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/* Snippet fopr the navigation area */ @import url(,500,800); .snip1226 {

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} .snip1226 li:hover a, .snip1226 .current a {

 transform: translateY(100%);

} /* Demo purposes only */ body {

 background-color: #212121;
 padding: 50px 0;

} /* Ending of the nav snippet */


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  • <a href=".html" data-hover="Safety">Safety</a>
  • <a href=".html" data-hover="Attributions">Attributions</a>
  • <a href=".html" data-hover="Human Practices">Human Practices</a>
  • <a href=".html" data-hover="Notebook">Notebook</a>
  • <a href=".html" data-hover="Awards">Awards</a>


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