Team:UPF-CRG Barcelona/Collaborations

Attributions Page - Polybiome

Attributions Page


iGEM UPO Sevilla Collaboration

From our modelling and computational work came the wonderful opportunity to colaborate with another iGem team, UPOSevilla. Both teams were working on metabolic analysis, and had developed a tool to facilitate analysis of complex enzymatic pathways. However, our two aproaches were quite diferent. Sevilla’s team focused on velocity and straight-forwardness with a C script that took the input as text files and displayed the output as another text file, a log of the different concentrations of the different compounds over time. Visualitzation or post-processing of the data was left to the user, which made the program more modular, albeit less user friendly. Our approach, Polyenzime, was a bit widder in scope, incorporating inhibition reactions and source/sink nodes, and consisted on a GUI where the user could intuitively create and run the pathways, obtaining the evolution of the system in handy graphics without further ado.

Comparing the two prespectives on the same problem gave us the opportunity to further develop our approach, strengthing its downsides (implementation of a runge-kuta algorithm to make the integration more robust), and reinforcing the advantages (improving the user experience in a variety of ways). We could also interchange valuable feedback that lead to some bug-fixes and improvements. This would not have been possible without intensive comunication between the teams, and we thank the collegues at Sevilla for the patience and support trough our programming endavours.

With the wide array of topics iGEM comprises, finding another team with a common front to collaborate with may be difficult. We were lucky to have that opportunity, and we belive that the project has improved and gained context as a consequence.


In the image we can see a model of UPO-Sevilla’s team represented in our software.

iGEM Paris Bettencourt

As iGEM competition promotes collaboration, we are helping this team by providing them products related to our vineyards, so that they can find microorganisms that can naturally digest wine and try to enhance their ability so as to make a potent, biological wine stain removing device. We wish them a lot of luck!
