


All BioBricks consist of basic RBS parts ligated with the pSB1C3 iGEM vector. All BioBricks samples have been tested for accuracy by DNA sequencing. All gene parts in these BioBricks originated from the organism Shewanella oneidensis and were submitted to the iGEM registry on the xx/xx/16 (By Oct 19th DL)

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Name in Registry Backbone Gene expressed Function Length (bp)
Bba_K1957001 pSB1C3 Hyd C (Fdh) FeFe hydrogenase outer periplasmic subunit 764
Bba_K1957002 pSB1C3 Hyd B (SII C-term) FeFe hydrogenase central subunit. Strep II tag incorporated onto C-terminus 433
Bba_K1957003 pSB1C3 Hyd B (SII N-term) FeFe hydrogenase central subunit. Strep II tag incorporated onto N-terminus 433
Bba_K1957004 pSB1C3 Hyd A FeFe hydrogenase membrane bound catalytic subunit 1325
Bba_K1957005 pSB1C3 Hya A NiFe hydrogenase central subunit 1215