Team:SCAU-China/Time shaft


  • We started to discuss ideas and delivered presentations of respective project ideas to the whole group.
  • Three groups showed the progress of their project. Among them, the astaxanthin and bioplastic project came into being.
  • We held a net-meeting. Several teammates shared the experiences about their visit in Peking University. We did some preparations for the teach-in to freshmen. Also, we did an investigation about company and the public.
  • We propagandized iGEM as well as our team in the teach-in. Our school invited several professors to make speeches about trans-gene.
  • We finally decided to participate in the iGEM competition with the project of astaxanthin and we were ready to prepare for the Culture Day of bauhinia.
  • In the Culture Day of baubinia, we showed our project to the public, propagandized iGEM and clarified some misunderstanding about transgenic food to human body.
  • We took part in the teach-in, which was held by the college of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, in terms of showing our project.
  • To compete to become one of 2016 SCAU-China team members, we took turns to deliver presentations. Waiting in excitement and wondering who would be the team members of this year. And later, we discussed the role of every team member renewedly.
  • We started designing our wiki.
  • We made arrangements for this summer holiday.
  • Six team members were selected to join in the Giant Jamboree.