

Team Attributions

Morgan Pantuck — wetlab work, project design and planning, helped write wiki content, acting team leader.

Chinye Ijeli — wetlab work, project design and planning, community outreach, ATP/ADP assay master.

Steve Dvorkin — wetlab work, project design and planning, construct and primer design master, acting secretary.

Miranda Halle — wetlab work, project design and planning, community outreach, wrote wiki content, acting webmaster and events manager.

Julia Byeon — wetlab work, project design and planning, community outreach, helped write wiki content, acting external communications manager.

Special Thanks

Genehackers members completed all of the wetlab work, research designs, and project documentation with supervision, feedback, and advice from Professor Benjamin Glick (our PI); Justin Chew, Danny Chan, Jason Casler, Kasey Day, and Fernando Valbuena (our graduate student advisors); Mansi Chandra (Co-President of Genehackers, not on the summer team); and Kevin Yang (Former President of Genehackers, not on the summer team). Genehackers members also built our Wiki page and assembled our Jamboree poster and presentation with assistance from those mentioned above.

We used laboratory protocols developed by the Genehackers team as well as by iGEM, the Rust laboratory, and the Glick laboratory.

Allen Helm with the University of Chicago Office of Research Safety provided us with biosafety training.

Dr. Barry Aprison assisted our team with Human Practices by allowing us to help assemble his “Flipped Exhibit” education project prototype.

DNA sequencing was performed for us by UChicago’s Comprehensive Cancer Center DNA Sequencing Facility.

DNA was synthesized for us by IDT and Genscript.

Much thanks to the Glick lab for allowing us to use their laboratory space and equipment during the summer.