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<div class="container text_header"><h1>Global mutagenesis</h1></div>
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<div class="container text_header"><h3>Impairing the DNA fidelity mechanisms</h3></div>
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<div class="container text_header"><h3>Abstract</h3></div>
<h1 style="margin-bottom: 0px; text-align:left">Project Description</h1>
<h2 style="color:#ffffff; text-align:left">The only way to do great work is to love what you do - Steve Jobs</h2>
<p style="position: relative; font-size: 9px; top: -50px; color: white; float: right; right: 10px;"></p>
<div class="container text_header"><h3>Motivation</h3></div>
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Organism ensure the fidelity of their DNA by three overlapping pathways namely base selection, proofreading and mismatch repair.
These pathways cumulate in replication fidelity of ~10<sup>-10</sup> mutations per bp per generation in <i>E.&nbsp;coli</i>.
By modulating the expression or activity of different genes participating in these fidelity mechanisms respectively expressing
dominant negative variants the mutation rate can be increased substantial. Recently, mutation rates up to 6.2&times;10<sup>-6</sup>
mutations per bp per generation were obtained by using a plasmid-borne mutator system. (Badran, Liu 2015) We aim to make this mutator
plasmid available for the iGEM community by rebuilding it with defined iGEM parts
(see our <a href="http://parts.igem.org/wiki/index.php?title=Part:BBa_K2082117">BBa_K208117</a>). We envision an application in the
directed evolution of our binding protein. Furthermore implementation in other directed evolution approaches could be feasibly
in which our plasmid pose an alternative to error-prone PCR (Wilson, Keefe 2001) or exogene mutagens (reviewed in Steensels et al. 2014; Wong et al. 2006).<br>
<div class="container text_header"><h3>Maintenance of DNA fidelity and creating <i>in vivo</i> mutagenesis by affecting the participarting proteins</h3></div>
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DNA is the single blueprint for all proteins of an organism. Minor changes in the DNA sequence are mostly without significant consequences,
but in some cases the consequences are detrimental e.g. by rendering encoded crucial proteins useless. Therefore, an effective system of DNA
repair mechanisms emerged during evolution. The DNA fidelity system is composed of three main mechanisms, which contribute to the high fidelity.
The first fidelity mechanism lies in selecting the correct base for incorporation during replication of DNA. This process of base selection
reduces the error rate by 10<sup>5</sup> mutations per bp per generation. During replication, the acting polymerase (mainly polymerase III in <i>E.&nbsp;coli</i>)
directly corrects falsely incorporated bases. This process is called proofreading and reduces the error rate by 10<sup>2</sup> mutations/bp/generation.
Other mutations in the DNA e.g. created through replication errors or other mutagenic sources are repaired by the mismatch repair systems.
This system reduces the error rate by 10<sup>3</sup> mutations per bp per generation. (Schaaper 1993; Fijalkowska et al. 2012)  All these fidelity
mechanisms contributed to the error rate reduction  to  about 10<sup>-10</sup> mutations per bp per generation. (Lee et al. 2012).<br> 
Many variants of the participating proteins with (partial) loss-of-function were identified and described in the literature
            As long as mankind remembers, different diseases struck from time to time and demanded millions of lives.
(Schaaper, Radman 1989; Degnen, Cox 1974; Junop et al. 2003; Fowler, Schaaper 1997; Nghiem et al. 1988). The common phenotype upon the  
            Maybe the most fatal of these epidemic outbreaks was the 1918 flu pandemic, which killed between 50-100 million people worldwide.
mutants was a strongly increased mutation rate. It did not take long before better-characterised hypermutator strains arised as a tool to study
            Derived from a simple influenza virus only a few mutations were necessary to change this virus into one of the deadliest threats
the effect of random mutations on proteins or to improve proteins trough means of directed evolution
            that ever existed. Pandemic viral infections like this were the reason for our project selection. Our highest
(Greener et al. 1997; Selifonova et al. 2001; Stefan et al. 2001). A common issue among  different applications of genomic mutator genes is the  
            motivation was to create a system to counteract these
general genetic instability and frequent unviability of these strains. For example, the <i>E.&nbsp;coli</i> strain, which chromosomally harbors
            extremely high risk potential slumbering in commonly known and seemingly not to dangerous viruses. Of course the influenza virus
the strongest known mutator dnaQ926 is almost completely unviable without supporting mutations (Fijalkowska, Schaaper 1996)).
            stated 1918 a much higher risk than it does today. But still viruses are very hard to treat and especially members of the family <i>flaviviridae</i>
Therefore, recent development was directed to the rational design of a plasmid-borne mutator system. By combining the strongest mutator capabilities with a
            like Zika or Dengue virus, show a high risk potential because of their high mutation rate.
tight inducible promoter should result in a controllable mutagenesis system, generally circumventing many issues of chromosome-based hypermutator strains.  
            <br>We found a way to create in a short period of time antibody-like proteins.  
Furthermore, the rational combination of different groups of mutator genes enables combinations, which have a very <a href="#">balanced mutagenesis spectra</a> <br>
            Evobodies are binding
Our mutation system was designed to use an untargeted mutation approach as an alternative to the error-prone polymerase I. Therefore, we tried to reconstruct
            proteins that are able to be quickly adapted to altered targets like viral hull proteins and
the previously described mutator plasmid (Badran, Liu 2015), which consists of six different gene. Overexpression of these mutator genes rises the mutation  
            re-establish binding properties in extremely short periods of time
frequency in <i>E.&nbsp;coli</i> to 6.2&times;10<sup>-6</sup> per bp per generation with induction and only ~4&times;10<sup>-9</sup> per bp per generation without induction, respectively with a diverese mutation spectrum.  
            The limiting factors in this process are the rate at which mutations happen in the gene of the Evobody
            and screening of different proteins. This is the reason why we wanted to build a mutation inducing system
            which is not only able to change basepairs <i>in vivo</i> at a very high frequency,
            but is also specific enough to provide stability in culture
            and does not interfere too much with growth properties of the individual cell.
        <div class="container text">
            The revolutionary part of Evobody generation is the combination of an <i>in vivo</i> mutagenesis
            and a selection system which is also capable of screening our mutants during the process of
            cell cultivation. Due to our constant interaction of altered binding proteins and the <i>in vivo</i>  
            selection, we were eager to increase the mutation rate while retaining normal growth conditions. That is
            why we did not only calculate the mutation rate of our two different mutagenesis approaches,
            but also determined the growth rate under
            different conditions.
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<div class="container text_header"><h3>Generation of binding proteins by directed evolution</h3></div>
Tabelle mit dem Mutationsspektrum
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This year the iGEM Team Bielefeld-CeBiTec aims to create a method for generating synthetic binding proteins,  
Figure: Mutation spectrum of the mutagenesis plasmid developed by Badran and coworkers. (Badran, Liu 2015)
our so-called Evobodies. This works by creating a library of binding proteins and increasing their affinity
towards a target by directed evolution (Figure 1). As a starting point, we randomize the binding regions of
synthetic antibody-like proteins (Figure 1A). Following we screen this library for affinity towards a target by
<div class="container text_header"><h3>DnaQ926</h3></div>
using a bacterial two-hybrid system (Figure 1B). To further increase the Evobodies affinity, we combine the selection
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via the two-hybrid system with an <i>in vivo</i> mutagenesis system (Figure 1C). Doing this we hope to generate strong
The <i>dnaQ</i> gene encodes  &epsilon;-subunit of <i>E.&nbsp;coli</i> DNA polymerase III, which is responsible for the proof reading activity
and specific binding proteins by combining the powerful genetics of <i>E.&nbsp;coli</i> with the biological idea of  
of this enzyme. DnaQ confers  3&apos;-exonuclease activity, which excises falsely incorporated bases during replication. DnaQ926 contains two amino
antibody generation and maturation in vertebrates.
acid substitutions  (D12A, E14A) in the Exo I region, which prevents coordination of an essential metal ion and therefore abolishes the  
<center><figure class="figure">
proofreading activity(Fijalkowska, Schaaper 1996). The overall structure of DnaQ and  interactions with other proteins of the DNA polymerase III
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/b/b9/Bielefeld_CeBiTec_2016_10_19_XXXX_Overview_project_desc.png" class="figure-img" />
complex are not affected by these substitutions. <i>dnaQ926</i> acts as a dominant negative gene causing a strong mutator phenotype even in <i>E.&nbsp;coli</i>
strains with chromosomal wild type <i>dnaQ</i> (Cox, Horner 1986). DnaQ926 competes against DnaQ about incorporation into the DNA polymerase
III complex. Incorporation of DnaQ926 leads to proofreading deficient replication complexes. Therefore, overexpression or plasmid-borne expression
of dnaQ926 is supposed to yield a increased mutation effect. Another side effect of dnaQ926 is, that the <i>E.&nbsp;coli</i> mismatch repair system is
overwhelmed by the large amount of errors introduced by the defective polymerase III complexes. The saturation of this repair mechanism greatly
decreases it’s effectivity and prevents repair of various mutations. (Schaaper, Radman 1989; Damagnez et al. 1989) <br>
The exact rate and mutagenesis spectrum of DnaQ926 differs between the used media. Rich media yield high mutation frequency (3.7&times;10<sup>4</sup>
over background) with mostly transitions, while minimal media cause less mutations (4.8&times;10<sup>2</sup> over background) and mostly transversions
(mainly AT &rarr; TA). The faster growth of bacteria in rich media decreases the time the time to remove errors before cell division via the repair
mechanisms. (Schaaper 1988) <br>
<figure class="figure">
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/a/a8/Bielefeld_CeBiTec_2016_10_15_mutation_dnaQ-structure.jpg" class="figure-img />
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Figure: Structure of DnaQ with indicated mutation sites. In DnaQ926 the acidic amino acids D12A, E14A (red) are changed to alanine.
<b>Figure 1: Schematic Evobody generation process</b>. A library of synthetic binding proteins (A) is screened by a bacterial two hybrid(B) for interaction with a traget protein. Existing interaction between both proteins leads to expression of a resistance gene thus granting the individual cell a selection advantage. After screening the library all suviving clones binding proteins are mutagenized <i>in vivo</i> (C) which results in the generation of new binding properties. Continuous selection cycles of selection and mutation increase the Evobodies binding affinity towards high affine binding proteins. 
Thereby complexation of the function-essential manganese ion (grey) is abolished due to missing negative charges at the amino acid residues.  
(PDB: 2IDO) (Kirby et al. 2006)
We designed our Evobody approach as an alternative to conventional methods for the generation of binding proteins.
In our vision it should be possible to clone each protein encoding sequence into one of our plasmids, let our system
do the work and get a high affinity binding protein, which can be either used for medical, diagnostic or scientific applications.
<div class="container text_header"><h3>DNA adenine methylase (Dam) and the SeqA</h3></div>
<div class="container text_header"><h3>The starting point - synthetic binding protein library</h3></div>
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coming soon
As starting point, we want to create a library of many binding proteins with a high chance to contain a protein
with the potential to bind our target protein. In doing so we choose the core region of the antibody-mimetic mono-
and nanobodies. In the coding region of those proteins, we randomized the loop regions, which are known to bind
other proteins to obtain our library.<br>
The randomization strategy as well as the choice of the protein scaffold is a key part of library generation.
We identified amino acids, which are present in most protein-protein interaction areas and created a randomization
scheme so that only these amino acids are encoded in the antibody-mimetics binding region. Read more about our
library design <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Bielefeld-CeBiTec/Project/Library">here</a>.<br><br>
<center><figure class="figure">
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/f/fd/Bielefeld_CeBiTec_2016_10_19_LIB_general_binding_proteins_overview_with_chimera.png" width=60% class="figure-img" /><br><br>
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<b>Figure 2: Library of initial binding proteins.</b> Expression of the initial binding proteins with variable regions highlighted in seperate colors (turquoise, orange, white, green, pink and blue) and constant regions in olive. The theoretical variability for each scaffold is 1.073.741.824.
<div class="container text_header"><h3>EmrR</h3></div>
<div class="container text_header"><h3>Survival of the fittest - bacterial two-hybrid</h3></div>
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As mentioned before the main factor of replication fidelity is the correct base incorporation during replication.  
In the next step, the binding protein library should be screened for proteins with an innate affinity for our target.  
This is mainly dependent on the &alpha;-subunit of DNA polymerase III, but the intracellular concentrations of the
We want to realize this by using a bacterial two-hybrid system (Figure 3). Therefore, our target protein (1) is fused to a DNA  
single nucleotidetriphosphates are important too (ref?). A strong imbalance between the single nucleotide-triphosphates
binding domain (2), which localises upstream of a reporter cassette (3). The binding protein (4) is fused to a RNA polymerase
or a high concentration of base analogs can increases the rate of incorporation of a wrong base  (Gon et al. 2011). <br>
subunit (5). Interaction between the binding and the target protein leads to recruitment of the RNA polymerase to the promoter
One possible way to achieve this imbalance is the overexpression of <i>emrR</i>. EmrR is a transcriptional repressor of
region of the reporter cassette and activates the reporter gene expression. By using an antibiotic resistance as a reporter
the <i>emrAB</i> operon. This operon encodes an efflux pump, which is linked to multidrug resistance (Lomovskaya et al. 1995).  
gene the output of the  bacterial two hybrid system should lead to the survival <i>E.&nbsp;coli</i> cells carrying a good binding
However, the native function of EmrAB is the export of intermediates of the purine and pyrimidine biosynthesis and metabolism.  
protein and the death of all cells with a bad binding protein.
An overexpression of <i>emrR</i> reduces the concentration of EmrA and EmrB leading to increased concentration of nucleotide
<center><figure class="figure">
precursors inside the cell. At these higher concentrations, these nucleotide precursors can act as base analogs. Mutations are
<a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Bielefeld-CeBiTec/Project/Selection">
caused either by the incorporated nucleotide precursor or via error prone repair mechanisms.(Gabrovsky et al. 2005)
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/9/9e/Bielefeld_CeBiTec_2016_10_14_project_description_selection.png" width=60% class="figure-img"/>
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<b>Figure 3: Bacterial-two hybrid system.</b>Interaction between the binding protein (4) and the target protein (1)
lead to recruitment of RNA polymerase (5) to the promoter upstream of the reporter cassette (3) and subsequent
expression of the reporter gene. In this case the reporter is beta-lactamase, which expression leads to degradation
of ampicillin (blue squares) and survival of the bacteria.
From the two-hybrid system we expect foremost a selection of the binding protein library. Furthermore, we expect a correlation
between binding - target protein affinity and the activated gene expression strength of the reporter. By using an antibiotic
resistance protein as a reporter we predict increased levels of the resistance protein inside a cell with a high affinity
binding protein. The outcome of this should be an increase of individual fitness for bacteria with good binding proteins,  
which should lead to a higher growth rate under strong selective pressure. The complete two-hybrid system should cumulate in a
correlation between binding protein affinity and bacterial growth rate, which should lead to selection of a few bacteria with
strong binding proteins. Find out more on our <a href=” https://2016.igem.org/Team:Bielefeld-CeBiTec/Project/Selection“>selection subpage</a>.
<div class="container text_header"><h3>Uracil glycosylase inhibitor and <i>Pteromyzon marinus</i> cytidin deaminase 1</h3></div>
<div class="container text_header"><h3>Accessing the sequence space - <i>in vivo</i> mutagenesis</h3></div>
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Cytidin deaminases (cda) are DNA editing enzymes in eukaryotes, which have multiple functions like the generation of antibody diversity,
After selection of the bulk of our library we will increase the affinity of our Evobodies in a process similar to the affinity
defence against retroviruses and demethylation during development (Lada et al. 2011). <br>
maturation of antibodies (<a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Bielefeld-CeBiTec/Description#Teng2007">Teng und Papavasiliou 2007</a>). As
The main activity of Cdas is the deamination from cytidin to uracil in CG base pairs. The resulting UG base pairs split in replication
addressed above we will select our Evobodies by increasing the selection pressure. At the same time, we will use an <i>in vivo</i>
in one CG and one UA basepair. Therefore, the main mutations created by Cdas are C &rarr; T transitions. <br>
mutagenesis system. Thereby ,we can increase the sequence diversity beyond the limits of our library. Slightly modifications of 
<figure class="figure">
binding proteins identified during the initial selection will are the basis for the directed  evolution.
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<a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Bielefeld-CeBiTec/Project/Mutation">
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/d/d4/Bielefeld_CeBiTec_2016_10_14_project_description_mutation.png" width=60% class="figure-img"/>
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Figure: Desamination of cytidin by cytidin deasminases and possible resulting mutations by replication of base excision repair (BER).  
<b>Figure 4: <i>In vivo</i> mutagenesis system.</b> By using an <i>in vivo</i> mutagenesis system a single Evobody coding
Cytidin deaminase (CDA deaminases cytidin to uracil. The resulting GU base pair leads to a UA and a CG base pair in replication.
sequence can be evolved to various different variants, each with a unique binding site. The single starting sequence is
Alternatively, the uracil is repaired via the base excision repair. Thereby, uracil-DNA-glycosylase (UNG) cuts out uracil and the  
replicated during growth and thereby mutations are incorporated either through error-prone polymerase I or a combination
abasic site (AP-site) inside the DNA gets repaired by specialized endonucleases and polymerases.
of global mutator genes. The process results in the creating of the library of binding proteins with different binding properties.
Organisms have created mechanism to repair mismatches as UG pairs via the base excision repair (BER). Thereby the mismatched base is
cut out by the uracil-DNA-glycosylase (Ung). The resulting abasic site (AP-site) is cleaved by an AP-endonuclease and the patch is filled
by a variety of specialised proteins (Krokan, Bjoras 2013). <br>
Overexpression of eukaryotic cytidin deaminase increases the mutation rate in bacteria. The Cda1 of  <i>Pteromyzon marinus</i> was identified
in a comprehensive screen as the most potent cytidin deaminase when expressed in <i>E.&nbsp;coli</i>. Overexpression of <i>P. marinus</i> <i>cda1</i>
increases the mutation rate to 10<sup>-6</sup>-10</sup>-5</sup> /bp. In  <i>ung</i> deficient strains the effect was amplified by a factor of 10<sup>?</sup>
due to the lack of UNG induced BER (Lada et al. 2011). <br>
The CDS of <i>P. marinus</i> <i>cda1</i> was codon optimized for <i>E.&nbsp;coli</i> integrated into our mutagenesis plasmid to increase the expression.
Moreover,  the uracil-DNA-glycosylase inhibitor (<i>ugi</i>) was added. This short protein mimics the structure of abasic sides, binds to UNG and inhibits
the UNG mediated BER pathway.
In detail, we will compare two different possibilities to diversify our binding proteins. The first approach is the use of an
error-prone polymerase I in an otherwise Pol I temperature-sensitive <i>E.&nbsp;coli</i> strain.
(<a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Bielefeld-CeBiTec/Description#Camps2003">Camps et al. 2003</a>)
Growth at a non-permissive temperature should result in accumulation of mutations in the part of the genom maintained by DNA polymerase I.
The interesting idea behind this approach is the fact that large parts of plasmids carrying an origin of replication from the
ColE1-familiy are replicated by the polymerase I. (<a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Bielefeld-CeBiTec/Description#Camps2003">Camps et al. 2003</a>; <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Bielefeld-CeBiTec/Description#Camps2010">Camps 2010</a>)
Because of this, the usage of the error-prone polymerase I should mutant mainly our Evobody sequence on a plasmid. Thereby off-target
mutations, which are a major obstacle of <i>in vivo</i> mutagenesis, should be minimized. (<a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Bielefeld-CeBiTec/Description#Camps2003">Camps et al. 2003</a>)<br>
Our other approach is based on creating a plasmid borne hypermutator system by modulating the <i>E.&nbsp;coli</i> DNA fidelity systems.
(<a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Bielefeld-CeBiTec/Description#Badran2015">Badran und Liu 2015</a>) We will express known mutator genes under tight regulation from a plasmid. By using a plasmid borne mutator
system, in contrast to the more classical approaches of incorporating the mutator genes directly inside the genom.
(<a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Bielefeld-CeBiTec/Description#AgilentTech">Agilent Technologies</a>; <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Bielefeld-CeBiTec/Description#Greener1997">Greener et al. 1997</a>) 
Thereby we want to circumvent the known problems with globally increased mutation rate, which are genetic instability or general unviability.<br>
Over the course of our project we want to find out which mutagenesis system is most suitable to our directed evolution approach.
Therefore we will compare both possibilities in terms of mutagenesis rate, -spectrum, -controllability and -specifity. How will
we do this? Find out on our <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Bielefeld-CeBiTec/Project/Mutation">mutation</a> mainpage.
<a class= "button_link" href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Bielefeld-CeBiTec/Project/Library" role="button"><button>Library</button></a>
<a class= "button_link" href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Bielefeld-CeBiTec/Project/Mutation" role="button"><button>Mutation</button></a>
<a class= "button_link" href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Bielefeld-CeBiTec/Project/Selection/Motivation" role="button"><button>Selection</button></a>
<a class= "button_link" href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Bielefeld-CeBiTec/Model" role="button"><button>Modeling</button></a>
<a class= "button_link" href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Bielefeld-CeBiTec/Results" role="button"><button>Results</button></a>
<div class="container text_header">
<h2>Improve a part</h2>
<h3>Mutator gene dnaQ926 - <a href="http://parts.igem.org/Part:BBa_K1333108">BBa_K1333108</a></h3>
<div class="container text">
We used <a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:SYSU-China">iGEM SYSU-China 2014's</a> dnaQ926 (<a href="http://parts.igem.org/Part:BBa_K1333108">BBa_K1333108</a>) in our genome wide mutator.
See <a href="">here</a> or go directly to the <a href="http://parts.igem.org/Part:BBa_K1333108">partsreg</a> to see how we contribute to BBa_K1333108 characterization.
<a class= "button_link" href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Bielefeld-CeBiTec/Parts/Improve" role="button"><button>Improve a part</button></a>
<div class="container text_header"><h3>Literature</h3></div>
<div class="container text">
<li id="AgilentTech">Agilent Technologies: XL1-Red Competent Cells. Instruction Manual 2015.</li>
<li id="Badran2015">Badran, Ahmed H.; Liu, David R. (2015): Development of potent in vivo mutagenesis plasmids with broad mutational spectra. In: Nature communications 6, S. 8425. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9425.</li>
<li id="Camps2010">Camps, Manel (2010): Modulation of ColE1-like plasmid replication for recombinant gene expression. In: Recent patents on DNA & gene sequences 4 (1), S. 58–73.</li>
<li id="Camps2003">Camps, Manel; Naukkarinen, Jussi; Johnson, Ben P.; Loeb, Lawrence A. (2003): Targeted gene evolution in Escherichia&nbsp;coli using a highly error-prone DNA polymerase I. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 100 (17), S. 9727–9732. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1333928100.</li>
<li id="Fijalkowsk1996">Fijalkowska, I. J.; Schaaper, R. M. (1996): Mutants in the Exo I motif of Escherichia&nbsp;coli dnaQ: defective proofreading and inviability due to error catastrophe. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 93 (7), S. 2856–2861.</li>
<li id="Greener1997">Greener, A.; Callahan, M.; Jerpseth, B. (1997): An efficient random mutagenesis technique using an <i>E.&nbsp;coli</i> mutator strain. In: Molecular biotechnology 7 (2), S. 189–195. DOI: 10.1007/BF02761755.</li>
<li id="Teng2007">Teng, Grace; Papavasiliou, F. Nina (2007): Immunoglobulin somatic hypermutation. In: Annual review of genetics 41, S. 107–120. DOI: 10.1146/annurev.genet.41.110306.130340.</li>
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Latest revision as of 14:58, 7 December 2016

Project Description

The only way to do great work is to love what you do - Steve Jobs


As long as mankind remembers, different diseases struck from time to time and demanded millions of lives. Maybe the most fatal of these epidemic outbreaks was the 1918 flu pandemic, which killed between 50-100 million people worldwide. Derived from a simple influenza virus only a few mutations were necessary to change this virus into one of the deadliest threats that ever existed. Pandemic viral infections like this were the reason for our project selection. Our highest motivation was to create a system to counteract these extremely high risk potential slumbering in commonly known and seemingly not to dangerous viruses. Of course the influenza virus stated 1918 a much higher risk than it does today. But still viruses are very hard to treat and especially members of the family flaviviridae like Zika or Dengue virus, show a high risk potential because of their high mutation rate.
We found a way to create in a short period of time antibody-like proteins. Evobodies are binding proteins that are able to be quickly adapted to altered targets like viral hull proteins and re-establish binding properties in extremely short periods of time The limiting factors in this process are the rate at which mutations happen in the gene of the Evobody and screening of different proteins. This is the reason why we wanted to build a mutation inducing system which is not only able to change basepairs in vivo at a very high frequency, but is also specific enough to provide stability in culture and does not interfere too much with growth properties of the individual cell.
The revolutionary part of Evobody generation is the combination of an in vivo mutagenesis and a selection system which is also capable of screening our mutants during the process of cell cultivation. Due to our constant interaction of altered binding proteins and the in vivo selection, we were eager to increase the mutation rate while retaining normal growth conditions. That is why we did not only calculate the mutation rate of our two different mutagenesis approaches, but also determined the growth rate under different conditions.

Generation of binding proteins by directed evolution

This year the iGEM Team Bielefeld-CeBiTec aims to create a method for generating synthetic binding proteins, our so-called Evobodies. This works by creating a library of binding proteins and increasing their affinity towards a target by directed evolution (Figure 1). As a starting point, we randomize the binding regions of synthetic antibody-like proteins (Figure 1A). Following we screen this library for affinity towards a target by using a bacterial two-hybrid system (Figure 1B). To further increase the Evobodies affinity, we combine the selection via the two-hybrid system with an in vivo mutagenesis system (Figure 1C). Doing this we hope to generate strong and specific binding proteins by combining the powerful genetics of E. coli with the biological idea of antibody generation and maturation in vertebrates.
Figure 1: Schematic Evobody generation process. A library of synthetic binding proteins (A) is screened by a bacterial two hybrid(B) for interaction with a traget protein. Existing interaction between both proteins leads to expression of a resistance gene thus granting the individual cell a selection advantage. After screening the library all suviving clones binding proteins are mutagenized in vivo (C) which results in the generation of new binding properties. Continuous selection cycles of selection and mutation increase the Evobodies binding affinity towards high affine binding proteins.
We designed our Evobody approach as an alternative to conventional methods for the generation of binding proteins. In our vision it should be possible to clone each protein encoding sequence into one of our plasmids, let our system do the work and get a high affinity binding protein, which can be either used for medical, diagnostic or scientific applications.

The starting point - synthetic binding protein library

As starting point, we want to create a library of many binding proteins with a high chance to contain a protein with the potential to bind our target protein. In doing so we choose the core region of the antibody-mimetic mono- and nanobodies. In the coding region of those proteins, we randomized the loop regions, which are known to bind other proteins to obtain our library.
The randomization strategy as well as the choice of the protein scaffold is a key part of library generation. We identified amino acids, which are present in most protein-protein interaction areas and created a randomization scheme so that only these amino acids are encoded in the antibody-mimetics binding region. Read more about our library design here.

Figure 2: Library of initial binding proteins. Expression of the initial binding proteins with variable regions highlighted in seperate colors (turquoise, orange, white, green, pink and blue) and constant regions in olive. The theoretical variability for each scaffold is 1.073.741.824.

Survival of the fittest - bacterial two-hybrid

In the next step, the binding protein library should be screened for proteins with an innate affinity for our target. We want to realize this by using a bacterial two-hybrid system (Figure 3). Therefore, our target protein (1) is fused to a DNA binding domain (2), which localises upstream of a reporter cassette (3). The binding protein (4) is fused to a RNA polymerase subunit (5). Interaction between the binding and the target protein leads to recruitment of the RNA polymerase to the promoter region of the reporter cassette and activates the reporter gene expression. By using an antibiotic resistance as a reporter gene the output of the bacterial two hybrid system should lead to the survival E. coli cells carrying a good binding protein and the death of all cells with a bad binding protein.
Figure 3: Bacterial-two hybrid system.Interaction between the binding protein (4) and the target protein (1) lead to recruitment of RNA polymerase (5) to the promoter upstream of the reporter cassette (3) and subsequent expression of the reporter gene. In this case the reporter is beta-lactamase, which expression leads to degradation of ampicillin (blue squares) and survival of the bacteria.
From the two-hybrid system we expect foremost a selection of the binding protein library. Furthermore, we expect a correlation between binding - target protein affinity and the activated gene expression strength of the reporter. By using an antibiotic resistance protein as a reporter we predict increased levels of the resistance protein inside a cell with a high affinity binding protein. The outcome of this should be an increase of individual fitness for bacteria with good binding proteins, which should lead to a higher growth rate under strong selective pressure. The complete two-hybrid system should cumulate in a correlation between binding protein affinity and bacterial growth rate, which should lead to selection of a few bacteria with strong binding proteins. Find out more on our selection subpage.

Accessing the sequence space - in vivo mutagenesis

After selection of the bulk of our library we will increase the affinity of our Evobodies in a process similar to the affinity maturation of antibodies (Teng und Papavasiliou 2007). As addressed above we will select our Evobodies by increasing the selection pressure. At the same time, we will use an in vivo mutagenesis system. Thereby ,we can increase the sequence diversity beyond the limits of our library. Slightly modifications of binding proteins identified during the initial selection will are the basis for the directed evolution.
Figure 4: In vivo mutagenesis system. By using an in vivo mutagenesis system a single Evobody coding sequence can be evolved to various different variants, each with a unique binding site. The single starting sequence is replicated during growth and thereby mutations are incorporated either through error-prone polymerase I or a combination of global mutator genes. The process results in the creating of the library of binding proteins with different binding properties.

In detail, we will compare two different possibilities to diversify our binding proteins. The first approach is the use of an error-prone polymerase I in an otherwise Pol I temperature-sensitive E. coli strain. (Camps et al. 2003) Growth at a non-permissive temperature should result in accumulation of mutations in the part of the genom maintained by DNA polymerase I. The interesting idea behind this approach is the fact that large parts of plasmids carrying an origin of replication from the ColE1-familiy are replicated by the polymerase I. (Camps et al. 2003; Camps 2010) Because of this, the usage of the error-prone polymerase I should mutant mainly our Evobody sequence on a plasmid. Thereby off-target mutations, which are a major obstacle of in vivo mutagenesis, should be minimized. (Camps et al. 2003)
Our other approach is based on creating a plasmid borne hypermutator system by modulating the E. coli DNA fidelity systems. (Badran und Liu 2015) We will express known mutator genes under tight regulation from a plasmid. By using a plasmid borne mutator system, in contrast to the more classical approaches of incorporating the mutator genes directly inside the genom. (Agilent Technologies; Greener et al. 1997) Thereby we want to circumvent the known problems with globally increased mutation rate, which are genetic instability or general unviability.
Over the course of our project we want to find out which mutagenesis system is most suitable to our directed evolution approach. Therefore we will compare both possibilities in terms of mutagenesis rate, -spectrum, -controllability and -specifity. How will we do this? Find out on our mutation mainpage.

Improve a part

Mutator gene dnaQ926 - BBa_K1333108

We used iGEM SYSU-China 2014's dnaQ926 (BBa_K1333108) in our genome wide mutator.
See here or go directly to the partsreg to see how we contribute to BBa_K1333108 characterization.


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