Our home city of New York has a long history struggling with industrial and human waste, especially in the waterways. The ethical and economic consequences of New York's polluted waters on its population were the sources of inspiration for our project. Most of the water bodies in the city are unfit for human consumption or as homes for many forms of marine life. Considerations for the quality of human life have guided our designs throughout the span of the project. We've focused on the nitrogen-based waste of our local campus waters of Jamaica Bay.<p> <p>Team members have occasionally polled fellow students on their opinions towards the subjects of synthetic biology, wastewater treatment, and the application of bio-synthetic products as solutions.<p> <p>During a major educational symposium, audience members will be surveyed on their thoughts towards present pollution and potential solutions.<p> <p>We have a huge success with our survey. Answers showed that there a change of opinions after the our presentation at Kingsborough Community College. Questions like "Do you think GMO should be use industrially?", most of the responses were either neutral or strongly disagree. But by the end of the presentation, their answers mostly changed to agree.<p>