HQ:Team Information Why

General Information


Please list the schools represented by the student members of the team. One school can have multiple teams, and multiple schools can join together and form one team.

Team description

This is an optional field for you to tell us more about the team!

Team status

This section shows the status of your team registration application. If an item is checked, we have received it. If an item has an "X" next to it, we have not yet received it. This section also shows your country, region, kind, and section. Please contact us if any of this information is incorrect.


Primary PI

Please provide contact information for the team's primary PI. We have found that teams with more than one PI tend to have a better iGEM experience and do better overall. For iGEM 2016, every team is required to have two (2) PIs on their team. The role of a PI is to provide guidance and support throughout the season, and also to serve as the team's first point of contact between the team and iGEM HQ.

Secondary PI

Please provide contact information for the team's secondary PI. We have found that teams with more than one PI tend to have a better iGEM experience and do better overall. For iGEM 2016, every team is required to have two (2) PIs on their team. The role of a PI is to provide guidance and support throughout the season, and also to serve as the team's first point of contact between the team and iGEM HQ.


A team may have more than one instructor. Please provide contact information for one of the instructors here. The role of an instructor is to provide hands-on, day-to-day support for a team.

Student Leader

Often, teams have a student team leader who serves as the team's point of contact between the team and PI, and the team and iGEM Headquarters. If your team has a student leader, please provide his/her contact information here.



This is the project track your team has been assigned to. High School teams will automatically be assigned to the High School track.

Part numbers

Each team is automatically provided with a range of part numbers to use. When your team adds a new part to the Registry, it will be a number in this range.

Title and abstract

Please input your project title and abstract here. If submitted by the deadline, they will be printed and published in the Giant Jamboree program booklet.


Instructors Roster

This is the list of instructors affiliated with the team. Every instructor affiliated with the team should create an igem.org user account, and join the official team roster before the roster deadline. Only individuals listed on the official team roster will receive a certificate of participation at the end of the season.

Student Roster

This is the list of students affiliated with the team. Every student affiliated with the team should create an igem.org user account, and join the official team roster before the roster deadline. Only individuals listed on the official team roster will receive a certificate of participation at the end of the season.

Advisors Roster

This is the list of advisors affiliated with the team. Every advisor affiliated with the team should create an igem.org user account, and join the official team roster before the roster deadline. Only individuals listed on the official team roster will receive a certificate of participation at the end of the season.


Shipping to China

Due to restrictions by the Chinese Inspection and Quarantine Services (CIQ), iGEM is currently unable to ship DNA distribution kits or part requests to China. We must ask teams from China to please plan accordingly for 2016.

High School and Community Lab teams

High School and Community Lab teams are also required to have two team PIs. These must be individuals in positions of authority who are responsible for team registration, team roster, safety forms, and team fees. For High School teams, one of the team PIs must be either a principal or teacher. For Community Lab teams, one of the team PIs must be the director of the community lab. High School teams and Community Lab teams are not required to have a professor as one of their team PIs, but can if they want to.