Team:Jilin China/Attributions



Dr. Wu Yongge did a significant contribution in cooperating with other organizations, including School of Life Sciences and Experiment Center of Jilin University and the High School Affliated to Jilin University. Besides, he provided our team with some important equipment.


Dr. Hu Xin was the main mentor of the whole project. She guided us to do the experiments and perform the tasks in human practice. She was very patient and gave us a lot of advices. Most importantly, she acted as a cheerleader in our group, and always encouraged us to carry on when we lost confidence.


Huang Luwei was the team leader for Jilin_China in 2016. She was in charge of all the experiments and participated in many human practice activities. She kept track of the deadlines for all the items and managed the whole group so that all the members could work in order. She also finished the confirmatory experiments for UESTC-China. Last but not least, she also illustrated the experimental part in wiki.


Meng Lingyuan was responsible for the recruiting of the team, selecting members from more than 20 candidates. After the team was organized, Meng was the leader of human practice group and did some pioneer work in collaboration. Later she acted as an advisor in our group.


Li Huimin was the senior member of this team. Apart from recruiting team members at the beginning, she also acted as the leader of experimental group and led the other members to finish experiments during the early period of our project. She also gave our team advises in improving the project.


Zeng Xuirui was the one who initialized the project with the novel idea of treating solid tumors with difidobacterium. After that, he also assisted in recruiting team members. Later, he helped to modify our devices.


Wang Man was the leader of Jilin_China team last year. She initiated the collaboration work at the begining, which paved the road for the collaboration work later. Besides, she also helped the other members to understand the part of construction.


Zhang Mingjun was a member in experimental group and finished most of the work in constructing parts and wrote the characterization of our devices. Besides, she also kept track of the process of experiments at group meetings and wrote the notebook of our team.


Wu Tingtao was mainly responsible for the preparation of our presentation, for which he spended a lot of time from the beginning of our project. Later he wrote many documents to display in our wiki.


Shi Jingrong was in charge of most of the work in IT group of our team, including the design of the wiki and the shooting work of our video. What is more, she also took the job of managing human practice work from Meng and improved this part.


Huang Yuwei participated in the early work of the experiments. After that, he took over the job to manage the collaboration relationship with other teams and extended the work. Besides, he also took charge of finishing some work in wiki.


Liu Zhen was a member of IT group. He designed the logo and the mascot of our team. He also finished the essential job to build models for both our own team and BIT-China, which was a huge work to finish. Besides, he provided the members with the logistic support.


Liu Jin helped Zhang Mingjun in constructing parts and writing materials for parts in wiki. Besides, he proposed many suggestions on selecting signal peptides for the new recombinant devices.


Zhang Xi translated many manuscripts and participated in many of the human practice activities.


Huang Wei did many experiments, like transformation and extraction of plasmid. She also took in charge of the WeChat subscription number and wrote many passages for this.


Liu Zhengyuan proposed and built the original model of our team and modified it during the time of the whole project.



