
Manchester iGEM 2016


iGEM Chalmers Gothenburg

The work on this page may not represent the final modelling used by Chalmers Gothenburg but it represents the final model that was built by the University of Manchester iGEM team at the point the collaboration was concluded. Any edits and changes beyond this were solely the work of the Chalmers Gothenburg team. Work that was not completed by our team included finding of parameters for the equations etc the only work completed in collaboration was the actual model itself.

The final model used by Chalmers Gothenburg can be seen here

figure 1

The model consists of two organisms in co-culture, each dependant on one another for an essential substrate, ie without one the other would be unable to survive. The model predicts the concentration of the 2 organisms as well as the acetate which is the main product of the system.

The system was modelled using the following differential equations:

Substrate limited specific cell growth (Monad equation) $$r_g = \mu_{max} \frac{Sx_v}{K_s + S}$$
Cell death. First order with respect to viable cell concentration $$r_d = k_d x_v$$
Product formation (Luedeking–Piret equation) Product produced in cell growth and in cell maintenance $$r_p = \alpha r_g +\beta x_v $$ $$x_v = \int r_x dt \qquad , \text{ where } r_x = r_g - r_v$$
The substrate uptake: $$r_s = r_{s_x} + r_{s_p} + r_{s_m}$$ that is, the sum of rate of substrate utilisation in cell sythensis, maintenance and product formation

A MATLAB script was produced to solve the system of equations.

Note: each equation occurs twice, once for each cell and these are just the generic forms. Side reactions in the system were not considered at this stage.

Reference: McNeil, B. and Harvey, L. (2008). Practical fermentation technology. Chichester, England: Wiley.

iGEM Virginia

We took part in the biocontainment survey conducted by Virginia iGEM 2016 and were granted a collaboration badge for our help

iGEM Paris Saclay

We filled a form on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) as conducted by Paris Saclay iGEM 2016 and were granted a collaboration badge for our help

paris saclay batch