Team:SCUT-China A/Attributions





Human Practice



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Sulfur Killer

wiki group suport

South China University of tecnology


Luo Yifan: Project design and safety.

Liu Tianyang: Experiment

Zhang Guangming: Experiment

Liu Zhenyu: Experiment and Human Practices

Chen Siyun: Human Practices

Guo Zhijie: Modeling and financial affairs.

Zhao Yingying: Modeling

Lai Jiahan: Wiki and Art Design.

Peng Yu: Wiki.

Zhao Jinhui: Applied Design

Project: the idea.

After holding many brainstorming meetings with all the teammates participating, and given valuable advice from advisors, we formulated our project based on the idea of biodesulfurization, and named it Sulfur killer. We all contributed to the design of the project.

Human Practices.

Liu Zhenyu and Chen Siyun both did lots of researches and investigations on Human Practices focusing on environment effect. Zhao Jinhui contacted with some oil industries, designed the industrial application program for our project. Our HP group also had a deep communication with professor Liu from School of Environment and Energy, SCUT.


Luo Yifan, Liu Tianyang and Zhang Guangming are responsible for designing, cloning and submitting our Biobricks to the registry.


Guo Zhijie and Zhao Yingying are in charge of modeling part, and they did a great job with some supports from School of Computer Science, SCUT.


Wiki design &document translations:Lai Jiahan.

Wiki programming &design: Peng Yu.

Information collecting &documents editing, all of us!

Poster &Banner.

Lai Jiahan.


Zhang Guangming.


Lai Jiahan designed the logos, team uniforms and PPTs, in charge of all the designing work.

Project support and advice: thanks to Professor Liang Shuli, Ye Yanrui, and Lin Ying.

Fundraising help and advice: thanks to South China University of Technology.

Lab support: thanks to Microbiology laboratory of College of Life Science and Engineered.

Difficult technique support: thanks to Professor Liang Shuli.

Project advisor support: thanks to advisor Liao Xihao, Li Lu.

Wiki support: thanks to Software College of SCUT

Human Practices support: thanks to Guangzhou Environmental Monitoring Center, College of environmental sciences of SCUT.

Thanks and acknowledgements for all other people contributing to our team SCUT-China_A!

1.We have successfully designed and constructed 4 recombinant plasmids with genes of 4 optimized desulfinases and promoter, and these systems have successfully converted DBT into HBP in E.coli. (For more details, click here)

2.We submitted 12 high-quality and well-characterized Standard Biobricks. (For more details, click here)

3.We have successfully built biodesulfurization reaction system as well as the corresponding detection methods. (For more details, click here )

4.We used the models as instruction to guide our experiments and we tested our results of models in lab. By modeling, we found the optimal ratio of enzyme A B and C, and accordingly design our bio circuit, we also found the optimal oil-water ratio, with which we can bring our project to the practical application easily. (For more details, click here)

5.By integrating several of the existing knowledge of industrial desulfurization, we presented a scheme for combining BDS with industrial processes. (For more details, click here)

6.We conducted a comprehensive assessment of the project. Our focus was on project significance, policy, application, evaluation, and biosafety. Based on many researches and investigations, we got a lot of information that has guiding significance to our project. (For more details, click here)

7.We helped and collaborated with 2 other iGEM teams by discussing about project design and technical skills and sharing DNA materials. (For more details, click here)


In this summer, we are very proud of the achievements we have made and here the list is!