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<center><h1 style="padding-top:150px;padding-bottom:130px;padding-left:50px;">Bios</h1><center>
<center><h1 style="padding-top:150px;padding-bottom:40px;">Team</h1>
                <img src="https://github.com/tennysontbardwell/iGEMCornellWebsite2016/blob/master/resources/team-members/team-members-md/1-Cornell_Saie.jpg?raw=true" alt="Saie" style="width:auto;height:300px;">
                <p style="padding-bottom: 25px"><span style="font-weight:bold">College: Engineering ('18)</span><br>
                <span style="font-weight:bold">Major: Biological Engineering</span><br>
                Hello! My name is Saie Ganoo, and I am junior in Biological Engineering. I love the Ithacan outdoors and love this wonderful iGEM team of scientists, innovators, and connectors. Currently, I am involved with research on campus outside of the team as well as the Cornell Hindu Student Council as VP. You can find me on North Campus during the year as an Resident Advisor (RA) and napping outside on a quad during a lovely summer day! In the future, I would love to continue work in Biomedical Engineering and Materials Science Engineering research fields, and I plan on continuing my education in graduate school.</p>
                <img src="https://github.com/tennysontbardwell/iGEMCornellWebsite2016/blob/master/resources/team-members/team-members-md/2.1-Cornell_YiFan.jpg?raw=true" alt="YiFan" style="width:auto;height:300px;">
                <p style="padding-bottom: 25px"><span style="font-weight:bold">College: Agriculture and Life Sciences ('18)</span><br>
                <span style="font-weight:bold">Major: Biological Sciences</span><br>
                Yi Fan is a junior majoring in biological sciences with a strong passion for organic chemistry and physics. His research interest lies in the regulatory and catalytic mechanisms of vesicular trafficking at the Golgi Apparatus. When he is not in class or pipetting away in lab, Yi Fan works as an organic chemistry tutor and is also actively involved in the Aikido Club as its president. In addition, he enjoys experimenting with cooking, treating his ingredients the way scientists treat their samples. In the future, Yi Fan hopes to become a physician-scientist. He would like to make a difference in the lives of patients while also contributing to the development of more effective treatments at the frontier of science and medicine. Fun fact: he used to own pet silkworms.</p>
                <img src="https://github.com/tennysontbardwell/iGEMCornellWebsite2016/blob/master/resources/team-members/team-members-md/2.2-Grace.jpg?raw=true" alt="Grace" style="width:auto;height:300px;">
                <p style="padding-bottom: 25px"><span style="font-weight:bold">College: Engineering ('18)</span><br>
                <span style="font-weight:bold">Major: Chemical Engineering</span><br>
                Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, <br>
                That miniprepped in the AM for me.
                While she is a bubbling spirit in the lab and a friend in our hearts, Grace is not a force to be reckoned with. Whether it's an adamant army of ants raiding her kitchen or plasmids refusing to cooperate, Chief Chuang is always ready to take on any challenge. An active member of CRU and close friends with Bill Nye the science dude, Grace is basically a manifestation of the positivity and friendliness exuded by a playful breeze on an Ithacan summer's day. Her loyalty, however, isn't fickle like the winds of the Northeast; rather, she finds herself at all hours tirelessly working in the lab, often jamming to numerous sick beats, until we have to physically kidnap her and dose her with Starbucks to bring her back to the real world. She co-leads the Policy and Practices subteam and is ready to cure the world's diseases. A master of photography, you can find this kind soul wandering through gardens and Farmer's Markets, trying to catch the sunlight in just the right way, before she captures an image only surpassed by a Van Gogh.
                <img src="https://github.com/tennysontbardwell/iGEMCornellWebsite2016/blob/master/resources/team-members/team-members-md/2.3-Cornell_Sachi.jpg?raw=true" alt="Sachi" style="width:auto;height:300px;">
                <p style="padding-bottom: 25px"><span style="font-weight:bold">College: Engineering ('18)</span><br>
                <span style="font-weight:bold">Major: Biological Engineering</span><br>
                Sachiye is a biological engineer from Los Gatos, California, class of 2018. She is fascinated with biophysics and biomaterials and wants to work on veterinary medical devices (and Cornell iGEM has been the perfect place to explore this field!) When not in the lab or staring at a computer screen, Sachiye is the Section Leader of the Horns in the Cornell Big Red Marching Band, an orientation leader, a Science Olympiad coach for the local elementary schools, and an enthusiastic hiker and runner!
                <img src="https://github.com/tennysontbardwell/iGEMCornellWebsite2016/blob/master/resources/team-members/team-members-md/2.5-Cornell_GeorgeHeadshot.jpg?raw=true" alt="George" style="width:auto;height:300px;">
                <p style="padding-bottom: 25px"><span style="font-weight:bold">College: Engineering ('17)</span><br>
                <span style="font-weight:bold">Major: Biological Engineering</span><br>
                <img src="https://github.com/tennysontbardwell/iGEMCornellWebsite2016/blob/master/resources/team-members/team-members-md/2.7-Cornell_Rishabh.jpg?raw=true" alt="Rishabh Singh" style="width:auto;height:300px;">
                <p style="padding-bottom: 25px"><span style="font-weight:bold">College: Engineering ('17)</span><br>
                <span style="font-weight:bold">Major: Biological Engineering</span><br>
                Rishabh is a senior majoring in Biological Engineering with plans to attend medical school in the future. But first, he plans to spend a gap year after graduating exploring the intersection of his engineering background and medical interest through biotechnology work. Around campus, he is involved in the Cardiovascular Bioengineering Lab, the Phi Delta Epsilon medical fraternity, eMed, and is a teaching assistant for biochemistry (BIOMG 3300).<br>
                Dubbed our, "Design Queen," he creates much of our branding/outreach content and also leads UX/UI design for our website and mobile applications.
                <img src="https://github.com/tennysontbardwell/iGEMCornellWebsite2016/blob/master/resources/team-members/team-members-md/4.3-Cornell_Tara-md.jpg?raw=true" alt="Tara" style="width:auto;height:300px;">
                <p><span style="font-weight:bold">College: Engineering ('18)</span><br>
                <span style="font-weight:bold">Major: Biological Engineering</span><br>
                    <p style="text-align: left;">package CUiGEM;<p>
                    <p style="text-align: left;">public class Tara extends CS2110Crew {</p>
                <p style="margin: 0; padding-left: 40px; text-align: left;">private String location;</p>
                <p style="margin: 0; padding-left: 40px; text-align: left;">private int amtOfHate;</p>
                <p style="margin: 0; padding-left: 40px; text-align: left;">private String year;</p>
                <p style="margin: 0; padding-left: 40px; text-align: left;">private boolean hatesGnomes;</p>
                <p style="padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 40px; text-align: left;">static int hrsInDuffield;</p>
                <p style="margin: 0; padding-left: 40px; text-align: left;">public Tara() {</p>
                <p style="padding-left: 80px; margin: 0; text-align: left;">hrsInDuffield = 0;</p>
                <p style="padding-left: 80px; margin: 0; text-align: left;">amtOfHate = 0;</p>
                <p style="padding-left: 80px; margin: 0; text-align: left;">hatesGnomes = false;</p>
                <p style="margin: 0; padding-left: 40px; text-align: left;">}</p>
                <p style="margin: 0; padding-left: 40px; text-align: left;">public String WhereInTheWorldIsTaraChari() {</p>
                <p style="margin: 0; padding-left: 80px; text-align: left;">if ( hella && avocados ) { location = "California"; }</p>
                <p style="margin: 0; padding-left: 80px; text-align: left;">if ( problemSets && hillsOnHillsOnHills ) { location = "Ithaca"; }</p>
                <p style="margin: 0; padding-left: 80px; text-align: left;">return location;</p>
                <p style="margin-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 40px; text-align: left;">}</p>
                <p style="margin: 0; padding-left: 40px; text-align: left;">public void TrappedInDuffieldForever() {</p>
                <p style="margin: 0; padding-left: 80px; text-align: left;">if ( psetDue ) { hrsInDuffield += 3; }</p>
                <p style="margin: 0; padding-left: 80px; text-align: left;">if ( prelimSoon ) { hrsInDuffield += 6; }</p>
                <p style="margin: 0; padding-left: 80px; text-align: left;">while ( finalsWeek ) { hrsInDuffied = Integer.MAX_VALUE; }</p>
                <p style="margin-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 40px; text-align: left;">}</p>
                <p style="margin: 0; padding-left: 40px; text-align: left;">public void gnomeStatus() {</p>
                <p style="margin: 0; padding-left: 80px; text-align: left;">if ( tookCS2110ThisSummer ) { hatesGnomes = true; }</p>
                <p style="margin-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 40px; text-align: left;">}</p>
                <p style="margin: 0; padding-left: 40px; text-align: left;">public void HowMuchDoesTaraHateTheSightOfWeillToday() {</p>
                <p style="margin: 0; padding-left: 80px; text-align: left;">if ( has20MiniprepsWaitingForHer ) { amtOfHate = 9; }</p>
                <p style="margin: 0; padding-left: 80px; text-align: left;">if ( cravingGrilledCheese ) { amtOfHate = -3; }</p>
                <p style="margin: 0; padding-left: 80px; text-align: left;">if ( sequencingCameBackRight ) { amtOfHate = -100}</p>
                <p style="margin: 0; padding-left: 80px; text-align: left;">if ( constructsDueTomorrow ) { amtOfHate = 10000; }</p>
                <p style="margin-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 40px; text-align: left;">}</p>
                <p style="padding-bottom: 25px; text-align: left;">}</p></p>
                <img src="https://github.com/tennysontbardwell/iGEMCornellWebsite2016/blob/master/resources/team-members/team-members-md/5.2-Jeremy-md.jpg?raw=true" alt="Jeremy" style="width:auto;height:300px;">
                <p style="padding-bottom: 25px"><span style="font-weight:bold">College: Engineering ('17)</span><br>
                <span style="font-weight:bold">Major: Biomechanical Engineering</span><br>
                I am a Mechanical Engineering major focusing on Biomedical Engineering and the integration of robotics and medicine. Graduating in the Spring of 2017, I currently work on iGem's Product Development team. I am also Officer of External Affairs for the Cornell Fishing club and a volunteer at Schuyler Humane Society. When I'm not inhaling ice cream at the dairy bar, you can find me fishing around campus or in nearby Ithaca.
                <img src="https://github.com/tennysontbardwell/iGEMCornellWebsite2016/blob/master/resources/team-members/team-members-md/5.3-Emily-md.jpg?raw=true" alt="Emily Lang" style="width:auto;height:300px;">
                <p style="padding-bottom: 25px"><span style="font-weight:bold">College: Engineering ('18)</span><br>
                <span style="font-weight:bold">Major: Biological Engineering</span><br>
                Emily is a junior majoring in biological engineering and minoring in biomedical engineering. On campus, Emily performs biofuels research in the Ahner lab. She is also involved in Club Field Hockey, Cornell Outdoor Education, Engineering Advising, and Institute of Biological Engineering. Fun fact: Emily can make balloon animals!
                <img src="https://github.com/tennysontbardwell/iGEMCornellWebsite2016/blob/master/resources/team-members/team-members-md/5.3-Fion-md.jpg?raw=true" alt="Fion Chu" style="width:auto;height:300px;">
                <p style="padding-bottom: 25px"><span style="font-weight:bold">College: Human Ecology ('19)</span><br>
                <span style="font-weight:bold">Major: Human, Biology, Health, and Society</span><br>
                I am a sophomore pre-med, majoring in Human Biology, Health, and Society. My research interests include neurobiology, psychology, nutrition, molecular biology, and epigenetics. I am currently involved in research that deals with epigenetic mechanisms, specifically the methylation states, of a specific locus in mice. Outside of academics, I also play volleyball. I played intramural volleyball during the spring, and I also go to open gym volleyball almost every week during the semester. One fun fact about me is that I am normally right-hand dominant, but in some sports, I am left-hand dominant.
                <img src="https://github.com/tennysontbardwell/iGEMCornellWebsite2016/blob/master/resources/team-members/team-members-md/5.3-Sarah-md.jpg?raw=true" alt="Sarah Ditton" style="width:auto;height:300px;">
                <p style="padding-bottom: 25px"><span style="font-weight:bold">College: Arts and Scienes ('18)</span><br>
                <span style="font-weight:bold">Major: Biology (Microbiology)</span><br>
                I'm a biology major concentrating in microbiology, and I'm entering my junior year. I'm interested in microbial ecology, both human and soil. I play on Cornell's women's ultimate frisbee team, so hit me up if you ever want to toss! Fun fact about me is I plan to live in Iceland one day because it is one of the most beautiful places in the world.
                <img src="https://github.com/tennysontbardwell/iGEMCornellWebsite2016/blob/master/resources/team-members/team-members-md/5.3-Stephanie-md.jpg?raw=true" alt="Stephanie Yiu" style="width:auto;height:300px;">
                <p style="padding-bottom: 25px"><span style="font-weight:bold">College: Engineering ('18)</span><br>
                <span style="font-weight:bold">Major: Chemical Engineering</span><br>
                I am a Junior studying Chemical Engineering with minors in Business and Biomedical Engineering. When I am not trapped in Olin or learning new programming languages, I tend to be working in the Study Abroad Office, or building the legendary Phoenix to represent the engineers for Dragon Day. In my free time I enjoy baking, painting, and knitting, and I have a goldfish that is almost a foot long (yes, it is a goldfish, I promise).
                <img src="https://github.com/tennysontbardwell/iGEMCornellWebsite2016/blob/master/resources/team-members/team-members-md/5.3-Taylor-md.jpg?raw=true" alt="Taylor Song" style="width:auto;height:300px;">
                <p style="padding-bottom: 25px"><span style="font-weight:bold">College: Engineering ('18)</span><br>
                <span style="font-weight:bold">Major: Mechanical Engineering</span><br>
                This is Taylor's first year on the team!
                <img src="https://github.com/tennysontbardwell/iGEMCornellWebsite2016/blob/master/resources/team-members/team-members-md/5.4-Amanda-md.jpg?raw=true" alt="Amanda Ong" style="width:auto;height:300px;">
                <p style="padding-bottom: 25px"><span style="font-weight:bold">College: Engineering ('19)</span><br>
                <span style="font-weight:bold">Major: Computer Science</span><br>
                I am a currently a sophomore (Class of 2019) majoring in Computer Science. In addition to iGem, I am involved with Forte Campus at Cornell, a women's business organization and Medium, an organization that promotes interdisciplinary design on campus. My research interest includes app development. Outside of clubs and academics, I love making videos and taking photos. Fun fact: I can walk on my hands!
                <img src="https://github.com/tennysontbardwell/iGEMCornellWebsite2016/blob/master/resources/team-members/team-members-md/5.4-Carol-md.jpg?raw=true" alt="Carol Hung" style="width:auto;height:300px;">
                <p style="padding-bottom: 25px"><span style="font-weight:bold">College: Engineering ('19)</span><br>
                <span style="font-weight:bold">Major: Biomedical Engineering</span><br>
                I am a sophomore at Cornell in the College of Engineering and am planning on majoring in Biomedical Engineering. In addition to being a member of the iGEM team on campus, I am an undergraduate researcher in the Schaffer-Nishimura lab studying cancer metastasis in the brain. Fun Fact: When I was young, my dream job was to become a singer...until I realized that I am horrible at singing.
                <img src="https://github.com/tennysontbardwell/iGEMCornellWebsite2016/blob/master/resources/team-members/team-members-md/5.4-Connie-md.jpg?raw=true" alt="Connie Li" style="width:auto;height:300px;">
                <p style="padding-bottom: 25px"><span style="font-weight:bold">College: Engineering ('19)</span><br>
                <span style="font-weight:bold">Major: Chemical Engineering</span><br>
                I am a sophomore in the College of Engineering, majoring in Chemical Engineering. I am interested mainly in biological and sustainable energy applications of Chemical Engineering. On campus, aside from iGEM, I play on the Cornell Club Tennis Team, and am a member of Engineers for a Sustainable World- Biofuels. A fun fact about me is that my favorite animal is a giraffe.
                <img src="https://github.com/tennysontbardwell/iGEMCornellWebsite2016/blob/master/resources/team-members/team-members-md/5.4-Greg-md.jpg?raw=true" alt="Greg Albano" style="width:auto;height:300px;">
                <p style="padding-bottom: 25px"><span style="font-weight:bold">College: Agriculture and Life Sciences ('19)</span><br>
                <span style="font-weight:bold">Major: Biological Engineering</span><br>
                Greg is a sophomore bioengineering major in Cornell's College of Agriculture and Life Science. He loves baseball, chess, and of course iGEM, and can't wait to continue to pursue his dreams and interests over the next three years at Cornell.
                <img src="https://github.com/tennysontbardwell/iGEMCornellWebsite2016/blob/master/resources/team-members/team-members-md/5.4-Maia-md.jpg?raw=true" alt="Maia Mirchandani" style="width:auto;height:300px;">
                <p style="padding-bottom: 25px"><span style="font-weight:bold">College: Engineering ('19)</span><br>
                <span style="font-weight:bold">Major: Unaffiliated</span><br>
                I first joined Cornell iGEM as a freshman in Spring. Now a sophomore, I love being a member of the business team. Around campus, I also enjoy participating in ChemE Car and Women In Coding at Cornell. Eating as much ice cream as I possibly can, spending time with friends, running to catch the TCAT, and biking on those few good weather days are my favorite things to do in Ithaca. I am currently unaffiliated in the College of Engineering, considering a major in Computer Science. A fun fact about me -- I have been in the bull ring during the Festival of San Fermin!
                <img src="https://github.com/tennysontbardwell/iGEMCornellWebsite2016/blob/master/resources/team-members/team-members-md/5.4-Monica-md.jpg?raw=true" alt="Monica Ong" style="width:auto;height:300px;">
                <p style="padding-bottom: 25px"><span style="font-weight:bold">College: Engineering ('19)</span><br>
                <span style="font-weight:bold">Major: Computer Science</span><br>
                I'm a rising sophomore and studying computer science. My research interest include educational technology and on campus, I like to make apps. I've taken gymnastics for 4 years so I'm quite adept at walking on my hands!
                <img src="https://github.com/tennysontbardwell/iGEMCornellWebsite2016/blob/master/resources/team-members/team-members-md/5.4-Rohit-md.jpg?raw=true" alt="Rohit Bandaru" style="width:auto;height:300px;">
                <p style="padding-bottom: 25px"><span style="font-weight:bold">College: Engineering ('19)</span><br>
                <span style="font-weight:bold">Major: Electrical and Computer Engineering</span><br>
                I am a sophomore who is studying electrical and computer engineering. I am interested in genetic engineering and its greater role in technology. I grew up in New England and also enjoy basketball.
                <img src="https://github.com/tennysontbardwell/iGEMCornellWebsite2016/blob/master/resources/team-members/team-members-md/5.4-Sneha-md.jpg?raw=true" alt="Sneha Kabaria" style="width:auto;height:300px;">
                <p style="padding-bottom: 25px"><span style="font-weight:bold">College: Arts and Scienes ('19)</span><br>
                <span style="font-weight:bold">Major: Biology</span><br>
                Hi! My name is Sneha and I'm a sophomore (Class of 2019) Biological Sciences major. My research interests are in molecular biology and biochemistry. In my free time I enjoy sketching and singing.
                <img src="https://github.com/tennysontbardwell/iGEMCornellWebsite2016/blob/master/resources/team-members/team-members-md/5.4-Swathi-md.jpg?raw=true" alt="Swathi Chakrapani" style="width:auto;height:300px;">
                <p style="padding-bottom:130px"><span style="font-weight:bold">College: Agriculture and Life Sciences ('19)</span><br>
                <span style="font-weight:bold">Major: Biological Engineering</span><br>
                Swathi is a biological engineering major in the Class of 2019. She is interested in physiological engineering. In her free time she swims with Cornell's Club Swimming team. Fun Fact: I'm actually five feet tall.
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Revision as of 02:21, 20 October 2016

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Addgene is a non-profit plasmid repository. Since its founding in 2004, the company provided free resources to facilitate exchange of plasmids across laboratories. Addgene also archives and makes available a free online database of plasmids. We want to thank Addgene for providing us with discounts on plasmid purchases.

Bio Basic Inc.

Bio Basic Inc. is a privately owned dynamic biotechnology company. The company was founded in 1990 in Toronto, Canada. From 1990 to 1995, Bio Basic Inc.’s primary focus was in the field of biochemicals. Starting in 1995, Bio Basic Inc. began manufacturing various Life Science Products. Over the past two decades, the company has developed rapidly and now serves as a one-stop-shop to researchers in the life sciences field. To date, Bio Basic Inc. has approximately 600 employees, seven laboratories, three factory buildings, 40 international distributors and over 10,000 customers worldwide. The team is grateful for Bio Basic's molecular biology services.


Biomatters/Geneious is a DNA, RNA and protein sequence alignment, assembly and analysis software platform, integrating bioinformatic and molecular biology tools into a simple interface. We thank Geneious for their donated software which helped us design primers and plan our cloning.

Cornell Institute of Biotechnology

The mission of Cornell’s Biotech Institute is to promote research, education and technology transfer for applications of biotechnology for the benefit of the environment, agriculture, engineering and veterinary and human medicine. We would like to thank the institute for their monetary support to the team for the purchasing of laboratory supplies and equipment.


Corning Incorporated is the world leader in specialty glass and ceramics. Drawing on more than 160 years of materials science and process engineering knowledge, Corning creates and makes keystone components that enable high-technology systems for consumer electronics, mobile emissions control, telecommunications and life sciences. Corning graciously supported our team through donations of laboratory supplies and has been a strong supporter of Cornell iGEM for the past few years.


DNA2.0 is the leading bioengineering solutions provider. Founded in 2003, DNA2.0 offers an integrated pipeline of solutions for the research community, including gene design, optimization, synthesis and cloning, as well as platforms for protein and strain engineering. It is the fastest provider of synthetic genes—based in the US with a global customer base encompassing academia, government and the pharmaceutical, chemical, agricultural and biotechnology industries. DNA2.0 is by far the most published synthetic gene vendor, providing expert support to and collaboration with scientists. DNA2.0 explores novel applications for synthetic genes and is exploiting the synergy between highly efficient gene design and synthesis processes and new protein optimization technologies. DNA2.0’s tools and solutions are fueling the transformation of biology from a discovery science to an engineering discipline.

Integrated DNA Technologies

Integrated DNA Technologies specializes in DNA synthesis, gene construction, antisense oligos, molecular beacons and a variety of molecular biology products. We thank IDT for being an official sponsor of the iGEM competition and providing teams with a discount on gene fragments.


MathWorks is the world's leading developer of technical computing software for engineers and scientists in industry, government, and education. The team thanks MathWorks for sponsoring the 2015 iGEM competition, providing software and technical support to all iGEM teams.

New England Biolabs

Founded in the mid-1970s as a collective of scientists committed to developing innovative products for the life sciences industry, New England Biolabs is now a recognized world leader in the discovery, development and commercialization of recombinant and native enzymes for genomic research. The team is grateful for NEB sponsorship of the iGEM competition, which has provided teams with the BioBrick® Assembly Kit and other products such as DNA ladders and enzymes.


SnapGene offers molecular biology software that offers a fast and easy way to plan, visualize, and document molecular biology procedures. The team would like to thank Snapgene for providing us with licenses that we have used to help visualize our genetic constructs.

Thermo Fisher Scientific

The mission of Thermo Fisher Scientific is to enable their customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. They help their customers accelerate life sciences research, solve complex analytical challenges, improve patient diagnostics and increase laboratory productivity. Through their four premier brands – Thermo Scientific, Life Technologies, Fisher Scientific and Unity Lab Services – they offer an unmatched combination of innovative technologies, purchasing convenience and comprehensive support. We thank ThermoFisher for the donation of research materials.

Cornell College of Engineering

We would like to thank the Cornell College of Engineering for providing material, monetary, and other resources to the team. The Departments of Biological and Environmental Engineering, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, and Electrical and Computer Engineering have all provided resources and advice to the team.