Team:Istanbul Tech/Results


Preliminary Results

1. Molecular Dynamics Simulations for Alpha-Synuclein: Can that molecule show FRET effect?

In that study, we wanted to see weather if the truncated model of alpha-synuclein will show motions to promote FRET effect or not;

After graphing the distance throughout each end of alpha-synuclein, we observed that the motions of alpha-synuclein might behave in FRET range,

2. Molecular Dynamics Simulations for anti-METH scFv antibody: Can one piece of this protein have enough affinity to hold methamphetamine for another piece?

In that study, we applied molecular dynamics simulations for each chain of anti-METH antibody with methamphetamine to show that affinity of the hydrophobic surface of each chain is enough to hold methamphetamine for integration of the other chain;

After the molecular dynamics simulations, distance of the methamphetamine against each chain graphed. Results are given below which shows methamphetamine stays same distance to the surface as simulation time goes;

Graph that shows distance change of methamphetamine and chain A (or C1)

Graph that shows distance change of methamphetamine and chain A (or C1). Note that shift in the graph probably caused by the change in the orientation of labeled side-chain atom of methamphetamine

3. Preliminary wet-lab results

For our DNA samples that codes our anti-METH antibody design, we were not so lucky.
But for alpha-synuclein, things started giving hope;

After the cut and ligate procedure of obtained alpha-synuclein DNA, we applied transformation to the DH5alpha cells, amplified our plasmid and then continue to obtain our alpha-synuclein sequence for cloning to pET28a vector. By the time that wiki-freeze arrived, our studies were continuing.



Istanbul Technical University, Sience and Literature Faculty, 34469, Maslak Istanbul, TURKEY

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