

Gratitude for work and help

All experiments, presentations, results and constructs in our project is originally and independently designed and achieved by memebers of Team USTC, which is detailedly attributed below.

Instructors of USTC provided some advice and suggestions on our project, and helped us acquire some materials, such as chassis of yeast and the Y2H genes.

Dr. Dong Men of Wuhan Institute of Virology provided us the SUP35NM gene, and a lot of advice on our project.

The sequencing was done by Sangon Biotech.

The 3D printed model that we designed was produced by a workshop on Taobao.

The mascot was designed by ourselves and painted maily by ourselves except the one on our team uniform, which was the work of an artist we hired through Taobao.

Our team uniform was designed by ourselves, and produced by a workshop on Taobao>.

Others help

Kaiyue Ma
Team leader

Team leader, taking in charge of daily affairs in lab, project outreach through social network and activities, hosting the preliminary investigation, attributing work to team members, managing the global experiment design and the project progress, taking part in the construction of the Pro Priontein system, writing the contents of our wiki.

Tianshu Liu
Vice team leader

Vice team leader, focusing on the academic assistance, working a lot for the preliminary investigation especially on the characteristics of SUP35, assisting our experiments, taking charge of adding parts to the registry.

Xingfu Qin
Vice team leader

Vice team leader, focusing on the logistical support, taking charge of making the competent cells, preparing mediums, instructing other team members in performing experiments.

Menglong Sun
Team manager

Team manager, taking charge of financial affairs, connecting with our sponsor, register of our team, register of the Giant Jamboree, assisting team members to get the visa, shipping our parts to HQ, assisting writing our wiki.

Our instructors

Chengle Zhang

Leader of the group focusing on the experiments of the Propri-ontein system, finishing 3 circuits of this system, main performer of the experiments, devoting more time than others to our experiment, assisting the experiments of other groups.

Shuai Shao

Main performer of our modeling part, main performer of the preliminary investigation, taking charge of helping Team BIT with their modeling, assisting a lot of experiments.

Menglong Sun
Team manager

Team manager, taking charge of financial affairs, connecting with our sponsor, register of our team, register of the Giant Jamboree, assisting team members to get the visa, shipping our parts to HQ, assisting writing our wiki.

Our Team Members

Kaiyue Ma
Team leader

Taking in charge of daily affairs in lab, project outreach through social network and activities.

Hosting the preliminary investigation.

Attributing work to team members.

Managing the global experiment design and the project progress.

Taking part in the construction of the Pro Priontein system.

Writing the contents of our wiki.

Tianshu Liu
Vice team leader

Focusing on the academic assistance.

Working a lot for the preliminary investigation especially on the characteristics of SUP35.

Assisting our experiments

Taking charge of adding parts to the registry


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Under CC License
Based on Semantic-UI