
// This file is part of the "jQuery.Syntax" project, and is distributed under the MIT License. // Copyright (c) 2011 Samuel G. D. Williams. <http://www.oriontransfer.co.nz> // See <jquery.syntax.js> for licensing details.

// This layout doesn't work correctly in IE6, but is fine in all other tested browsers. Syntax.layouts.fixed = function(options, code, container) {

var fixed = jQuery('
'), line = 1, space = /^\s*$/; var toolbar = jQuery('

var rawCode = container.clone(); rawCode.addClass("raw syntax highlighted");

var codeTable = document.createElement('table');

var codeTableBody = document.createElement('tbody'); codeTable.appendChild(codeTableBody);

var numbersColumn = jQuery('
'); var codeColumn = jQuery('

// Source code code.children().each(function() { var lineNumber = document.createElement('div'); lineNumber.className = "line ln" + line lineNumber.innerHTML = line; numbersColumn.append(lineNumber);

var lineCode = document.createElement('td'); lineCode.className = "source " + this.className;

if (line % 2) { lineCode.className += " alt"; }

if (lineCode == 1) { lineNumber.className += " first" }

// Thanks to Michael for suggesting the obvious :) lineCode.appendChild(this);

var tr = document.createElement('tr'); tr.appendChild(lineCode); codeTableBody.appendChild(tr);

line = line + 1; });


fixed.append(numbersColumn); fixed.append(codeColumn);

a = jQuery('<a href="#">View Raw Code</a>'); a.click(function (event) { event.preventDefault();

if (jQuery(fixed).is(':visible')) { rawCode.height(jQuery(fixed).height()); jQuery(fixed).replaceWith(rawCode); } else { jQuery(rawCode).replaceWith(fixed); } });

toolbar.append(a); toolbar.append('<a href="http://www.oriontransfer.co.nz/software/jquery-syntax" target="oriontransfer">?</a>');

return jQuery('
').append(toolbar).append(fixed); };