Team:UFAM-UEA Brazil/MathModeling


1. Modelling

We want to characterize the promoter’s velocity of expression due to presence of mercury, so we will attach an RFP gene to it to produce.

First we will model the production of RFP due to Hg2+ at stationary time phase with this configuration. Then we add the initial phase consideration

1.1 Stationary time phase.

The GMO we have is:

Where MerR is a repressor and releases when H2+ is presented in the interior of the cell, we will note this amount as Hgin and the exterior as Hgout. And Promoter nP is the promoter which velocity we want to characterize. The activation of the gene in the pressence of Hgin is represented like:

where G is the inactive form of gene repressed by merR, and X is its active form. Through the law of mass action we derive the diferential equation


At the equillibrium state, ie. , we have that the proportion of genes in the activated gene is



So this is the average production rate of a typical gene, so the average mRNA production will be


Where α is the production of mRNA due to the stochastic nature of the binding of merR for repressing the RNA Polymerase and δ1 is the degradation factor of mRNA. The reaction for production of RFP from mRNA is

so we derive the diferential equation


where δ2 is the degradation constant of [RFP]. The variation of exterior mercury is

from here we derive the differential equation


As the interior mercury is used by the inactive form of the gene, the variation of Hgin2+ is


To solve this system we will assume that the permeability of the cell memebrane to mercury is instantaneus then we have that then so we have that the variation of the interior mercury is