Collaborating with other teams This year we collaborated with NYU-AD iGEM team. We had a productive skype and hangouts session talking about synthetic biology situation in the Middle East. We agreed to start a campaign to promote synthetic biology among students in the Middle East. To do so, we agreed to design flyers about synthetic biology and its possible applications in the Middle East both in Arabic and English. We created a folder on Google drive and worked together on it to create the flyers.
The content was written by both teams, and then translated into Arabic by the Ain Shams-Egypt Team in order to create an Arabic Version so that more students can become familiar with iGEM and synthetic biology.
Also team NYU, asked us to make them videos discussing the opinion of our community about the food safety & food safety measures applied in our cities, so we interviewed 2 different people , asked them the questions team NYU asked, we recorded the interviews and sent team NYU the videos