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At the DTU BioBuilders team, we are lucky to be surrounded by very skilled people, who are willing to help us. A great thanks to everyone! Please note that all project work and otherwise presented activities on this wiki are performed by our team and high school students.

Initial Start-up Phase

“Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone.”

Gladys B. Stern

  • Associate professor Mhairi Workman helped us during our brainstorm phase with her great expertise in our organism Yarrowia lipolytica.
  • Professor Uffe Hasbro Mortensen went through the design of our shuttle vector and generally helped us with the design of our molecular work.
  • Head of Recruitment and Talent Development Malene Bonne Meyer helped us with all aspects of budget and bureaucracy throughout the entire project.
  • Graduate Student Researcher Cory Schwartz and Assistant professor Ian Wheeldon kindly sent us Yarrowia lipolytica PO1f and our KU70 deficient Y. lipolytica PO1f strain. They also helped us with a transformation protocol and general tips for working with the organism, and supplied us with pIW357 and pIW501 that made it possible for us to knock out PEX10 and insert URA3 in the genome.
  • PhD student Patrice Lubuta and PhD student Anders Sebastian Rosenkrans Ødum were present during our brainstorming sessions and gave us great inputs.
  • Pernille Neve Myers, Viktor Hesselberg-Thomsen and Vilhelm Krarup Møller are all from last years team. They attended some of our general meetings helping us out with getting to know iGEM.

Laboratory Work

  • Assistant professor Jakob Blæsbjerg Nielsen provided us with a great laboratory space and gave us helpful input on the use of CRISPR-Cas9.
  • Postdoc Christina Spuur Nødvig has been a great help during our daily work in the laboratory with her extensive knowledge about molecular cloning and CRISPR-Cas9.
  • PhD student Ferdinand Hans Kirchner has been a great help during our daily work in the laboratory with his extensive knowledge about molecular cloning and CRISPR-Cas9.
  • Postdoc Cristiano Varrano for providing DAKA glycerine samples for substrate screening.
  • Laboratory Intern Louise Svenningsen and Laboratory Technician Tina Johansen have provided help with navigating in the laboratory and have kindly produced the media we needed.
  • Laboratory Technician Alexander Rosenkjær patiently helped us use the Hamilton robot for substrate screening.
  • PhD student Peter Wolff for help with RNA purification and rtPCR.
  • PhD student Malgorzata Ewa Futyma provided great help with SDS page and transfer of SDS gels to nitrocellulose membranes.
  • PhD student Vinoth Wigneswaran has provided help with OD- and fluorescence measurements during the Interlab study
  • PhD student Anantha Vithakshana Peramuna has provided help with fluorescent microscopy.
  • Postdoc Sébastien Muller provuded great help and consultancy during the western blotting efforts
  • Food Technologist Preben Bøje Hansen helped us with air compressor for extraction of substrate.
  • Benchling, which is a great online tool that enabled us to have an online lab book that the entire team could access simultaneously.
  • Grønninggaard kindly provided us with canola oil sediment for substrate screening and invited us out for a visit.
  • Dansukker kindly provided us with melasse for substrate screening.
  • Perstorp HQ and Perstorp Bioproducts kindly provided us with glycerine tech and crude samples for substrate screening.
  • Emmelev A/S kindly provided us with glycerine samples for substrate screening.


  • Associate professor Mikael Rørdam Andersen helped us with assessment of the initial strategy.
  • Senior researcher Nikolaus Sonnenschein, PhD Anne Sofie Lærke Hansen and PhD Julian Brandl guided us and helped us with troubleshooting and finding literature on Genome Scale Modeling of Y. lipolytica.
  • PhD Kristian Jensen and PhD Joao Cardoso helped us with model software setup and introduction.
  • Benchling is a great online tool that enabled us to have an online lab book that the entire team could access simultaneously.
  • PhD student Patrice Lubuta and PhD student Anders Sebastian Rosenkrans Ødum were great help with answering quesions about GSM, and providing and helping with experimental data for model validaiton.
  • Eduard Kerkhvoven and Martin Kavsek for helping us understand their GSM researches and answered many of our questions regarding thair papers


  • Associate professor Christopher Workman came up with the idea of conducting automatic OD600 measurements.
  • Associate professor Martin Dufva designed the very first measuring chamber.
  • Docent Erik Vilain Thomsen introduced us to electronics and suggested the light sensors, we used.
  • Kennan Pinto from Biologigaragen did user testing and came up with tons of ideas on how to improve the prototype.
  • The KiCad community provided excellent documentation, tutorials and learning online.
  • Oliver (user: SchrodingersGat) provided templates for building shields for Arduino through GitHub.
  • The FreeCad community provided excellent documentation, tutorials and learning online.
  • The Arduino community provided excellent documentation, tutorials and learning online.
  • DTU Skylab provided resources for building and laser cutting.

    Authors of Arduino Libraries:
  • Michael Margolis, author of the DS1307RTC library.
  • The author(s) of the TimeLib library (no credits are found in the files).
  • and Tim Starling, authors of the LiquidCrystal_I2C library.
  • Mark Stanley and Alexander Brevig, authors of the Keypad library.
  • provided the standard libraries: SD, SPI and Wire.


  • Associate professor Christopher Workman introduced the idea and importance of codon optimization to the team.
  • Professor Mario dos Reis published the tAI-based method that the optimization is based on.
  • Python Software Foundation provided Python.

Human Practices

  • Pernille Neve Myers, Viktor Hesselberg-Thomsen from the DTU iGEM team 2015 helped us during the BioBrick Tutorial. They were especially a great help in the laboratory work with BioBricks and also held a presentation with introduction to BioBrick assembly.
  • Laboratory Technician Regina Åris Schürmann has provided us with laboratory rooms and equipment for the BioBrick Tutorial.
  • Grønningaard
  • Novo Nordisk: Kjeld Olesen and Nina Gunnarson
  • Novozymes: Gernot J. Abel
  • Mathias & Mathias - Tanken Bag Tale helped us with presentation techniques.
  • Biotech Academy for collaboration on the Biosensor project.

Art & Design

  • Mads Møller Madsen from PF photo took pictures of the team.
  • Mads Valdemar Anderson gave advice on making the wiki.



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