Team:Hong Kong HKUST/tourDebug

pTet Module

Hello guys welcome to the pTet Module!Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Excepturi, dolores, quibusdam architecto voluptatem amet fugiat nesciunt placeat provident cumque accusamus itaque voluptate modi quidem dolore optio velit hic iusto vero praesentium repellat commodi ad id expedita cupiditate repellendus possimus unde?

Promoter, Repressor and Inducer Specification

pTet promoter
  • Promoter name: pTet (Tet repressible promoter)
  • Length: 54 base pairs
  • Strength with:
    • Weak RBS (BBa_B0032): 5.6 - 517.5 (+17) RPU
    • Medium RBS (BBa_B0030): 25.5 - 2323.1 (+259.5) RPU
    • Strong RBS (BBa_B0034): 39.6 - 4041.5 (+247.8) RPU
  • Repressor name: TetR (Tet repressor)
  • Part Length: 685 base pairs
  • Structure: Homodimer of alpha-helices
  • Binding affinity: To pTet, very light, 0-1 µl/ml has been shown to cause a 5 order of magnitude change in fluorescent protein production
  • Inducer name: ATc (Anhydrotetracycline)
  • Binding Affinity: (to TetR) Ka ~ 109 M-1
  • Effective range: 250 - 25000 ng/ml