

We are invited to test the front end of the project of the team HFUT-China for finding bugs and fix them. We found four bugs and design flaws.

1. When we clicked the button on the 'project' page to expand the gene chain list and delete designated gene chain, it might occasionally fail to delete although a notice of successful deletion is displayed. We discovered that it was caused by transaction locks of the database, which led to a failed concurrent Ajax request. This failure cannot be detected by the program, which would not stop the front end popping a successful notice.

2. The dragging-up of the recommending gene chain in the 'design' page might fail occasionally and the dragging function collapsed meanwhile until we refreshed it. It was diagnosed that problems were gestated in the interaction between the action scopes of AngularJS and NG-sortable database. We fixed it once after the bug was detected.

3. We found that there was not a clear button for registration, which made it difficult for users to register. It might affect the user experience.

4. Expanding the relationship network in the 'gene relationship' page may lead to the overlapping of the balls of surrounding genes.

We spent days on fixing bugs above and succeeded eventually. This experience contributed much on strengthening the bond between the team HFUT-China and us.


The procedure of the team USTC involved processing images of fluorescent cells. However, it required distinguishing the part of fluorescent cells from those non-fluorescent ones and the background as the pretreatment.

We calculated the distribution of the greyscale of images. Based on the distribution, we can determine which pixels may belong to fluorescent cells and which pixels may not.

Therefore we are able to cut out the part of fluorescent cells from remainders, which helped the team USTC solve this little tiresome problem.


We accepted the invitation from the team SJTU-Software to fill out their questionnaires. They told us that our opinions and advices on their project really mattered, which we were truly glad to see.






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96, Jinzhai RD.

Baohe DST.

Hefei, Anhui, PRC