

n questioned 308 100%
1. Gender
male 99 32%
female 146 47%
not specified 63 20%
2. age
<18 4 1%
18-29 284 82%
30-45 5 1%
46-55 9 3%
56-65 5 1%
>65 6 2
not specified 35 10%
3. educational status
no degree 0 0%
Lower secondary education 8 3%
secondary school leaving certificate 20 6%
High-school diploma 232 75%
university degree 42 14%
not specified 5 2%
4. level of knowledge: cancer (1: very high - 5: none)
1 26 8%
2 70 23%
3 134 44%
4 67 22%
5 11 4%
5. importance of developing new cancer therapies (1: very high - 5: none)
1 150 72%
2 29 14%
3 5 2%
4 13 6%
5 11 5%
6. Which cancer therapy methods do you knwo? (multiple answers possible)
Chemotherapy 308 100%
Radiation therapy 257 83%
Antibody therapy 118 38%
Surgical therapy 217 70%
Prodrug therapy 17 6%
Viral therapy 60 19%
None 2 1%
7. level of knowledge: gene therapy (1: very high - 5: none)
1 27 9%
2 32 10%
3 63 20%
4 90 29%
5 96 31%
8. Where would you gather information about gene/cancer therapy? (multiple answers possible)
physician 143 46%
internet 254 82%
relatives 88 29%
hospital 98 32%
lectures 158 51%
9. Would you prefer gene therapy over conventional therapies? (1: very likely - 5: very unlikely)
1 25 8%
2 112 36%
3 150 49%
4 15 5%
5 6 2%
10. Attitude towards gene therapy (1: very positive - 5: very negative)
1 59 19%
2 127 41%
3 107 35%
4 10 3%
5 5 2%
11. Personal application of gene therapy (1: much likely - 5: highly unlikely)
1 61 20%
2 125 41%
3 100 32%
4 14 5%
5 8 3%