- ...rious public funding decisions with who was available (especially Florent, Wilhelm, Nassim, Benjamin and Kévin)</p> ...d Benjamin. September-October manipulations were mainly done by Nassim and Wilhelm. Our favorite undergrad, Zinebe, was mostly initiated by us to most techniq4 KB (604 words) - 05:23, 19 October 2016
- ...>Plasmidic DNA Extraction on the liquid cultures made Sunday by Nassim and Wilhelm (Zinebe)<br> BSU9716 Plates from Sunday 20th(Wilhelm/Nassim) <br>20 KB (3,511 words) - 03:52, 20 October 2016
- <cite style="font-size:0.8rem">[1]Kaiser Wilhelm Institut für Biologie,Berlin-Dahlem.Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grov14 KB (1,948 words) - 14:28, 4 November 2016
- <li> John Wilhelm III, Integrated DNA Technologies </li>50 KB (4,987 words) - 03:04, 20 October 2016
- <div id="wilhelm" style="display: none;"> <h1 style="text-align:center;">Wilhelm Vaysse--Zinkhöfer</h1><ul>15 KB (2,204 words) - 15:52, 19 October 2016
- Jutta,Gebert & Nicole,Radde & Gerhard-Wilhelm,Weber. (2007). Modeling gene regulatory networks with piecewise linear diff8 KB (1,253 words) - 03:30, 20 October 2016
- ...employed piecewise-linear functions (Jutta,Gebert & Nicole,Radde & Gerhard-Wilhelm,Weber, 2007; Polynikis, Hogan, & Di Bernardo, 2009) to approximate the Hill12 KB (1,741 words) - 03:20, 20 October 2016
- <p>Wilhelm Vaysse-Zinkhöfer</p>381 B (63 words) - 09:58, 16 October 2016
- <b>Prof. Dr. Christoph Wilhelm Sensen </b>: Support for presentation<br>18 KB (2,272 words) - 17:56, 19 October 2016