Our Team
Boston Team Biographies
Choryu Sun
I am 17 and I am half Japanese and half Chinese. I have lived in Japan my whole life. In the team I am mainly working on wikipage.
Emin Lee
Medicine is my core passion, but I enjoy learning various fields of science, including bioengineering. I struggle to identify myself in terms of "where I am from"; my DNA tells me I am Chinese, but my nationality is Malaysian. However, I was born and raised in Tokyo, Japan, and I go to an American school, but English is not my first language. Albeit my ambiguous origins, I can easily identify what I enjoy in life. I have played the violin for 14 years and piano for 3 years (I am 17 at the moment). I enjoy playing music as a way to escape from stresses (such as trying to explain people where I'm from). I enjoy being a part of this team's building project, contributing as a co-leader. I look forward to how this idea will expand as well as our maturation as people and as teammates.
Kien Malarney
I am 17, and I am from Tokyo, Japan. In the team, I work on research and experimental design. In addition to neuroscience, I hope to study biochemistry and molecular biophysics.
Lauren Sekiguchi
I'm 17 and was born in New York, but have spent a majority of my life in Tokyo. I am passionate about the field of bioengineering, and hope to use my career to make a positive difference in the world. I work primarily in the lab and on the Wiki page for our iGEM team. In my free time, I like to bake, play tennis, and swim!
Marina Takehana
I am 15 years old, and I was born in the US, but raised in Tokyo, Japan. I love science, especially biology, and I aspire to be a medical researcher or doctor in the future. On ASIJ's iGEM team, I have been "enzyme-hunting" and doing lab work during our summer break. I am excited to travel to Boston this November!
Prateeksha Rout
I'm 16, and have lived most of my life in India. My role in the team is working on the summer forms. I'm interested in Molecular Biology and Stem cell research, as well as Neuro studies, and I'm super excited to go to Boston again this October/November!!
Tomi McGuire
I am 17, and from Japan and Minnesota. In my team, I work on drafting the abstract. Some of my passions include binge watching netflix and eating food. I also love watching documentaries about astrophysics and singing in the shower. I hope to study biochemistry in the future.
Team Biographies
Henry Slater
I am 17 and have lived in Tokyo my whole life. I really like eating while watching TV! My role in the team mainly consists of doing research and scheduling communication.
Kazuto Kim
I am 17, was born in New York, moved to Japan when I was 3, and went to local public school for 9 years and cosider myself very Japanese. I am an artist, interested in evolutionary biology and ecology, and love to play basketball.
Jenny Pan
I am 17, I was born in Pretoria, grew up in Shanghai, and had recently moved to Tokyo. I am very interested in medicine, art and music. In the iGem team, I am researching for our project and helping with the wikipage.
Jessica Bruce
I am 17 and am English, but, I have moved around 8 times and so consider my self very international. I love to sing and play the piano. I am thrilled to be apart of iGEM as I really enjoy applying sceintific knowledge from my AP's into real life research. I would like to pursue a career in pharmacological research; I'm interested in Immunolgy specifically. In IGEM my role is co-leader.
Lisa Okazaki
I am 17,was born in Japan but moved to New York when I was less than a year old before moving to Tokyo when I was 8. Some of my hobbies include soccer and cheerleadiing. My role in iGEM is in charge of the forms.
Lisa Watanuki
I am 17 years old and grew up in San Jose, California. I enjoy running, but in the future, I would like to work in the medical field, specifically in creating new types of medicine. On the ASIJ iGem team, I am one of the co-leaders.
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