pBAR_EL222_TtrpC transformed into competent cell
pBAR_EL222_TtrpC containing cultures used 2 in 1
pBAR_EL222_TtrpC extracted and attempted to amplify with plasmid PCR------we did not amplify the target sequence (Hence, we tried ligation again)
pBAR_EL222_TtrpC transformed into competent cell
pBAR_EL222_TtrpC containing cultures used in 3 in 1
pBAR_EL222_TtrpC extracted from transformed cultures, checked with restriction enzyme digestion and plasmid PCR (failure)
pVP-EL222 and TtrpC PCR ligation ------- NC had bands
pVP-EL222 and TtrpC PCR ligation ------- used remixed primer
pVP-EL222 and TtrpC PCR ligation ------- the concentration was not high enough after gel extraction
pVP-EL222 and TtrpC PCR ligation
pVP-EL222 and TtrpC PCR ligase
EL222-TtrpC digestion
pBAR_EL222_TtrpC transformed into competent cell
pBAR_EL222_TtrpC containing cultures used in 3 in 1
pBAR_EL222_TtrpC checked with restriction enzyme digestion
pBAR_EL222_TtrpC did plasmid PCR
pBAR_EL222_TtrpC did plasmid PCR (confirmed successfully)
pBAR_EL222_TtrpC plasmid stored and transformed cultures cryopreserved