loves to model systems and do basically anything and everything computer-related. She is of House Wai-Ching-For-Love because if you replace “Waiting” with “Wai Ching” in Avicii’s song “Waiting For Love”, it actually sounds better. Go on. Try it.

Oana Pelea

Geneticist and Microbiologist of House Flower Fairy

Miss Pelea of House Flower Fairy is our team hipster. She always has a smile on her face and is consistently enthusiastic even when everyone else gets down. Almost devout to the ways of veganism with an exception from our trips to Paris, London and that takeaway… Being of House Flower Fairy, she loves all life and treats her experiments like her babies. She can be very nice but has a fierce streak to be blunt and ask people to get straight to the point. Beating around the bush is NOT an option.

James “you-havin’-a-giggle-mate” Gratton

Control Systems and Robotics Engineer of House Lubricator

James is our Chief Graphics Designer, Wiki Builder and All-Round-Tech-Monkey. He’s the genius behind our logo and our-all-time-provider of British slang...that’s where his middle name comes from. “U wot mate?” He’ would like to think he artistic visionary and is never satisfied with anything artistic. Of House Lubricator (don’t ask), James is one of the three engineers from our team who has also quite recently been known for his obsession with carrots. #JamesAndHisCarrot

Magdelana Dabrowska

Biochemist and Head Microbiologist of House Vodka

Magda is the mama of the Microbiology. Yes, you heard us. She always seems to know exactly what she’s doing and can be seen dashing around the lab working on the team’s next bacterial monstrosity. Due to her Polish heritage and her belonging to House Vodka, she has acquired a high tolerance of alcohol, in particular vodka. Magda is always keen on sharing this talent with the rest of the teams on socials, even if they cannot possibly take another shot! Note to self: Do NOT enter a drinking contest with her.

Jamie "Jaimito" Grimshaw

Molecular Biologist and Modeller of House Sly Fox

Jamie is the calm and collected kid of the group. Of House Sly Fox, Jamie likes to play the Devil's Advocate in team discussions. In the man’s own words, “I am innately boring, but not to the point where that is particularly interesting.”

Jake Edmans

Chemist of House Troll

Jake, of House Troll, is the chemistry expert of the group. But, he'll frequently don a disguise and work alongside the biologists, "Day 33, and they still suspect nothing." Jake will happily eat his whole meal and then take ALL leftover food donations from everyone else in the group.

Saylee Jangam

Bioengineer and Device Expert of House Jennifer

The Social Media Queen of the group, Saylee, has an endless list of contacts that she can talk to about the project. She is always pushing the team to be lively and even more social (even if most of them want a quiet night in to themselves). In Paris, Saylee found her belonging to her long-lost House, House Jennifer. For those who don’t already know, Jen is her not-so-annoying alter ego. Don’t worry, you’ll come across her in Boston.

Dimitrios Michailidis

House of Broccoli

Dimitrios is a microbiologist, with a pathological obsession to find out what inspires people. When asked how he got involved with iGEM, he said, “Two buff guys put me in a black limo while I was on my way to the supermarket. I was presented in front of a panel of 3 agents. They might have just been professors, it all happened so quickly it’s hard to remember. Frank Sinatra – I mean Frank Sargent of the Un-ited Nations, I mean Un-iversity of Dundee, was staring at me through his dark sunglasses. Cigar in mouth. Next to him, his wife Tracy aka Scarlet, fresh from a saloon performance, and Tywin Lannister. I mean Tywin (Dyce Davidson) is a really nice guy after getting past his scary-looking face. Give him a beer, and he will go crazy at an iGEM party from starting a conga line to throwing an inflatable Mexican donkey to the DJ (who was also an iGEM judge)”. He got so addicted to iGEM after being in a team in 2014, that he helped out the next team in 2015 in Dundee. Even when he came down to Sheffield for his PhD, there was no stopping him! Since there was no ongoing iGEM team at Sheffield, he just made his own! Dimitrios is also our team’s pioneering grammer nazi. *face-palm*

Guilherme Kundlatsch

House of Brazil

A 19-year-old Brazilian Biotechnology student on a year-long exchange programme studying Molecular Biology at the University of Sheffield, Guilherme is a former handball player, former chess player, former writer, former iGEMmer and a dreamer, still searching for his place on this pale blue dot. Guilherme is always looking for his next, big adventure. “Let’s climb that sea-cliff? I’m in! Let’s dive in that waterfall in the middle of a mountain lost in the jungle? Count me in! Let’s do some sea kayaking during a crazy storm? I’ll be there!”. He has traveled to around 19 countries in 4 different continents doing crazy stuff – and he’s still working on this list. In his free time, he likes to write and his first book (a science fiction adventure) was published last year. He is also the only adviser not currently doing his PhD at the University of Sheffield – impressive stuff at just 20!

Kyle Buchan

House of Shortbread and Kilts

Kyle is a Microbiologist, professional science enthusiast, and a general all-round nerd. He got into this line of work when he sat down one day (around the same time he was told that the mitochondria were the powerhouse of cells) and realised that wee stuff was cool, partly because it could kill you, partly because it’s invisible and partly because there’s more of it inside you than there have ever been humans! His iGEM story started three years ago, when he was a ne’er do well Microbiology undergrad in his third year at the University of Dundee. They designed and developed a project called ‘Toximop!’ which involved E. coli engineered to soak up a common toxin in water bodies – microcystin. “Since then I have helped to start the Sheffield iGEM team, who are going to blow your minds with Iron and Blood!” he adds.