Team:UIUC Illinois/Parts

UIUC_Illinois iGEM 2016


Our team has added the following parts to the iGEM registry:

Part Number Name Type Brief Summary
BBa_K1987042 Off -> On (mid) Promoter Regulatory This promoter can be inserted upstream of any gene in order to provide timed gene expression. This promoter is inactive during the early growth phase of e. coli, but becomes more active later on, leading to an "on -> off" expression pattern.
BBa_K1987030 On->off promoter Regulatory This promoter can be inserted upstream of any gene in order to provide timed gene expression. This promoter is active during the early growth phase of e. coli, but becomes less active later on, leading to an "on -> off" expression pattern.
BBa_K1987032 On->off promoter 2 Regulatory This promoter can be inserted upstream of any gene in order to provide timed gene expression. This promoter is active during the early growth phase of e. coli, but becomes less active later on, leading to an "on -> off" expression pattern.
BBa_K1987038 Off -> on -> off promoter Regulatory This promoter can be inserted upstream of any gene in order to provide timed gene expression. This promoter is inactive during the early growth phase of e. coli, but becomes active in exponential phase before reducing activity in stationary phase, leading to an "off -> on -> off" expression pattern.
BBa_K1987000 GFP with BsaI sites for promoter insertion Composite This testing construct consists of a degradation-tagged GFP orf preceded by the lac promoter and RBS. The promoter and RBS are flanked by BsaI sites, allowing for different promoter+RBS combinations to be easily swapped into the construct. The strength and expression profile of the promoter/RBS combo can then be easily measured.