
iGEM Concordia Wiki


General Support

Graduate Student & External Advisors/Instructors who provided us with project guidance, support and feedback:
• Alex Vallerand
• Arthi Ramachandran
• David Colatriano
• Hugo Sinha
• Lauren Narcross
• Nicholas Shulman
• Shoham Mookerjee
• Zach Wiltshire

• Anna Wu designed an iGEM logo which was used as our email signature and watermark in our sponsorship packages.
• Anthea Cotignola is a photographer who generously took our group and solo photos which we have used on our meet the team page, as well as our page banners
• Audrey Morin, the Administration Project Manager, provided us with guidance regarding our accounts and finances
• Diana Consuelo Rodriguez Burbano, a graduate student in Dr. John Capobianco’s Lab, provided us with materials, guidance and assistance during the nanoparticle synthesis phase of our project
• Dr. Cunle Wu who provided us with our CDC28 strain of yeast
• Florence Victoria and Merna Georgui, students of Dr. Rafik Naccache, provided materials, advice and guidance during the nanoparticle synthesis phase of our project.
• Jaideep Mallick, Financial manager, assisted us with purchasing materials online
• Nicholas Shulman helped mentor us and gave us tremendous feedback regarding our webseries and how to make it more entertaining
• Rita Umbrasas, technician in the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department at Concordia University, for providing us with a heat and stir plate.
• Sasa Ristic is a technician at McGill University who provided us the service of using the clean room to fabricate our microfluidics chips

Staff Members

• Dr. Steve Shih assisted with the Microfluidic Phase of our project
• Dr. Malcolm Whiteway is one of our Project Supervisors
• Dr. Nawwaf Kharma is one of our Project Supervisor

Assisting in Nanoparticle and Cell Imaging Support

• Arslane Bouchemit, Philippe Plamondon, and Isabelle Bourgeois of the Centre de Caractérisation Microscopique des Matériaux at l’École Polytechnique de Montréal for their assistance in using dark field microscopy.
• Chloe van Oostente, the previous manager of the Centre for Microscopy and Cellular Imaging (CMCI), provided the microscopy facilities and guidance when using the equipment
• Chris Law, current manager of the CMCI, also provided access to the microscopy facilities and guidance for equipment uses
• David Liu, technician at the Facility for Electron Microscopy Research (FEMR), assisted in transmission electron microscope (TEM) sample preparation and visualization
• Dr. Kelly Sears and Dr. Hojatollah Vali from McGill University gave us permission to use their transmission electron microscope (TEM) and provided guidance in how to prepare our samples for visualization by the technician
• Sathiyabama Kanaganayagam, lab technician for the Biology Department at Concordia University, permitted us to use teaching lab microscopes and provided assistance for microscopy usage

Human Practices Support

• Daniel Page, Chemical Safety Officer of Environment, Health, and Safety Concordia (EHS Concordia), not only led our safety training seminars but also took the time to review our Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and provided us with valuable feedback
• Amar and Lara Jreige are teachers at the Pierrefonds Comprehensive High School and allowed us to present our project to two different biology classes
• Charles Plaisir, camp counsellor at the Concordia Athletics Sports Camps, allowed us to present fun experiments to a group of youngster aged 7 to 12 get them pumped for science
• wrote a blog about our team and our project in the first few weeks when we bedgan our project. This helped spread the word about our cool project
• Concordia’s student-led radio show CJLO and student-run newspaper The Link, conducted interviews with our team and promoted our project to fellow Concordian’s
• Concordia University students who participated in our videotaped Q&A helped provide insight on people’s understanding and opinions about nanoparticles

Monetary Support or In Kind Donations

• Centre for Applied Synthetic Biology at Concordia University
• Centre for Structural and Functional Genomics at Concordia University
• Faculty of Arts and Science at Concordia University
• Faculty of Engineering & Computer Science at Concordia University
• Hyasynth Bio
• New England Biolabs
• Office of the VP, Research & Graduate Studies at Concordia University
• PearlBiotech
• SteriPro
• Sustainability Action Fund of Concordia University

Thanks to all those involved in helping make a successful iGEM Concordia 2016 team!