Team:OLS Canmore/HP/Silver


Our team has tackled many important questions that extend outside of the lab this year. Many of these address ethics, safety and sustainability. Safety is a huge component in our project, not only in our participation in iGEM, but also in planning the implementation of our project in future years. For our achievements regarding safety:

  • We visited local wastewater treatment facilities and spoke to individuals at a local water summit, to learn about the various types of systems within plants and the existing keratin waste removal methods. While planning the implementation of our construct, we designed a bioreactor based on these systems to make it easier to implement.

  • We have also put in a lot of thought about the ethical implications of our project. We plan to create an ethics review board and have spread awareness about ethics and safety by publishing a perspectives paper in an online student journal called Biotreks.

  • Through numerous presentations, showcases, and summits within our community, we have spread awareness about our project to the public.

  • While we view the ethical concerns of our project from a student standpoint, we also have to take in consideration a faith perspective. Being a Catholic high school we have to ensure that our project follows the beliefs of the Catholic Church.
We have also met all the bronze and silver medal requirements:
  • We met all the deliverables on the requirements page.
  • We attributed all work done on our project.
  • We both documented at least one new standard BioBrick part or device central to our project and submitted two new part to the iGEM registry.
  • We experimentally validated our BioBricks by preparing assays which demonstrated enzymatic activity. For example in our skim milk plate test we saw results of protein degradation by clearing on the plate, we also saw in our hair assay that the tubes turned the colour of the lids showing that the colour in the cap was broken down. Though these results are not conclusive, they show that our construct is working.
  • We collaborated with the Lethbridge High School Team. We mentored a young team from High River, Alberta and shared our previous work from last year, as well as research we had found with a team who is working on a similar project. In addition to this, we participated in Biotreks. Biotreks is a peer-reviewed online synthetic biology journal written by high school students.
  • We put lots of time into developing human practices this year by working on ethics, safety, sustainability, and many other human practice initiatives. We conducted an ethical review of our project and the Lethbridge high school’s project. For safety we continuously use safe practices in the lab and have started to develop a bioreactor for the implementation of our lab. Our project focuses on sustainability as our construct would replace environmentally harmful disposal methods. Lastly, throughout the year we also conduced many different human practices initiatives such as connecting with industries directly affected by our project.

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