Team:TEC-Costa Rica/Team/Investigators

Team Investigators

David García

Principal Investigator

David is a Biotechnology Engineer who is a Researcher and Professor at the Costa Rica Technology Institute. His areas of expertise include Plant Biotechnology, Phytopathology, Metabolic Engineering, Molecular Biology and Synthetic Biology. He teaches the Molecular Biology Lab, Bioinformatics, and Synthetic Biology courses. He is also a huge fan of Star Wars, Rock, and Pizza. He usually quotes Darth Vader on his lab notebooks.

David Garcia

Geovanni Garro

Secondary Investigator

Giovanni is a Biologist, with a Master’s degree in Biotechnology. He is a Researcher, Professor and Extensionist at the Costa Rica Institute of Technology. He is an expert in Plant Genetic Engineering, Biosafety, Plant Tissue Culture, Secondary Metabolite Production, and Public Engagement. He loves horses and has hosted events in the university centered in them!

Geovanni Garro