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  • <area class="area Samuele" alt="" title="" href="#Samuele" shape="poly" coords="1027,945,1036,747,1048,482,1062,450,1130,403,1126,342 <h2 class="text-gold text-right">Samuele</h2>
    22 KB (2,414 words) - 03:40, 20 October 2016
  • .../b> participate to the lab sessions.The design of the gRNAs was done by <b>Samuele Mercan</b> The BioBricks were planned and done by <b>Samuele Mercan, Francesco Terenzi and Camilla Ceroni</b>.
    25 KB (2,827 words) - 02:22, 20 October 2016