To develop this Project was necessary the integration of different disciplines scientific, artistic and technological.
Started with the search and reviw of the literatura in the field of biofuels, to go, finalley, to the bioturbosine, a fuel that does not currently have a cost-effective option for bioproduction. As a result, the choice of the chassis was mediated by the chemical chacateristics of the bioturbosine(chain of 15C to 18C and máximum of 25% of aromatics). The seaweed Chlorella vulgaris is capable of producing hydrocarbons of 14C to 22C of high puruty, depending on the long and amoun of the availability of nutrients.
Them objetives is pursued according to them methods and protocols described in:
Adjust two media of culture to have certainly qualitative and quantitative of production lipid, that also is adjusted to a mathematical model ( before and the give the insertion of genes that will optimize the process of production.